Gt planet's 1/4 mile data base COMING BACK SOON

  • Thread starter mazdaman
So, Karo's brother, what car does Karo own? (I remember he had two)

Or two cars he owned recently, since I did not keep in touch with him.
Hes got the Black SVT Cobra which i know Merchetto loved. If im not mistaken hes using my bro's car as his default picture. And his recent car he got was the convertible GT.
Im sure hes told and showed you his last car he had before theme stangs was the slammed lexus SC400 white.
Am i right or am i right swara?
Hes got the Black SVT Cobra which i know Merchetto loved. If im not mistaken hes using my bro's car as his default picture. And his recent car he got was the convertible GT.
Im sure hes told and showed you his last car he had before theme stangs was the slammed lexus SC400 white.
Am i right or am i right swara?

Yup, you're correct!

Why did you post Karo's times though? Even with the same 0-60 and 0-100?

And did you get janco's request?
OK well if your karos younger brother welcome to gtp here's how imma handle this.
I want a video of a live pass showing that legit time. Why I need this is because thanks to your bro many people accused him of retro launching. Welcome to gtp btw inbox me.

View everything on that pass and before you run it show you havw srf off.

See me and you are cool it's your brother on the other hand I don't like.

I can care less of what you think. Im sure he doesnt like you too mazdaman
Yup, you're correct!

Why did you post Karo's times though? Even with the same 0-60 and 0-100?

And did you get janco's request?

I dont have connection. And janco's saying my bro already has him soo... ya.
He my brother my freaking blood what ever is his is mine. Hes koo with me taking his pictures and his photo bucket. Idno why you guys are against it. Like i said id didnt know there was a 2.10 update so didnt he. As so as i get out connection running ill update the times and see how much i differ from you guys.
As so as i get out connection running ill update the times and see how much i differ from you guys.

But I thought he timed them?
..and you just.. road in circles for 200 miles then picked some colors..?
Why don't you write a post on The other site saying that you're Karo's brother?

Okay so mazdaman was being nice to you, and lol you took it personally like as if you were Karo... All he asked was to put your times up to date. If he doesn't like your "brother," he doesn't like your "brother!"

I still ain't gonna believe anything. I know you don't care what I think after all the harassment your "brother" gave me but no problem.
Understood but why do something that's not possible online?

Online racing is a different ball game then testing it at the SSRX. GT5 put the 1/4 test track for us to test our cars skills and reactions. Online is just having fun. You guys are the ones who take it to a next level by not allowing this and that just cuz you cant do it online... My bro figured out how RETRO does his launches and he did it. I dont see why RETRO doesnt get the blame for bringing the launch in this community and my bro gets hated or disrespected just cuz he can do it better then the guy its named after.
That acr of karos is clearly retro launched. 8:98's only possible with retro. The r34 is exact same .294 of karos. But the gts '02 9:138. Can't be retro as I got mine faster lol.

Mikey I'm hoping I copied that tune to another sheet because I completely forgot about the tyre wear causing the bog.

P.s was running a guy really fast yesterday. I asked him if he can tune for route x and would he like to be in a team. His name is W_R_A_I_T_H_90. I asked him to go to comp. And to create acc.

So hyper try this guy out. He seems civilized and I had a hard time treeing him sometimes. Thanks
Swara im sure mazda has his reasons of not liking karo but he is my bro and if you had sibling hopfully you would stand up for them too.
And if your not gona believe anything then stop talking and asking questions.
Swara im sure mazda has his reasons of not liking karo but he is my bro and if you had sibling hopfully you would stand up for them too.
And if your not gona believe anything then stop talking and asking questions.

I have two little sisters, so of course I'll stand up for them.

And I can talk whenever I want, it is an online forum and I'm not breaking any rules. Don't tell me what to do.
But I thought he timed them?
..and you just.. road in circles for 200 miles then picked some colors..?

Just cuz he launched the ACR in 1st gear means its retro but if he launched in 2nd its considered timed launch? Who says? Its all about getting the fastest 1/4 mile time and his fastest time was off 1st gear.
I remeber when swara kept asking my bro how he does it and he told him but swara wasnt able to pull it off. My bro on the other hand mastered the launch and now hes getting poop for it...
Tell me what you guys do to get your times. whats legit here now? I didnt know theres rules on how to drive your own tune...
I dont have connection. And janco's saying my bro already has him soo... ya.
He my brother my freaking blood what ever is his is mine. Hes koo with me taking his pictures and his photo bucket.:boggled: Idno why you guys are against it.:crazy: Like i said id didnt know there was a 2.10 update so didnt he. As so as i get out connection running ill update the times and see how much i differ from you guys.

So its cool to just take anyone's pics of times and post them as your own? If I did that I'd have my name all over the FF board like Danny.

Why would we have a problem with it? Ummm... Lets see, we spend countless hours getting these times and you just copy a image and post it like it yours.
Even if its your brothers it aint yours.

As for the update you said your at work right? Well go online, download the new update, put it on your little flash drive, go home install it on the PS3 and wa-la 2.10 then do a few runs that aren't retro launched take a few pics with your phone, download the mobile apps GTP and some image site of your choice. Post legit pics and your good to go.

You do not need internet to post times is all I'm saying.

Ninja Edit: :lol: 2nd gear does not mean timed launch. A timed launch is when you smash the gas at the right time to get the full power for the launch.
So its cool to just take anyone's pics of times and post them as your own? If I did that I'd have my name all over the FF board like Danny.

Why would we have a problem with it? Ummm... Lets see, we spend countless hours getting these times and you just copy a image and post it like it yours.
Even if its your brothers it aint yours.

As for the update you said your at work right? Well go online, download the new update, put it on your little flash drive, go home install it on the PS3 and wa-la 2.10 then do a few runs that aren't retro launched take a few pics with your phone, download the mobile apps GTP and some image site of your choice. Post legit pics and your good to go.

You do not need internet to post times is all I'm saying.
Dont talk to me about countless hours. Ive seen him on this game for nights so please no need.
I dont have a flash drive. Have some patient guys i just opened this account damn...
Dont talk to me about countless hours. Ive seen him on this game for nights so please no need.
I dont have a flash drive. Have some patient guys i just opened this account damn...

Oh, well its the best $5-10 you'll spend. Also you can keep a back up save on there just in case something happens:nervous::scared:

Which reminds me I need to do a new back up while I'm talking about it.

Another ninja edit: When your the one spending the countless nights tuning, then come talk to me.
Anyways let me hush seems your getting a little defensive.
Online racing is a different ball game then testing it at the SSRX. GT5 put the 1/4 test track for us to test our cars skills and reactions. Online is just having fun. You guys are the ones who take it to a next level by not allowing this and that just cuz you cant do it online... My bro figured out how RETRO does his launches and he did it. I dont see why RETRO doesnt get the blame for bringing the launch in this community and my bro gets hated or disrespected just cuz he can do it better then the guy its named after.

I don't ever recall anyone hating on Karo for retro launching, it was even accepted on the old board here ( there was a little resistance at first) , just the new rules now disallow it, therefore his times are invalid Karo was always respected by everyone here...even when he was retro launching his cars and his little challenges to get the quickest time.
Maybe you should move, because living underground may give you some connection problems. 👍 The clouds may work better. Venus gives me a great online tree though.

Has anyone tuned the premium F430 '06?
Swara im sure mazda has his reasons of not liking karo but he is my bro and if you had sibling hopfully you would stand up for them too.
And if your not gona believe anything then stop talking and asking questions.

you seem to know about your brother, but nothing of why he is not very liked here at all? you seem to not know when your brother had stopped playing, he was not with us anymore. i dont remember sultan 4.6 mentioning a brother. after all, he is 22? 24? somewhere in that area, so how old could you be? yet i remember no mention of you.

and why do you say koo... just as you brother always did?
you seem to know about your brother, but nothing of why he is not very liked here at all? you seem to not know when your brother had stopped playing, he was not with us anymore. i dont remember sultan 4.6 mentioning a brother. after all, he is 22? 24? somewhere in that area, so how old could you be? yet i remember no mention of you.

He was locked in a cage underground for a decade...

Maybe we can get some solid proof that you are the brother of Karo.
Theres other computers and internet connections all around the damn world Smoke... Im at work right now. Therefore i have internet connection here bright one, but no PS3.
And ya i have a part in his tune mostly breaking the cars in and doing the wheels and paint. So i didnt know about no retro launch till now.
You guys need to loosen up dudes. Didnt think my bro left an impact on this site that bad. Haha clearly he was right about everyone.
Ill post my times when i get my connection going.

Would love to know what you mean by " he was right about everyone "
As Mikey stated above, he had huge respect from pretty much ever regular here. I'm no exception to that. Never had any issue with him.

Running in a car has jack to do with a tune dude. No amount of talk will change that fact.

Won't even go into your original post, where you clearly failed to mention they weren't your tunes/times.

Said my bit, I'll leave it at that.... This poor thread, seems to get derailed all to frequently
Wow! Detective work going down here. Now that you mention it, Karo did always say "Koo". How do you realise things like that KT, without being told?

because, what karo did to our team then is something i wont ever forget. i remember everything about it, our darkest days. and now that im leader, his brother suddenly comes to gtp?

karo hates hydro, and after him saying what he did about us and to us, i do not doubt anything he does. after lying about making the second account, this could very well be him.
Very true. I still don't see what his problem was. He was temp-banned. Not a big deal really. Then that happened.
Yep, and aren't I pleased about that :)👍

Yep, but karo probably isn't. After all, i know our guys remember what he said about us. funny too, because I just looked at those corvettes the other day, black, red, and a carbon fiber hood. Seems im not the only one who remembers his pictures.

We need to stop Derailing this thread though. So im done.
I like to talk out loud as well*

Listen, what's done is done. Karo is doing his thing. Hydro is doing their own. Who cares if it's Karo, or his brother. Cook the beef some where else, for the communities sake.
Btw: great times, lets just rerun the retro'd cars.. It's in the rules ;) Janco did a great job at it when he joined GtP from the other site..