GT Sport Impressions

  • Thread starter Corsa
I sort of enjoyed it so far with lower end cars... Really like the brakes suspension feeling, the FFB was pretty nice ... however after trying gr4 cars I went back to PC2. These cars feel like they are on rails. I need to take some more time to test it more though. The overall quality and polish to the game is beautiful though and my first onlice race was fun. No issue.
Around 4 hours playing.
Easy ? Yes very easy to drive.
Easy to be fast ? Not really . Aids off ,the car s physics are really great . This is the best thing i have driven till now.The rear end feel on the MX5 for example is fantastic. Front wheel grip sensation is very well done too. Driving inputs Are very sensitive and responsive to put the car on the ideal line.
Is it fun ?? Yes , very fun , this is the best driving moment i have spent in my virtual life till now. I love it.
Am i an arcade or simcade player ? If it must be what some people call me so , yes i am. At least , i have a big smile when i play and i feel i can do this during years without any little moment of deception. I don t have PC2 but PC1 physics and FFB on PS4 are so weird. AC PS4 so short.... I gave up after a few monthes because i were bored .
First contact was really great. I am in love. The full game will be a must for sure.

Wow P you suprised me there.

I thought you'd like it but you love it, good!
PC2 is much improved over PC1. I'm already 75% complete on the trophy list it's a great drive.
AC, well it's a love affair for me but as you said needs more content.
I guess all that's left is for you to flood the community with your incredible tunes!
I'm just so glad I pre ordered this. Loving the custom arcade races with damage, fuel and tyre wear, flags etc. This and time trial will be the bulk of my activity I think. Online was a bitter experience from the beta. Too many rammers for my liking. Anyhoo loving it! G29 with gear shifter
I sort of enjoyed it so far with lower end cars... Really like the brakes suspension feeling, the FFB was pretty nice ... however after trying gr4 cars I went back to PC2. These cars feel like they are on rails. I need to take some more time to test it more though. The overall quality and polish to the game is beautiful though and my first onlice race was fun. No issue.
I have driven the genesis GR4 and the 458 GR4
All the tuning options are closed.
The Genesis stock is a very pleasant car, showing a good eagerness almost on the sweet point.
The 458 is very understeery on entry out corner under accel. Strange for a MR car for sure.
Just need to check wwith final version of the game how the tuning act on the car. If the tuning option range is wide enough , we will be able to set the cars the way we like i think. I hope so.
Wow P you suprised me there.

I thought you'd like it but you love it, good!
PC2 is much improved over PC1. I'm already 75% complete on the trophy list it's a great drive.
AC, well it's a love affair for me but as you said needs more content.
I guess all that's left is for you to flood the community with your incredible tunes!
It was good till there, now i have a bug on sport mode, desconected and black screen with music, I have to restart the PS4 to play again but sport mode did black screen 3 times till now.
Perhaps it is my NATE 3 status. I have to ask to my net provider to change this, i can t access the modem by myself.
Steering feels numb and slow (even with sensitivity cranked up)
Brakes on all cars are poor. Apparently, the veyron can stop no quicker than a GT86. Righto.
Accelerating from a standstill is laughable. Apparently a Porsche RSR struggles to pull away. Righto.
The text that scrolls across the bottom of the screen moves too quickly and judders.
There’s a strange ghosting around the rear of the cars when you drive them.
Look closely, you’ll see it.

Visuals are generally good but there are still jagged lines on the cars. Even on the cinematic screens. Disappointing for all the hype they created on the visuals.

So far, not impressed enough to rush out and buy it.
Is it the best racing game ever? No.
Is it the best Gran Turismo? Probably not.
Is it better than Gran Turismo 6? In my opinion, certainly.

I find that the handling, whilst "slower," gives a weightier impression that's been missing from most of the GT games (I am using a DS4). Personally, the past few games have had hyperactive steering, even on a low sensitivity setting. GTS feels satisfying enough to make the player feel rewarded for corning carving, which I enjoy.
The livery editor is, of course, a very welcome addition. I can't fault it's power, and it has some really cool features that other games don't, and overall it is enjoyable. I wish you were able to scale decals separately on the X and Y axis as well as pinpoint coordinates, but otherwise, a very good effort.
Car sounds are good, but not stunning. The most that they have going for them is that they're accurate and mostly "organic", which is no bad thing, but other times I long for a better aural experience.
And, duh, it looks friggin' amazing. Definitely the best looking console racer of the generation. Altogether, GTS is visually and technologically stunning, and I can't wait to buy it.
I did one online race, three laps around Dragon. I was in second place toward the end of the second lap, and a dude took me out from behind in the corner; was totally avoidable, seemed intentional. He finished second ... but then got a 10-second penalty. That was very cathartic.
From my view, it is just stunning!
Menu design, relaxing soundtracks, picturesque scapes photos, amazing detail in both cars and tracks, car sounds are great, livery editor and so much more that we didn't even get to see.
I have high expectations for GT Sport and those who want PC2, just go for it.
People who live with thoughts that GTS has not improved or it is like old GTs they are mistaken. Just give it a try.

Agreed, I only played a bit (I'm going continue playing it tonight) and it seems the game received a huge amount of polish and tlc compared to gt6. The graphics are very good and the sounds are better then ever in a GT.
The little detail I loved was the brand central being within the same style has GT4. That and the ability to costumize the cockpit and chase camera.
Tonight I going to mess with the livery editor and use the photomode/scapes.
Top notch graphics and presentation as we have come to know and expect from PD, the king of the Real Car Porn Simulator.
Loving the new fictional tracks. Kyoto Park makes a nice trade out for Tsukuba. Really like Lago Maggiore as well.
Just noticed many vision gt cars now have full interiors as well.
I downloaded the demo to have a look.
3 hours later and I'm having fun! Enough fun to pre-order the game now.

I'm playing with a controller in my lounge and it is GT as I remember it.
I'll still play PCars 2 on PC for my serious league sim racing, but I'll play GTS because it's fun.

I was not impressed by the 'licence' tests. It was way too easy to get gold, even with a controller.
I did enjoy the missions that were available and I was pleasantly surprised when I got into a 6 lap race at Interlagos and realised you start with not enough fuel and had to pit.
I've also seen a 30 lap race available and I'm happy about that.

I had a look at the offline race options and again I was very happy to see that you can set up races with tyre wear and fuel use on. This will increase the longevity of the game.

All in all, I'm happy enough to go and order the game now, something I thought I wouldn't be doing just yesterday.
Some thoughts after just finishing all the licenses and missions.

No words needed from me on the visuals - as others have said, they are stunning. But to be honest, all GT games have looked good enough to me at the time, it's the way the cars feel to drive that's most important.

I haven't played GT in over 18 months, but it immediately felt 'familiar' - if you've played GT before, it will feel very natural straight away. The cars have that 'always sliding a bit' feel once you get to the limit. Did most of the licenses with the pad, but got the wheel out for the missions.

I've been playing AC over the past year, and although it filled a gap, I never really clicked with it. The cars feel dead... no feeling of rotation in to the corners, even with mid engined cars, or when trail braking. I never thought weight transfer was modeled correctly in AC. And the tyre model has a very clearly defined grip limit - drive up to this and it works, drive beyond it, and the tyres heat up and lose grip far too quickly. I know some think it's the best thing since sliced bread, but for me, I hardly ever felt the desire to boot up the PS4 and just drive random cars... almost all my time was spent in the 991GT3 Cup.

As soon as I plugged the wheel in, GTS felt better.

Spent most time in the 991RSR (3 full runs on Mission 6-8)... it's glorious to drive with a wheel! Really wants to rotrate in to the corners, and really responds to trail braking - if the RSR is any guide, left foot braking will be a massive benefit in GTS... if you're carrying a touch too much speed mid corner, and the front is running a bit wide, you can dab the brakes and the front immediately pulls back on line... lovely. Other than that, the weight transfer just feels right - once settled, you can adjust the line minutely with the throttle... pushing a bit wide afer the apex, just fractionally ease the throttle and the nose comes back on line... as it should.

Plenty of weight in the steering (T300), much smaller deadzone than AC (virtually nothing), and although maybe the FF doesn't transmit surface detail as well as AC (eg; kerbs), it's vastly better at letting you know what the car is doing (over/under steer).

Also really enjoyed the 2 'autotest' missions, and the GTR one. You can keep the Vision cars though - they have no place in a GT game.

AI is mainly a massive step forward vs previous GT's... they don't just form a snake and follow the leader. And they have decent pace! They do occasionally punt you, but much less than previously.

Complaints? The rubber banding is just ridiculous in mission 6-8... twice I finished my last stop, exited with a 5-6s lead, only to find the M6 pull that back in a couple of laps despite me running within 0.5s of my best lap... and I closed a >20s lead on him earlier in the race in just 3 laps!

My only reservation about the full game is the nature of GT seems to be changing - there are very few ordinary road cars in the game, and these are primarily the most enjoyable for me. I won't drive race cars much, and then the Vision cars are a complete waste of time. Where are the classic GT cars like the NSX-R from the 90's?

By the way, once I finished the licenses and missions and collected my prize car, my demo locked and is now unplayable!

Edit - demo now playable again.
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I downloaded the demo to have a look.
3 hours later and I'm having fun! Enough fun to pre-order the game now.

I was quite surprised they released this demo so close to the release date but I am pleased to see people trying it before pre-ordering. I put my (second!) pre-order in during the first beta as I knew this is my type of game.

Driving is very smooth on the DS4 and wheel and slightly improved from the beta in the handling, straight out the box easy to handle and I only adjusted the FFB to be stronger. UI is easy to use. The 4k graphics, photomode and the amount of options are stunning. Gameplay is addictive and the physics are great. Nostalgia on the campaign to get you going but I have a feeling they might do monthly dlc/weekly seasonals and this will keep it fresh.

I have nothing bad to say after a good few hours blasting round the tracks trying everything and it has put a smile on my face which is the most important thing in a game. I did a great race mid pack online with 20 others nice and clean in the brilliant Lake Maggiore fantasy track and it blends so nice, fast straights and sweeping bends.

I still have Pcars2 and Forza 7 to work my way through but I think even this Demo takes the win for me and will more than likely be my number one game to go to. :cheers:
Some thoughts after just finishing all the licenses and missions.

No words needed from me on the visuals - as others have said, they are stunning. But to be honest, all GT games have looked good enough to me at the time, it's the way the cars feel to drive that's most important.

I haven't played GT in over 18 months, but it immediately felt 'familiar' - if you've played GT before, it will feel very natural straight away. The cars have that 'always sliding a bit' feel once you get to the limit. Did most of the licenses with the pad, but got the wheel out for the missions.

I've been playing AC over the past year, and although it filled a gap, I never really clicked with it. The cars feel dead... no feeling of rotation in to the corners, even with mid engined cars, or when trail braking. I never thought weight transfer was modeled correctly in AC. And the tyre model has a very clearly defined grip limit - drive up to this and it works, drive beyond it, and the tyres heat up and lose grip far too quickly. I know some think it's the best thing since sliced bread, but for me, I hardly ever felt the desire to boot up the PS4 and just drive random cars... almost all my time was spent in the 991GT3 Cup.

As soon as I plugged the wheel in, GTS felt better.

Spent most time in the 991RSR (3 full runs on Mission 6-8)... it's glorious to drive with a wheel! Really wants to rotrate in to the corners, and really responds to trail braking - if the RSR is any guide, left foot braking will be a massive benefit in GTS... if you're carrying a touch too much speed mid corner, and the front is running a bit wide, you can dab the brakes and the front immediately pulls back on line... lovely. Other than that, the weight transfer just feels right - once settled, you can adjust the line minutely with the throttle... pushing a bit wide afer the apex, just fractionally ease the throttle and the nose comes back on line... as it should.

Plenty of weight in the steering (T300), much smaller deadzone than AC (virtually nothing), and although maybe the FF doesn't transmit surface detail as well as AC (eg; kerbs), it's vastly better at letting you know what the car is doing (over/under steer).

Also really enjoyed the 2 'autotest' missions, and the GTR one. You can keep the Vision cars though - they have no place in a GT game.

AI is mainly a massive step forward vs previous GT's... they don't just form a snake and follow the leader. And they have decent pace! They do occasionally punt you, but much less than previously.

Complaints? The rubber banding is just ridiculous in mission 6-8... twice I finished my last stop, exited with a 5-6s lead, only to find the M6 pull that back in a couple of laps despite me running within 0.5s of my best lap... and I closed a >20s lead on him earlier in the race in just 3 laps!

My only reservation about the full game is the nature of GT seems to be changing - there are very few ordinary road cars in the game, and these are primarily the most enjoyable for me. I won't drive race cars much, and then the Vision cars are a complete waste of time. Where are the classic GT cars like the NSX-R from the 90's?

By the way, once I finished the licenses and missions and collected my prize car, my demo locked and is now unplayable!

Edit - demo now playable again.
Nice, see you on track, it is on again after a server maintenance.
Well, it's here ladies and gentlemen.
What's your thoughts, initial impressions?

I'm on a regular PS4 using the T150.

FFB is ultra smooth, wheel weight has a balanced, very impressive feel. I've had no clipping.

The UI is seamless, very user friendly and load times are quick.
Everything looks very tidy and polished, the menu music is nice and relaxing.

My first race was N100, Miata.
It felt like an improvement over GT6, still very GT in the physics department.
That's not a bad thing, the Miata was very responsive with mild lift off oversteer and limited understeer. It still feels a bit like the car is "floating" on track.

We can adjust TC on the fly, very nice. We can adjust FOV in the options, but not on track, not so nice. But the adjustment is there thankfully.

And my god it is something to look at. I've not seen any jagged edges, screen tear, coughs or burps of any kind.

I'll not make any in depth physics or comparision comments here, I think at this point we know what GT is and what to expect.

My very early and initial impression is it's going to be fantastic as they continue to add content, it's an incredibly smooth and polished piece of software we have here, well done.
Thank you for your impressions! :cheers:
Some thoughts after just finishing all the licenses and missions.

No words needed from me on the visuals - as others have said, they are stunning. But to be honest, all GT games have looked good enough to me at the time, it's the way the cars feel to drive that's most important.

I haven't played GT in over 18 months, but it immediately felt 'familiar' - if you've played GT before, it will feel very natural straight away. The cars have that 'always sliding a bit' feel once you get to the limit. Did most of the licenses with the pad, but got the wheel out for the missions.

I've been playing AC over the past year, and although it filled a gap, I never really clicked with it. The cars feel dead... no feeling of rotation in to the corners, even with mid engined cars, or when trail braking. I never thought weight transfer was modeled correctly in AC. And the tyre model has a very clearly defined grip limit - drive up to this and it works, drive beyond it, and the tyres heat up and lose grip far too quickly. I know some think it's the best thing since sliced bread, but for me, I hardly ever felt the desire to boot up the PS4 and just drive random cars... almost all my time was spent in the 991GT3 Cup.

As soon as I plugged the wheel in, GTS felt better.

Spent most time in the 991RSR (3 full runs on Mission 6-8)... it's glorious to drive with a wheel! Really wants to rotrate in to the corners, and really responds to trail braking - if the RSR is any guide, left foot braking will be a massive benefit in GTS... if you're carrying a touch too much speed mid corner, and the front is running a bit wide, you can dab the brakes and the front immediately pulls back on line... lovely. Other than that, the weight transfer just feels right - once settled, you can adjust the line minutely with the throttle... pushing a bit wide afer the apex, just fractionally ease the throttle and the nose comes back on line... as it should.

Plenty of weight in the steering (T300), much smaller deadzone than AC (virtually nothing), and although maybe the FF doesn't transmit surface detail as well as AC (eg; kerbs), it's vastly better at letting you know what the car is doing (over/under steer).

Also really enjoyed the 2 'autotest' missions, and the GTR one. You can keep the Vision cars though - they have no place in a GT game.

AI is mainly a massive step forward vs previous GT's... they don't just form a snake and follow the leader. And they have decent pace! They do occasionally punt you, but much less than previously.

Complaints? The rubber banding is just ridiculous in mission 6-8... twice I finished my last stop, exited with a 5-6s lead, only to find the M6 pull that back in a couple of laps despite me running within 0.5s of my best lap... and I closed a >20s lead on him earlier in the race in just 3 laps!

My only reservation about the full game is the nature of GT seems to be changing - there are very few ordinary road cars in the game, and these are primarily the most enjoyable for me. I won't drive race cars much, and then the Vision cars are a complete waste of time. Where are the classic GT cars like the NSX-R from the 90's?

By the way, once I finished the licenses and missions and collected my prize car, my demo locked and is now unplayable!

Edit - demo now playable again.
PD concentrated on the classes for the fia tie up first. That's why the game is predominantly group 4 and 3 to get the manufacturers represented in those categories. So we'll have to wait for dlc to get back to more road cars. But I find this close to GT3 in that we get a lower amount of cars than the previous title but most every other area is improved. And we all know that GT3 was the best selling game for this series. So I take it as they have a hit on their hands. The livery editor alone has sold this game for many of the people who I have talked to.
Thanks for the detailed impression @Stotty! I look forward to comparing GTS to AC as well after what you write.

But Vision Gran Turismo cars have no place in Gran Turismo?


The presentation, polish, tlc and whatever else you can call it, is top notch. In fact GT compared to every other racing game always was a cut above when it came to things like that.

I haven't felt that GT games have been polished to this level since GT5 Prologue. Although I thoroughly enjoyed 5/6, the inconsistent graphical fidelity, fluctuating frames and long load times kept it form feeling very polished IMO. I preferred GT 5/6 to FM 2/3/4, but I always appreciated the consistency with the FM games. I agree though, the polish compared to the beta is insane.
Dragon Trail is much improved since the beta. The double chicane is more open now as well.

Smoked the AI on easy there. I'm having actual trouble against normal AI. Would have won that last race if the BMW hadn't braked too late hit the barrier bounced off it and I had nowhere to go.....

Replays look good.

Max race length in create race is 200 laps or 24 hours if you use endurance timing.

Menus are clean and responsive.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a race to run.
Feels and plays like a true GT. 👍
Graphics/lighting look awesome in the menus. 👍
Visible LOD and aliasing issues in-game. 👎 (I guess you need a PS4 Pro to get full LOD and no jaggies).
Sound is meh (though improved from previous titles). 👎
Menu's, music, etc. smooth and sexy as ever. 👍

If I had a PS4 Pro and a PS4 compatible wheel I'd probably get this, but since I don't I'm going to pass on this one.
Just finished the 30 lap endurance race, and gotten gold on all Driving School and Mission Challenges that are available in the demo. Have to say this has to be the most challenging AI in the franchise. The AI fights back and will try to spin you during the last mission challenge which is the 30 lap endurance race. I don't really have any complaints with the game, I am using a PS4 Pro but a non 4k monitor. This game is beautiful in all aspects, the controls took a little bit to get used to since I haven't played GT since GT5. Going to edit some footage and throw it up online.
This game is a massive return to form after GT6.

Where is this 30 lap race I keep hearing about? I can't find it.

Lobby not accessible. Error code NE-2100038D. That's after successful connection to the server.
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This game is a massive return to form after GT6.
Agreed. Differences between regular PS4 and PS4 Pro aside, this demo gives me a GT5P vibe (and that's a good thing). 👍 There are some niggles, but I think this looks very good. Just not "spending another 1k EUR on a PS4 Pro and wheel" good. :lol:
This game is a massive return to form after GT6.

Where is this 30 lap race I keep hearing about? I can't find it.

Lobby not accessible. Error code NE-2100038D. That's after successful connection to the server.
There is 1 I saw in an Porsche RSR something like that. On an itialan track 30 laps.
This game is a massive return to form after GT6.

Where is this 30 lap race I keep hearing about? I can't find it.

Lobby not accessible. Error code NE-2100038D. That's after successful connection to the server.

It's the final mission challenge in level 6. It's pretty damn fun, if you don't manage your fuel and tires. You won't be able to place 1st.