GT Mobile videos - now with cockpit view

  • Thread starter Dazzla
I said look at the VIDEO. The video has better graphics than the screenshots for some reason.
I only said, almost up to PS3 standards. Of course it's way off of being a PS3 game, it's on a PSP. A PSP game will be comletely up to PS3 standards the day pigs fly over my bugatti.
I only said, almost up to PS3 standards. Of course it's way off of being a PS3 game, it's on a PSP. A PSP game will be comletely up to PS3 standards the day pigs fly over my bugatti.
So... it's almost up to PS3 standards, yet way off at the same time? Right. :odd:
I said look at the VIDEO. The video has better graphics than the screenshots for some reason.

:) Normal... try one yourself, take your camera, do a video of your screen during a gameplay/replay of one of your psp game: the camera will ANTIALIAZE NATURALLY the gameplay because of the difference of resolution, it's why you feel like it's better on the video.


and this new screenshot seems to be from a later build than the screenshots from the E3: in this one, there is the famous GT reflections touch and they matches the ones we saw on the E3 videos... so we can tell that this screen is an accurate description of what we will play in october: beautiful lighting and reflections but with normal aliasing and dithering like any other game on the PSP (which is normal due to the amount of power a PSP can deliver - less than a PS2)
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You used a camera in your first pic, and we all know that cameras lower quality. And if you take a screenshot, that's when the imperfections come out, but the 60fps hides the imperfections. Just look very closely and you don't see them.
I agree with PJ, plus, the game needs to look good in real time, i don't care it it's jaggy on still pictures, as long as i have that sweeet gameplay :D
Funny because I'm a professional graphic designer and short movie director using often HD cameras for movies... so I should know what I'm talking about... :rolleyes: The first screen was done WITH a HD cam during the E3 with the demo replay. The HD cam just ANTI-ALIASED what YOU SEE on the video (NOT the game) but your eyes just work MUCH better than any camera censors, so YOU WILL SEE THE JAGGIES and DITHERING when playing.

Well, you know, it's like to talk to a wall with you guys, you'll see by yourself in october: there WILL BE jaggies and Dithering when everything moves because NO game on PSP are jaggies and dithering-free... just NOT ENOUGH POWER! (especially when you want to cram 800 well modelized (good amount of polys) cars, GT graphics and 60fps into it), just common sense... against blind faith.
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That's been said, The game even with jaggies and dithering is one of the most beautiful that I ever seen on this little handeld, no question about it. ;) I don't know how kaz will cram 800 cars with a good amount of polygons (much better than in any other race game on PSP) keeping 60FPS and keeping the GT4 "touch"... That seems so impossible on a PSP! :)
I don't expect it to be flawless, i expect jaggies and pixels, but i'm just surprised by how little there are for a game like this.
Sorry, I should have posted this here age ago. Better late than never right? Please Pardon the double post
^ Thanks for that vid PJ-FFL 👍. That seals my decision then, I'll buy the old PSP for GTM. Gameplay > Graphics anyday :).
And another crappy driver :D
But impressive nonetheless.

BTW can anybody tell me why dithered output is less processor intensive?
the physics actually look pretty good even though the drive sucks. Looks more like GT5p physics (includes oversteer) than GT4 (no oversteer).
BTW can anybody tell me why dithered output is less processor intensive?

Simple, Dithering is used since PS2 to simulate more colors than the game actually have. Less colors=Less processing time & power. If you have Photoshop try this test yourself: take a full color image then translate it in GIF file, you will have a lot of dithering optional possibilities and you'll see how the size dramatically change between a full color and the same Dithered image. Now, imagine that result IN MOTION and you will know why PS2 and PSP game creators use this trick so much for their game. With the power of the PS3, no need dithering anymore...

You can well see the dithering on a big HD LCD screen (because PS2 games resolution were mostly optimized for old CRT type TV), same with the PSP: the game are not really on their advantage on a big screen: you see all the aliasing, the dithering and the blur due to the native resolution versus your HD screen resolution.

back to the video: I hope they will give us the option to loose the direction a bit in a analog setup, because it's very stiff at the moment due to the very short possibility of movement of the analog: the car seems very hard to drive. (Codemasters offered this option in every of their games on PSP.)
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Simple, Dithering is used since PS2 to simulate more colors than the game actually have. Less colors=Less processing time & power. If you have Photoshop try this test yourself: take a full color image then translate it in GIF file, you will have a lot of dithering optional possibilities and you'll see how the size dramatically change between a full color and the same Dithered image. Now, imagine that result IN MOTION and you will know why PS2 and PSP game creators use this trick so much for their game. With the power of the PS3, no need dithering anymore...

You can well see the dithering on a big HD LCD screen (because PS2 games resolution were mostly optimized for old CRT type TV), same with the PSP: the game are not really on their advantage on a big screen: you see all the aliasing, the dithering and the blur due to the native resolution versus your HD screen resolution.

back to the video: I hope they will give us the option to loose the direction a bit in a analog setup, because it's very stiff at the moment due to the very short possibility of movement of the analog: the car seems very hard to drive. (Codemasters offered this option in every of their games on PSP.)

Ok I knew the basics of dithering :)
But don't you just calculate the color a pixel should have and send it to the screen or buffer or whatever? Mustn't the real pixel colors be calculated before you can dither them?
I find the sound typical for Gran Turismo tbh. not that great, but since its based on GT4 thats not a surprise. Havent noticed the backfire till now though, which is cool.
back to the video: I hope they will give us the option to loose the direction a bit in a analog setup, because it's very stiff at the moment due to the very short possibility of movement of the analog: the car seems very hard to drive. (Codemasters offered this option in every of their games on PSP.)

True, considering that this game has oversteer and precision turning is impossible on the PSP.
Again pardon the double post, but I just noticed that GTM has backfire. Watch carefully at the Enzo's exhaust while braking. Watch closely at 1:36, very closely.

Great vid! Crappy driver, but gorgeous car :). My only complaint is the sound; it's WAY OFF a real life Enzo (yes, I've heard one IRL). Might be the camera's speakers though, we'll see...

By the way, since when has the Trial Mountain map been flipped? Looks very weird to me, since the last GT game with TM in it that I've played is GT2.
Again pardon the double post, but I just noticed that GTM has backfire. Watch carefully at the Enzo's exhaust while braking. Watch closely at 1:36, very closely.

Just a question.
Did you read my last post here? ;)

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