Then I think you should stop playing Forza and make more time for Gran Turismo

no, I'm just kidding of course. Do what you want, it's totally ok that you don't have time and don't want to make them yourself, I didn't expect you to, I just said you could
try if you wanted to.
The SVG part of the livery editor is the best feature, IMO. I can't go back to the basic one in Forza now. Sure, I'd love some features from the Forza editor, but only the essential like grouping, more layers, be able to copy one side when you're done instead of one piece at a time. Whatever floats your goat.
Skill can be acquired if you try - and besides, it's a lot of fun.
Sorry, but no. I said why I wouldn't do it, and I would like it if you respected that and wait for another person to come along and think "
hmm, this looks fun. I'll do it." Expecting me to, or still asking me to do it after I just gave you a polite no is a little bit rude. I will repeat this for the last time, I need motivation to make a livery. To get the motivation I need to like what I do. And if I hate doing a livery, I have to stop. And your Mustang makes me feel like going to bed. (it's past 6AM here and I haven't gone to bed yet) I'd love to help you, but not with this one. Nor will I do the "
I hope you understand. I don't want you to think I'm being rude, I'm just being honest. That livery is quite meh.
Aaaaand on that note. Good night!