I know you did, I have done a few seasons myself in ICGTC if you remember those crazy guys. And I know it isn't easy. It was in the end almost something that ruined my life, I'm so glad I found a reason to drop it totally.
But I have a idea about leagues over at iRacing, don't mention GTPlanet, people over there seem afraid to race GT drivers or something.
I do plan to organize a championship later on, but for now I still want my break from the organizing and just race.
But when i plan to start I think the best way is to work with others and make a finished layout of the plan and go with it.
See how you did the GT championship. by the look of it from outside it was organized and no BS and by the look of it... It seem to work.
It doesn't look like the iRacing community is used to advanced championships through forums. Lots of championship you have to register on another webpage and it's all very complicated. Maybe a forum championship isn't "serious" enough over there.
I also told Jav this, but if you need any help I can of course help you, I don't know what it can be at the moment, but don't be a stranger. So if you want a straight answer and not a yes sir, of course sir answer you can ask me. I tell you my opinion even if it hurts.