GT Mobile videos - now with cockpit view

  • Thread starter Dazzla

Rubbish you two cannot claim nothing, All in game shots minus the FMV Sequences are real in game footage

You must not own a PSP, my friend, to write crazy statements like that because you would know that that kind of "ingame" gameplay visuals are just IMPOSSIBLE on this handheld, PERIOD! Now, if you want to believe in these truckload of lies, be my guest, this is not just "a bit touched up", this is WAY BEYOND the capacity of this console (antialiasing, textures, reflections, resolution,...). Just look at the gameplay videos or the last screenshots from gamescon09, and you will see by yourself what REALLY LOOK LIKE GT MOBILE. Yes, there will be jaggies, poor textures, nicely done lighting but just speculars because the PSP just can't handle MORE, it's not even as powerful as a PS2. So, YES, STOP DREAMING and enjoy what is really GT mobile today because from theses screens, it's the best you will have on the PSP 1 so far. WOW, some people really believes in Santa Claus even when they can see by themselves the facts (Gamescom videos and screenshots)! I suspect the "ingames" of this HD producer video are maybe for a PSP... 2 that we know is in development and maybe GT Mobile...2 will be in time for a real launch title in 2010 or 2011.

Watch these NEWEST very clear videos with the Citroen GT on Suzuka and the Clio on the Nordshliefe: jaggies, poor textures, specular reflections normal for a PSP1!... as I said already STOP DREAMING! :
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Rubbish you two cannot claim nothing, All in game shots minus the FMV Sequences are real in game footage, Was there an 09 GTR V-Spec in GT4? No. Just because you think it's no way near to look as good as it's stated to me doesnt mean it isnt. You can clearly see the differences all especially on that Subaru on the Rally Track, The textures are far from GT4 but look extremely good on a handheld. Real cars, When he says Real Cars he means every day cars you see around you from a Peugeot 206 to a Nissan Skyline, Of course other PSP games have had cars like these in them but has any other handheld device carried these amount of cars 800? No. The game has alot of Cars you wont ever see in any other racing game on the PSP. Get your facts straight. You cannot compare TOCA to Gran Turismo. That's just laughable.

I beleive that they wont look 100% as that trailer sampled since you cant get a HD Version PSP Screen and that video is in HD. They've been touched for the Big Screen since this trailer was released on the PSN Network. People would just moan if it was PSP Resolution on a 40" TV for example if you can get my meaning. The game looks impressive but no one can honestly say that trailer has no in game elements of GT PSP at all. I want to hear PD's motives on these type of trailers as I noticed it's a very tacky Americanised Trailer to fit in with the USA Scene of course. I dout Kaz would release a Trailer like that if it was up to him but of course thats his Marketing teams work and Sony's.

Can I have some of what you are smoking?

Are you one of those guys who kept insisting those previous GTM screenshots that were obviously bullshots were actually somehow going to happen on the PSP? That the fact that they were not psp models, not psp capable effects, not psp resolution didn't make them bullshots somehow?

A little touched up? Are you joking or just have no idea what you are talking about?

Those aren't a little touched up... see my previous post on the PSP mobile pics with the two girls for the explanation. I mean if these qualify as "a little touched up" then the intro video for FFVII was a good representative of the game play, just "a little touched up".

And what's this about it's not GT4 so it must be acual PSP shots? Yeah... those are the ONLY places in the world you can get video of racecars right? No one cranks out custom tech demo game engines to generate snazzy video right? No one uses higher quality (but not actual) models in a higher quality rendering engine on higher powered hardware (which by this point isn't at all the original content) to crank out fake hype generating videos to get fanboys all excited? There is NO other explanation... any video we see right no that is not GT5 must be GT4 or GTM? Ok... you do realize the term bullshot comes from exactly the process of showing something that is not any actual product but rather a mock up to hype some other product?

Seriously... touched up a little... get real. There is nothing in that video that even remotely represents what you will see in game on the PSP beyond the content (ie car types and locations and what they are doing).

People ask why a company would release bullshots? Who could possibly believe it? Guess what, it's people like you who will believe it, that's why.

Keep rationlizing how through some very long stretch of tweaks, changes, upscaling and whatever else you want to say happened, these are still reasonably representative of PSP gameplay. I will just sit back and know that this video is total bull...


Watch these NEWEST very clear videos with the Citroen GT on Suzuka and the Clio on the Nordshliefe: jaggies, poor textures, specular reflections normal for a PSP1!... as I said already STOP DREAMING! :



fixxed :)

You must not own a PSP, my friend, to write crazy statements like that because you would know that that kind of "ingame" gameplay visuals are just IMPOSSIBLE on this handheld, PERIOD! Now, if you want to believe in these truckload of lies, be my guest, this is not just "a bit touched up", this is WAY BEYOND the capacity of this console (antialiasing, textures, reflections, resolution,...). Just look at the gameplay videos or the last screenshots from gamescon09, and you will see by yourself what REALLY LOOK LIKE GT MOBILE. Yes, there will be jaggies, poor textures, nicely done lighting but just speculars because the PSP just can't handle MORE, it's not even as powerful as a PS2. So, YES, STOP DREAMING and enjoy what is really GT mobile today because from theses screens, it's the best you will have on the PSP 1 so far. WOW, some people really believes in Santa Claus even when they can see by themselves the facts (Gamescom videos and screenshots)! I suspect the "ingames" of this HD producer video are maybe for a PSP... 2 that we know is in development and maybe GT Mobile...2 will be in time for a real launch title in 2010 or 2011.

Watch these NEWEST very clear videos with the Citroen GT on Suzuka and the Clio on the Nordshliefe: jaggies, poor textures, specular reflections normal for a PSP1!... as I said already STOP DREAMING! :

Can I have some of what you are smoking?

Are you one of those guys who kept insisting those previous GTM screenshots that were obviously bullshots were actually somehow going to happen on the PSP? That the fact that they were not psp models, not psp capable effects, not psp resolution didn't make them bullshots somehow?

A little touched up? Are you joking or just have no idea what you are talking about?

Those aren't a little touched up... see my previous post on the PSP mobile pics with the two girls for the explanation. I mean if these qualify as "a little touched up" then the intro video for FFVII was a good representative of the game play, just "a little touched up".

And what's this about it's not GT4 so it must be acual PSP shots? Yeah... those are the ONLY places in the world you can get video of racecars right? No one cranks out custom tech demo game engines to generate snazzy video right? No one uses higher quality (but not actual) models in a higher quality rendering engine on higher powered hardware (which by this point isn't at all the original content) to crank out fake hype generating videos to get fanboys all excited? There is NO other explanation... any video we see right no that is not GT5 must be GT4 or GTM? Ok... you do realize the term bullshot comes from exactly the process of showing something that is not any actual product but rather a mock up to hype some other product?

Seriously... touched up a little... get real. There is nothing in that video that even remotely represents what you will see in game on the PSP beyond the content (ie car types and locations and what they are doing).

People ask why a company would release bullshots? Who could possibly believe it? Guess what, it's people like you who will believe it, that's why.

Keep rationlizing how through some very long stretch of tweaks, changes, upscaling and whatever else you want to say happened, these are still reasonably representative of PSP gameplay. I will just sit back and know that this video is total bull...

Just came on this morning to notice that I was a bit of an idiot last night. Alcohol does get the worse me. My apoligees as I can clearly see I'm wrong from analising the trailers today. I can put my hand up and admit I was wrong so lets move on shall we?

Thanks for the extra Youtube videos as we can clearly see about the textures and lighting etc all in game and not bull shots. 👍
Just came on this morning to notice that I was a bit of an idiot last night. Alcohol does get the worse me. My apoligees as I can clearly see I'm wrong from analising the trailers today. I can put my hand up and admit I was wrong so lets move on shall we?

Alcohol and posting dont mix... :sly::sly:
Wow what a crap vid... there they go pushing more non PSP gameplay screens in a way that basically leads you to believe that's what you will see.

I don't think there was a single in game shot for PSP in that whole video. And the claim that no other game has real cars? Hello.... Toca has plenty of cars on the PSP... not to the extent this does but come on...
1. The PSP Go will have better graphics than the old PSP.

2. Perhaps you can tell me of another PSP game which has real street cars involved in racing.

3. You're really beginning to sound like a troll.

Now I'm not interested in GT Mobile, but you people whining about this game are just stunning. Proof that on the internets, some people will never be happy with anything.
As I would pick my '09 BMW 320d if it was in the game, but since PD most likely put the M3 instead, I would race with that one :P
That is indeed Valencia!

The track next to Valencia has the same logo as Cathedral Rocks (that is the middle bottom track, right?) but seems to have a completely different layout
Veyron looks great. Shame they weren't going faster so we could have a clearer view of the moving spoiler. Want this so badly but my Birthdays in a few weeks time so I'll save that up and buy GTPSP and play it on my original PSP version.
To me, there appears to be a new dealer between Ford and Gillet, but I can't think of any car company whose name would fit there. Also, before Mazda, there's a logo which look alot like Maserati to me.
The burnout at the beginning looks awesome... We've never been able to do that or see smoke like that in the past. GT PSP is looking very impressive so far. I'm sure some people will even want a PS2 port.

Btw can anyone tell what the fourth car is in that video? There's two other Veyrons and one white car which gets totally left behind. You can barely see it but it doesn't look like a Veyron (and it makes sense for it not to be, which is why it was totally smoked).