GT Sport Hacks?

  • Thread starter Voodoovaj
This thread has basically turned into people calling people cheats because they don't like the fact someone is faster than someone else. Also again for people calling hacks the game can't be hacked as it would require ps4 system software to be hacked which is not possible.
The fastest US time for the Gr.4s at Nurburgring the other day was a little strange. It was 0.7 seconds faster than any other time worldwide (that I know of) and is frankly not a great lap. Thoughts?

This one is very weird indeed. No way that should be anywere near a top 10 lap.
This thread has basically turned into people calling people cheats because they don't like the fact someone is faster than someone else. Also again for people calling hacks the game can't be hacked as it would require ps4 system software to be hacked which is not possible.

How is it impossible exactly?
How is it impossible exactly?

It's not impossible. But at this moment in time no hack has been developed for the current system software. There's a reason Sony put out so many system software updates. Putting out system software updates changes a lot of things and for anyone trying to develop a hack would need to start over to make it for the new software. So it's possible there is hacks for older system software but it's worthless as you can't use the older system software to access PSN. Psn won't let you connect with older software.
It's not impossible. But at this moment in time no hack has been developed for the current system software. There's a reason Sony put out so many system software updates. Putting out system software updates changes a lot of things and for anyone trying to develop a hack would need to start over to make it for the new software. So it's possible there is hacks for older system software but it's worthless as you can't use the older system software to access PSN. Psn won't let you connect with older software.

You just said it was not it is? Also there are plenty of ways other than making a program or script that integrates with the current software to put thing to a halt.
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I know the first turn on Tokyo Expressway some use the outer wall as an slide without breaking and just burns away the penalties on the rest of the track before setting Q.
You just said it was not it is? Also there are plenty of other ways other than making a program or script that integrates with the current software to put thing to a halt.
I probably should of worded it better it's nearly one 1am and I'm tired. What I was meant to say was it's not impossible to hack but right now for the current system software it hasn't been done. But as of right now there isn't any hacks for the current system software. If there was you would be seeing hacked lobbies in much more popular games such as call of duty and you don't see them on current gen platforms at the moment.
I probably should of worded it better it's nearly one 1am and I'm tired. What I was meant to say was it's not impossible to hack but right now for the current system software it hasn't been done. But as of right now there isn't any hacks for the current system software. If there was you would be seeing hacked lobbies in much more popular games such as call of duty and you don't see them on current gen platforms at the moment.

Simple, why hack what you can just crash server wise? This is probably the reason for lack of hacking.

Even if they didn't hack or aren't using a boogus controller to get these times, the issues is they've basically found a way to do a dirty lap and get a time they don't deserve. Now I agree this isn't the users fault entirely, but more so on PD who should fix it.
That is a dirty lap, going beyond the boundaries of the track is considered dirty even if gt doesn't pick it up.

Running wide wasn't the reason I posted the video, everyone is doing that, the thing that is strange is that on several occasions he didn't use all the track, missed the apex, slid the car and through the chicane was simply slow. His lap shouldn't be anywhere near the top 10 let alone a good amount faster than some of the best in the world.
This thread has basically turned into people calling people cheats because they don't like the fact someone is faster than someone else. Also again for people calling hacks the game can't be hacked as it would require ps4 system software to be hacked which is not possible.

If that was the case why haven't I called all the other people that are faster than me cheats as well? There's plenty of them. Why have I picked on a select few? I've also never claimed it to be hacks or anything in fact simply because I have no evidence for what's going on. All I've seen is that 4 people (that I've seen worldwide, 2 US region, 1 Asian and now 1 Europe) for some reason have managed to set impossibly fast lap times with laps that shouldn't be anywhere near the top 10, every other case until now has involved Gr.4 FF cars with crazy levels of grip out of corners and this is the first time I've seen a strange lap with Gr.3. So maybe instead of saying we can't get over the fact that someone is faster than us which is complete nonsense, especially as some of the cheats are so bad I can still beat their lap times, it might be more useful to discuss how people are doing these laps.
NO CHEAT!!! I swear

Some interesting errors though.

This thread has basically turned into people calling people cheats because they don't like the fact someone is faster than someone else. Also again for people calling hacks the game can't be hacked as it would require ps4 system software to be hacked which is not possible.

Incorrect and wrong. Firstly, videos have been circulating of other cheat laps that are blatantly clear to have adjusted physics. Secondly, System software is irrelevant unless you know something I don't. Last I checked the system doesn't contain physics code but the game does.
Thanks for clearing that up. I’m not a 100% sure what the difference means in game either, should I be aiming for just a white bar?

The white bar is brake application and the red is brake pedal application. It's to highlight how much you're actually braking when you have ABS on, if you were to switch it off the white bar would fill it completely. when fully applying the brake.

Take this lap for example, no red under braking;

Are we personally calling out others by name for cheating and then berating them on here when they join GTP?

Oh dear, this is not good.
Are we personally calling out others by name for cheating and then berating them on here when they join GTP?

Oh dear, this is not good.

No, I had no idea he had an account and would of been none the wiser had he not posted. That lap was done hours ago and should not have done the time it did like the others I’ve posted so I uploaded it and showed it here as it is the point of this thread I thought. And I don’t think anyone has berated him, we’ve just asked legitimate questions seeing as he posted here claiming he isn’t cheating.
What i can see in that comparsion video is, that i am using brake and throttle at the same time to stabilize the car in every corner. The other guy never did that...hes just rolling through the corners. Maybe this is your answer. Calling faster guys cheater is pretty poor guys. Better you go on track and improve your skills on track than talking crap in here.

Edit: im sorry for that comment. You were right, something was wrong indeed
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What i can see in that comparsion video is, that i am using brake and throttle at the same time to stabilize the car in every corner. The other guy never did that...hes just rolling through the corners. Maybe this is your answer. Calling faster guys cheater is pretty poor guys. Better you go on track and improve your skills on track than talking crap in here

You're completely off-line in parts of the video.
Worth pointing out more and more of these "interesting" laps are appearing on GTS, and there's no way they're all legal ;)
Ok guys to finish this. I see it as a compliment that my lap causes rumours. For the next time i would be happy when you mention me in a "OMG what a sick lap" thread. Bye bye
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My take on this is going to sound familiar but it's the countersteer assist that the megane driver has enabled that is making his lap easier than peeling potatoes ;) It's not the worst driving ever... but even with sloppy driving if you take a bad line using CSA you can mash the throttle with tonnes more grip and maintain your exit speed easier it's pretty hard to really mess up when it's enabled.. And the driver above says he uses Brake and accel together CSA makes that easier to do :indiff:

I tested a few cars with and without CSA early in GTS release days and it panned out that it was worth between 0.5 to 1 second per lap dependent on the cars group.. Usually the faster more difficult cars made the biggest gain in laptimes when CSA was enabled, A lot of people suggest/think that it doesn't really make any difference but it does.. If I know I can improve every time I enabled it then so can others ;)

PD probably should do an update and delete the CSA function completely just to put more people on a level playing field.. I'm not a fan of getting a top 10 time just to be knocked down by a driver running with CSA enabled! Even some of the seasoned long term Gamers who were considered Aliens in previous GT versions have taken to running the daily TT events with CSA activated, to each their own choice I suppose? but I don't like it personally and prefer to be topped by a driver not using stabilizers like a kid learning to ride a bike :P

Good debate guys but it's not really cheating that's happening . it's just some people using an advantage that most of us are too proud or Elitist to consider 👍
Just ABS was activated. Every other assist were off btw.

Sorry the replay of your lap clearly shows you are using CSA .. the little white wheel icon! when it's white it is enabled ;)

edit: Apologies @RA1784 .. I am talking about the megane drivers lap oops! 👍