GT Mode damage repair..

  • Thread starter balang_479
This has probably been discussed before but thought I would address it again as we now have damage confirmed.

In GT Mode its all based around the money.. and we use it to buy things and maintenance in the form of oil and washing. What about damage, if the game is to be as realistic as possible, would the damage repair be free or have to pay???

I wouldnt mind paying as it would seriously add to the realism and make each car you have more personal in a way, but i can imagine it being quite annoying when you just want to drive and you cant becuase of a damaged car...
also this would mean that if you destroyed your only car at the beginning and couldnt race or repair you career would basically be over...

what do you guys think?
i think its a stupid idea considering how many punters are in the net...

Would be so frustrating to purchuase a brand new expensive supercar and then have a 13 yr. old destroing it completeliy by crashing into you. No Thx

GT-Mode Only - i could live with that. But still not fond of it...
I'd be all for having to pay for your damage in GT mode. Teaches you to drive without clattering everything.

But for online? No. Online, you will always come across punters. So it's not fair to have to use a load of your GT credits having to fix your car, when someone else crashed into you. Even if there were private rooms, you can still come across lag... which gives a risk of damaging your car in wheel to wheel racing.

But a big yes for paying for your own damage in GT mode.
i think you should get less money in the race depending on how big the damage is .. like an penalty if you crash much you dont get much money from the race..
I'd like it as long as the bill for the damage could never cost more than the prize money for the race you just did.
But thinking about it I'd probably prefer it to be like Forza where there is damamge but the car is repaired for you at the end of each race free of charge. At the end of the day this leaves you with more money to buy nicer cars with, which I prefer.
I would love that you can pick server online with damage and without damage.
I think that is fair.
I'd like it as long as the bill for the damage could never cost more than the prize money for the race you just did.
But thinking about it I'd probably prefer it to be like Forza where there is damamge but the car is repaired for you at the end of each race free of charge. At the end of the day this leaves you with more money to buy nicer cars with, which I prefer.

yes offcourse the cost cant be more than the price money.. that would suck..
yes i like what they have in forza . that works great.
think gt should learn somethings from forza. some of the custumization in forza is awsome..
Damage should and will be in all modes of Gran Turismo becuase it will teach everyone MAINLY THE BLOODY PUNTERS. Having damage in just GT mode will take away from the whole experience of racing. Plus it would get a lot of punters of the sim; I also think a stiffer penalty program will in GT5. If you want your car repaired for free play Forza and if you want to pick a sever with damage or not then you should just leave GT alone.
I'd like it as long as the bill for the damage could never cost more than the prize money for the race you just did.
But thinking about it I'd probably prefer it to be like Forza where there is damamge but the car is repaired for you at the end of each race free of charge. At the end of the day this leaves you with more money to buy nicer cars with, which I prefer.
You have to pay for the damage, in fact your first line describes it.
The damage should definitely not have no cost. In Forza 2 you have an incentive to try not to damage your car; you get to keep your 10% winnings bonus. I think that's how GT5 should do it.
I'm not so sure. What if you wanna crash just for fun. I mean most people like smashing things up don't they. Ofcourse you wouldn't do it all the time because then what would be the point of having racing in the game!
The damage should definitely not have no cost. In Forza 2 you have an incentive to try not to damage your car; you get to keep your 10% winnings bonus. I think that's how GT5 should do it.

Gran Turismo is a racing sim not a racing game like Forza or any of them. Getting the same thing in GT5 as in Forza is not going to happen. If you got to continue comparing Forza to GT then you need to stick with M$ Forza which is for GAMERS. Gran Turismo is for drivers and for people who wish to be drivers. We as drivers want a real driving sim not a baby’s game.
Gran Turismo is a racing sim not a racing game like Forza or any of them. Getting the same thing in GT5 as in Forza is not going to happen. If you got to continue comparing Forza to GT then you need to stick with M$ Forza which is for GAMERS. Gran Turismo is for drivers and for people who wish to be drivers. We as drivers want a real driving sim not a baby’s game.

Forza online is great with so many options for your Novices to your experts.PD have set the rooms up simular to Forza with the amount of options you have when you host a room.
If PD sets the private rooms up properly paying for your damage is a must.After alot of people crying for damage then dont want to add the other side of the story and paying for what happens its funny.
I too all for GT-mode damage. As for online. I wouldn't mind it but, it would need some kind of rule to it. Like having a certain server room that has a set Credits for damage purpose. Or having to reach 100k Credit before damage and certain licence is unlockable. Just a thought anyways.
Yes,i would like to pay for my own damage.Many of u are saying that it would be annoying if some kid would crash u during a online race,but u see if they would have to pay for they own damage they would probably lose their will to play and then we would have an online with only fair and honest drivers who take care of their behaviour on the track.I think it would also be cool to be forced to pay for the track days and split the price of an track between eachothers.
If it was restricted to GT mode, thats a great idea, but I would not like it to be a realistic sum of money.
Perhaps about the cost of an oil change for minor damage and 1000Cr for a totalled car.

Would give "GT Auto" some more importance
Forza online is great with so many options for your Novices to your experts.PD have set the rooms up simular to Forza with the amount of options you have when you host a room.
If PD sets the private rooms up properly paying for your damage is a must.After alot of people crying for damage then dont want to add the other side of the story and paying for what happens its funny.

I don't know much about Forza, care not to either. If they have rooms that's fine and good.

I'd say you'd have to pay for repairs for off line racing but not online racing.

Stop being a baby, If your a good on-line driver then you shouldn't worry about paying for damage in on-line races unless your a basher.
i have to say i Do Not want to pay for damage, i mean, for guys like me that arent the best racers, we do mistakes and having to pay for that will be annoying as hell, so no, i refuse to paying for damage.

And Btw, i think that GT Auto would be the perfect mod shop for liveries and aerodynamic parts, rims included too.
I don't know much about Forza, care not to either. If they have rooms that's fine and good.

Stop being a baby, If your a good on-line driver then you shouldn't worry about paying for damage in on-line races unless your a basher.

If I was a punter damage would be my fault. I'm not though so I'd be the victim of punting and that wouldn't be funny if the 50,000 cost of straightening the chassis in GT4 is anything to go by!
I think that you should pay, no matter what mode it's in (on or offline) then there's the argument "what if you can't pay for the damages" well, PD should put in a loan system. you loan 10k to fix the cars, then pay back 11k by racing sunday cup 12 times :D
Damage should and will be in all modes of Gran Turismo becuase it will teach everyone MAINLY THE BLOODY PUNTERS. Having damage in just GT mode will take away from the whole experience of racing. Plus it would get a lot of punters of the sim; I also think a stiffer penalty program will in GT5. If you want your car repaired for free play Forza and if you want to pick a sever with damage or not then you should just leave GT alone.

You seem to have a bunch of holes in your theory, man.

1. Consider the community:
Whether you like it or not, there are going to be punters online. What do punters tend to do? Wreck your car. When you're driving cleanly and get blindsided by some dick because he feels like having a good time, do you really want to foot the bill?

2. There's gonna be accidents:
What if you're driving online and the person in front of you accidentally slams on his brakes because he misjudged a turn. Yeah, you're supposed to race your time, not the person in front of you, but not everyone follows those rules. In this scenario, both of you made simple mistakes, yet you're going to be in the hole however many credits because you lost track of things for a second.

3. Online can be laggy:
If GT5P is anything to go by, there are going to be moments where a car that's 4 lengths behind you is magically transported right in front of you thanks to lag. Heck, maybe he'll be transported inside you. Now, if there's a definitive damage in all online races, this race was just ended. Lag is unpredictable, and you can't just tell me that everyone is going to have a perfect connection all around the world.

So, if you just read this, and your first reaction is going to be telling me to go play Forza, then maybe you should go back up to the beginning of this post and read it again.
Its so funny how PS3 guys only look at there own little world and not the big picture.If there is something good an another game that will suit every player why not set up private rooms simular?
If you get punters in your room that your hosting you should be able to kick them.
There should be damage in the multiplayer part of the game. BUT, if anyone is sensed to have deliberately punt anyone, they should have to pay for both their own car and the other persons.

So some "13yo" deliberately driving into the rear of your supercar is going to cost THEM a bucketload of cash.
There should be damage in the multiplayer part of the game. BUT, if anyone is sensed to have deliberately punt anyone, they should have to pay for both their own car and the other persons.

So some "13yo" deliberately driving into the rear of your supercar is going to cost THEM a bucketload of cash.

That's good in theory, but there wouldn't really be a way to enforce it. The punter might have no money in the bank at the moment, so the only way I can see that working is if all the money he earned was automatically "transferred" to the repairs he needed. Of course, the affected party would just have the funds instantly in their bank, so they wouldn't have to wait on the punter, who may quit the game altogether.
There should be damage in the multiplayer part of the game. BUT, if anyone is sensed to have deliberately punt anyone, they should have to pay for both their own car and the other persons.

So some "13yo" deliberately driving into the rear of your supercar is going to cost THEM a bucketload of cash.

This is what I was thinking too.

It could be like you choose to purchase insurance which is an ongoing but fairly insignificant cost, that covers you for all repairs, your fault or if you hit other people.

If you get through a race unscathed, you get a no claims bonus and the premium drops a bit each time. Maybe there can be a mode where you get to play as the Insurance broker. How cool would that be!!!!? Ive been waiting for an insurance game to come out ever since the megadrive.