Gt planet's 1/4 mile data base COMING BACK SOON

  • Thread starter mazdaman
OK.. Ya i think this is the 2.08 i didnt know there was a 2.10 already! And the pictures resemble his cuz its the same TV and camera that he used. Were talking about my older brother just for the record. bad :ouch:

I feel REALLY stupid now :(
Forget what?

Never mind.

I was just looking at your "brother's" Sultans of Speed thread and he posted THE EXACT SAME TIMES. WITH THE EXACT SAME 0-60 and 0-100.

Welcome back, Karo.
Never mind.

I was just looking at your "brother's" Sultans of Speed thread and he posted THE EXACT SAME TIMES. WITH THE EXACT SAME 0-60 and 0-100.

Welcome back, Karo.
Idno if you have a hard time reading but im not Karo.
I don't think this is Karo, because he knows the difference between a timed launch and a retro launch which these times are done with. He wouldn't lie about what he's doing. This guy got his pics of and posted them here claiming they're his.

Too easy.
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Lol he knows the difference between timed and retro yet is totally unaware of the huge 2.10 update which effed everything up


I'm agreeing with Janco on this one
Once again guys im not Karo. Hes related to me im his younger bro. I took his photos from his photobucket with his permission. But he told me it might not fly and since we havent had internet connection for a while so posted his times which the mods denied back then. I have some part in those times but my bro did almost all the work.
Sorry if i caused unnecessary drama but as soon as we get our connection back i will be sharing my times with you guys. With the help of my bro of course if thats ok with you guys?
I know they band him for some misunderstandings but hopefully its a better site then what it was before.
Hogwash flying thick n fast.
Mods denied it back then, yet you post it now?
Have no Internet connection, yet here you are at GTP.
No the site isn't better, same old BS
You said you're his bro, well tell him to add me on PSN when you get your internet connection that allows you to be on GTP but not on the PS3. You totally have read the first post which said no retro launching. You clearly didn't even know that those times were retro launched. Yet you claim you were a part of them.

Just another troll.

To clear this up, go to the other site and start a topic with his account saying that you're his brother and this is meant to clear up some things. And tell him to add me on PSN.
Hogwash flying thick n fast.
Mods denied it back then, yet you post it now?
Have no Internet connection, yet here you are at GTP.
No the site isn't better, same old BS

You said you're his bro, well tell him to add me on PSN when you get your internet connection that allows you to be on GTP but not on the PS3. You totally have read the first post which said no retro launching. You clearly didn't even know that those times were retro launched. Yet you claim you were a part of them.

Just another troll.

To clear this up, go to the other site and start a topic with his account saying that you're his brother and this is meant to clear up some things. And tell him to add me on PSN.

Theres other computers and internet connections all around the damn world Smoke... Im at work right now. Therefore i have internet connection here bright one, but no PS3.
And ya i have a part in his tune mostly breaking the cars in and doing the wheels and paint. So i didnt know about no retro launch till now.
You guys need to loosen up dudes. Didnt think my bro left an impact on this site that bad. Haha clearly he was right about everyone.
Ill post my times when i get my connection going.
What have wheels and paint got to do with a tune? Other than aftermarket wheels being faster than stocks on most cars?

He left with a bang of here and he was big on the sceene, I never had a problem with Karo, he was a cool guy. I have a problem with you because you're not his brother. You're trying to steal his work and call it your own.

I see you overlooked my request that you start a topic on with his account and say that you're his brother and you will be posting again. Wonder why... If he shares his tunes with you, I don't see why couldn't he share his acc for a moment.

Also if you were to use his ps3, you would probably know I was already on his friend list. He hasn't been on for two months almost.
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Or is copy an paste from gt5drag ? Lol anyone can do it all the times are the same as karo's 0-60 0-100 all of it :) plus that gt no stripe is a retro, I tryed it on mine and...
What have wheels and paint got to do with a tune? Other than aftermarket wheels being faster than stocks on most cars?

He left with a bang of here and he was big on the sceene, I never had a problem with Karo, he was a cool guy. I have a problem with you because you're not his brother. You're trying to steal his work and call it your own.

I see you overlooked my request that you start a topic on with his account and say that you're his brother and you will be posting again. Wonder why... If he shares his tunes with you, I don't see why couldn't he share his acc for a moment.

Also if you were to use his ps3, you would probably know I was already on his friend list. He hasn't been on for two months almost.
Yeah no internet connection buddy.
Ask me anything you want about Karo and ill prove to you im his younger bro.
The GT5 account was him. The only reason why hes still on that site is cuz hes a mod. And hes not into the posting times drama no more. Some crazy GT5 pictures he took that will be coming up soon as soon as we get our connection back.
Listen i dont care if you believe me or not. JUst plz stop hating.. Im new to this site and already im disliking it cuz of you... Lay off dude.

PS: Karo got kicked off this site due to the mods not believe he made another account while he was temporally band. Thats were Hydro believed the mods claiming they have proof which no one saw that proof. How would i know that?
He spent hours with Hydro breaking in cars.
There was that drama that happend a while back between Hydro and the Brothers,(PTK's Team) cuz of that whole "fastest drag racing team".
His favorite car is the SVTR. I can say more personal stuff about Hydro and what got shared in the group but im not gona do that cuz those guys trusted him and i wont put them on blast. But if you guys need more proof ask away!
Or is copy an paste from gt5drag ? Lol anyone can do it all the times are the same as karo's 0-60 0-100 all of it :) plus that gt no stripe is a retro, I tryed it on mine and...

That's what I'm thinking.

Yeah no internet connection buddy.
Ask me anything you want about Karo and ill prove to you im his younger bro.
The GT5 account was him. The only reason why hes still on that site is cuz hes a mod. And hes not into the posting times drama no more. Some crazy GT5 pictures he took that will be coming up soon as soon as we get our connection back.
Listen i dont care if you believe me or not. JUst plz stop hating.. Im new to this site and already im disliking it cuz of you... Lay off dude.

PS: Karo got kicked off this site due to the mods not believe he made another account while he was temporally band. Thats were Hydro believed the mods claiming they have proof which no one saw that proof. How would i know that?
He spent hours with Hydro breaking in cars.
There was that drama that happend a while back between Hydro and the Brothers,(PTK's Team) cuz of that whole "fastest drag racing team".
His favorite car is the SVTR. I can say more personal stuff about Hydro and what got shared in the group but im not gona do that cuz those guys trusted him and i wont put them on blast. But if you guys need more proof ask away!

Only thing I am asking you is to go in, sing in with his account and create a thread saying that It's you. If you do that, I take everything I said back. Until then...

Why haven't you done it when I asked you twice before? Because you're not his brother. Everything you said about his favourite car and why he got banned, wow bro, even I know that and I wasn't signed on here at the time.

And all of the cars you posted were retro launches, except for the 4WDs, tbh I don't even know how to get that 0-60 on the LMQ, it's second to impossible. How can you even post times, which you have no idea how they were done and claim them yours? Everyone could go and make a 2nd acc, steal all his pics from photobucket and post them here.
So, Karo's brother, what car does Karo own? (I remember he had two)

Or two cars he owned recently, since I did not keep in touch with him.
OK well if your karos younger brother welcome to gtp here's how imma handle this.
I want a video of a live pass showing that legit time. Why I need this is because thanks to your bro many people accused him of retro launching. Welcome to gtp btw inbox me.

View everything on that pass and before you run it show you havw srf off.

See me and you are cool it's your brother on the other hand I don't like.
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Retro launching became the norm after Karo's took over the other leaderboard, I've got two cars posted there that are retroed., so yeah Karo's cars.....the ones that could be retroed are.
Retro launching became the norm after Karo's took over the other leaderboard, I've got two cars posted there that are retroed.

Congrats on the 3000th post of this thread lol. ....... and this is why I dont respect that site and I made this leaderboard
Understood but why do something that's not possible online?

Think it eventually just became a numbers game while keeping previous restrictions such as no srf or e-cheat in place which ironically can be done online.

I do prefer your rules though as it helps level the playing field, some can't or don't even know about the retro launch.