GT League Willow Streets -I spin off and game instantly demotes me to last argghhhh!

The game has the RETURN CAR TO TRACK option which in itself should stop people from cheating or becoming stuck off the track. The whole of Willow Springs is a sandy nightmare in this respect. This is definitely a bug and a race breaking one. The corner is one or the hardest in the whole game especially when going for a fast lap time.
It's the fastest corner in the track.
It's blind over a hill
It's even a chicane of sorts.
There's bumps on the track
Nothing but sand off the road so no coming back once you touch it
No walls to stop you once you leave the track

Having pointed this out imagine how easy it would be now for a dirty player to simply punt the leading guy in front off the track here and cackle in mad scientist laughter as his name gets demoted to last.
I certainly don't want walls put around tracks or invisible walls, there is a fine line between going 'balls out' and driving on the limit of your control, It's nice that there is a severe penalty for exceeding track limits, you see it as a bug, I see it as a blessing.

As for dirty drivers, they could punt people off anywhere, they will soon get kicked from lobby.