Put the wing on it
Anyone else getting 1.16 g's on a winged cuda and 1.13 non winged ? Noticed hostility only has 1.10 as does someone else on the other board.
My non winged cuda runs 1.13g, havent tried a wing yet.
MikeybcAnyone else getting 1.16 g's on a winged cuda and 1.13 non winged ? Noticed hostility only has 1.10 as does someone else on the other board.
Hey man, took my wing off to test it.. Here are my results. As you see the g's bounce around a little bit. Good eye** kinda odd.
Nice....you're a bit quicker than my wingless, I'm probably gonna take the wing off since its not a huge difference and its really ugly. I've never seen a car transform so much (almost .100) just by moving 2 suspension sliders.
SmokeNrubberGoing to assume this all comes down to what rpms your launching from
Danny280zxturboThanks mazda!! sorry to bother you bro, I know you got better things to do bro!!