GT-R Official Record (READ FIRST POST)

  • Thread starter Falango
I'm really losing confidence in my ability with this, first being 2 seconds behind the leader in an Arcade Tamora/Grand Valley East contest at another forum (1.07.6/1.09.6), and now I read here some have beaten the time even having spun. I'm still around 5 seconds off the pace absolutely driving the wheels off the car.

I've never had a problem with being a pad user in the past and in GT5 up until now, is a wheel really that much better?? I don't understand what I could be doing so wrong...

I feel the same over 5 secs to gain somewhere
1st lap think about warming up your tyres and getting a feel of the car
then go for the time on second lap
much easier

nurburgring nords is a VERY misleading track you maybe driving on the limit of the car but are you hitting your apexs perfect every corner and getting on the gas early for a whole lap
I don't get it how you guys can do this. I have a lot of ring experince, but I can't seem to do it with this car. My best lap so far is 7.42, an unvalidated lap beacuse I accidentially cut a corner going fast through Pflantzgarten, and of course the usual spin while braking for the last chicane.

At first I tried pushing the car to it's maximum, but the result was understeer in the fast corners and the rear end spinning out while braking hard for the slower corners. I had to ease up the pace to get through without going off the track but then I am waaay too slow.:nervous:

I'm using DFGT with my usual setup, all aids off except ABS 1.
You need to brake early and gently in the GTR and try to carry as much speed as possible through the corners... the car doesn't like hard late braking (it tends to spin)and a sharp, late turn in (it tends to understeer).

I heard the fastest time at GTRP is currently a 7'14.5xx.
After my last post, I went back trying, and I managed to get my first validated time ever, at 7.48, which is almost 20s of the target time. I actually felt it went quite smoothly, I felt I got good speed through most corners, controlling the understeer, got off the track a little twice, but managed to get back on it quick. And also I was super careful while braking for the last chicane, almost spun but made it through cleanly.

This will require A LOT of practice.
Can anyone beat this time with comfort soft tyres???

I think they are closer to the real life tyres than the sport hards....

I'm going to try it tomorrow, But if any of you can beat the record with comfort soft's i'd say that's a much more true to life test.
I'm pretty sure the GTR record was set on the optional Bridgestones, which were considered equivalent to S1's or sports hard in GT land.

But ultimately there isn't a direct comparrision as the GTR real life record is a bridge to gantry lap, not a full lap as in the game.
After half an hour of spinning and invalidated laps I finally got in a clean time of 7:23.459 and got the trophy. There's a lot more time to be found as well.
Finally I managed to do an almost clean, fast lap. Not fast enough though, 7.34, and unvalidated because of the usual accidental cutting in Pflanzgarden. Obviously it can be done a lot better but now I don't really now where to find 5 extra seconds. Although I think it must be done after the Karusell because I was very confident at first but after the Karusell I was a little more unsure. Also a started to lose the gap to my ghost car who had spun at Wehrseifen. I think I will leave it like this now and come back to this throphy later.


I beat this last night, the record is 7:28:622.
at first ,I use a wrong car that in my garage, record is 7:27:733,
that car with little low power with the time attack one, just got 468PS( THE TA ONE is 480PS)
after that,I know i do it wrong because the trophy didn't come out.
so I do it again, finally got the 7:28:622 and the trophy.
and than, I try to do it again with my own car,but go to gt auto to change the oil,
the power up to over 500ps.... and finally got 7:28.742. but this time I try to drive it easily,
not so rush.
all the record done by TCS & ABS off with G27.
I'm pretty sure the GTR record was set on the optional Bridgestones, which were considered equivalent to S1's or sports hard in GT land.

But ultimately there isn't a direct comparrision as the GTR real life record is a bridge to gantry lap, not a full lap as in the game.

No, I checked - these were properly organised 'test' laps and occured over the full circuit with no standing start (see first page of this thread).

Bridge-to-gantry laps are generally set on 'open' days when there's a speed limit on the stickstrecke to allow cars to enter/exit the track via the toll booths.
GTRP = Grand Turismo Racing Point... it's a German GT board with some very fast members.

No, I checked - these were properly organised 'test' laps and occured over the full circuit with no standing start (see first page of this thread).

Bridge-to-gantry laps are generally set on 'open' days when there's a speed limit on the stickstrecke to allow cars to enter/exit the track via the toll booths.

OK, my bad. But this seems a bit at odds with the general way GT games have always been... in that cars tend to be able to run much quicker in lap times in the game than real life.

Of course with sub 7'20's now being run this IS still true, but the margin seems to be closer than previously.
Just did a 7:21.209.. I can see a 7:19 easily if i nailed all parts of the lap.. but I don see how I could get another 7 seconds.. maybe I just need to learn the track better.

EDIT just hit a 7:19.001 . Starting so see where all the time as that lap still had plenty of mistakes.
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Here is a lap of 7:18.771. I had two ridiculous drifts early on, I badly missed a ton of apexes, and I had a terrible run down the back straight.

I found it quite easy, I did it in arcade mode, sport tires - hard; in my first two attempts, I went under the limit time but laptimes were not valid due to cut of corners (red time). To avoid it to happen again, I made a third attempt taking less risks, and in spite of some small mistakes, I managed to turn in 7:28.
I found it quite easy, I did it in arcade mode, sport tires - hard; in my first two attempts, I went under the limit time but laptimes were not valid due to cut of corners (red time). To avoid it to happen again, I made a third attempt taking less risks, and in spite of some small mistakes, I managed to turn in 7:28.

Skid recovery force on? I'm pretty good on Nordsleife and i got 7:29.995 :| Its my first time trying to beat the time, I think ill beat it after lap or two.
I got a 7.24 but it took me 3 attempts. First one was a little slow and made a couple mistakes on the way. Second time my lap became invalid. But 3rd times the charm :)
I am using this trophy as a yardstick of my abilities thus far.

I am using a DFGT with the following settings:

  • Tyres: Sports: Hard
    [*]Transmission: Manual
    [*]TCS: Off
    [*]Skid Recovery: Off
    [*]ASM: Off
    [*]Steer Assist: Off
    [*]ABS: 1
    [*]Grip Reduction: Real
    [*]Damage: Heavy
    [*]Wheel Settings: Mode: Simulation, PS: Off, FFB: 7

So far my very best lap is a 7:47:xx...I got jittery at the Tiergarten and binned it into the Armco so about 10 seconds of that is trying to right the car! Also, I had the wipers on for some reason.

Having Damage set to Heavy creates a sense of fear...namely the fear of having to restart if I crash badly.

I've also been watching videos of the official record being set and trying to learn the gears and lines.

This trophy has been the most fun I've had in GT5 so far and I feel that it's improving my abilities in general. I now know the names of most of the corners too which helps with visualising the track.

Any advice to help myself and others who want to approach the trophy in this way would be highly appreciated and also details of your own experiences would be great to hear too! 👍
I wonder how realistic are the ABS compared to real life.
I was having a hard time with all aids off including ABS getting a best time of 7'29.472 and just beat it with ABS set to 1 with a time of 7'28.528 by stomping on the brakes into the turn. The driving felt sloppy but it was faster. It was like ABS was this giant safety net.

Still took me many tries to get the trophy but it felt like sloppy driving was rewarded with better times
I did a 7:20.4 on my second go. The first go i missed the trophy by .2 of a second, but i really attacked the second time round. There is still more time to be found though.
Well the ride in the GT-R is quite heavily assisted in real life so shouldn't feel bad about using it because of realism reasons.

The right reason to turn off the ABS is for kicks and to train for classics and race cars that don't have ABS in reality.
Yeah GT-R are purposely build to fit with those kind of device( I Don't like to call it aids). Unless your driving a classic sports car or a ferrari p4, well this is the real drivers skill. That car in reality still have assistance though in any form. weather you turned all your driving assistant and make your self hard for no reasons.