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Polyphony formula car?
Well i dont have any snips of cars so lets try something else. I will give a description of a car and you guess it. Heres the car description: This car is japanese, this car was the 33rd version of a series of cars. Its top speed is 155mph. This car has some resemblance to an american muscle car. This car has a 3.5 litre V6. Guessed what it is yet?
Hoorah! Its also called a 350z, which gets its name from the engine size. The muscle car reference? 286bhp and 0-60 in 5.2 seconds is the reason. Your turn.Fairlady Z?
I'm going offline for the night... I'll check responses tomorrow after 12 noon.
Wayyy too easy, for sure. Can i have my turn early?ooh, this is the easiest one!
Wayyy too easy, for sure. Can i have my turn early?
Hks genki hyper silvia rs2 (d1gp) '04
Oh, never mind - did a little research - it's BMW M5
OK, here's description.
It's a rally car. And what makes even easier - it's French.