GT Sport Mileage Calculator

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United States
Portland, OR
Hey guys,

I'm putting together a mileage calculator in case you are like me and are curious as to how much mileage you can expect when you are done with an enduro race.

It's still a work in progress, but I should have it done in the next day or so (I just need to enter in the length of each track). Keep in mind it's not 100% exact, but should be pretty close to the real number.

I tested the math on the calculator by running rubberbanding one of the Tomahawk cars at Blue Moon Bay Speedway. Here's the info on that:

Avg. lap time - 42.00 seconds
Race length - 17 hours
Track length - 1.99 miles
Mileage = 10pts per mile driven

Given all that, my formula is: (1.99 * ((17*60)*60)/42)*10 = 28,997 Mileage points which matches up with my run. My calculator will round down to the nearest 10. I think my math is correct here, yes?

It's done :) Enjoy!

Some rules:
- must select a track
- must fill in both the lap time and race length
- must keep lap time over 0
- must keep race length at 24 hours or less

Maybe someone else would find this useful perhaps?

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Mileage = 10pts per mile driven
I figured that too and this is really all I need to know. I always did the math before the race so I knew what to expect. When I discovered the Blue Moon rubberbanding, it all was useless. I hit the cap pretty quick, so all I do is tuning some cars, hit the cap, repeat.

I'll take a look at your work nonetheless. 👍
But shouldn't that then be Kilometrage points rather than Mileage points...? ;):lol:
Actually I figured out how they are calculated only when I saw an english screenshot with the perfect ten to one ratio. Before that, I was wondering how they were estimated :banghead:
It's done! I'll keep this updated as new tracks (hopefully!) get released.

For metric people
Mileage points = 6,25 Mi per Km driven


Oh, right. Does the game show up with km, for your region? I could make a selector for km or mi, to save some headaches :lol:

And btw, I'd love it we took on the metric system over here *runs and hides*

Okay so I've added a toggle switch to flip between Miles (MI) and Kilometers (KM). Can someone verify my math? I think it's right.....


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