My grind journey is completed

  • Thread starter Dess81
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Today my grind journey is completed. Perhaps due to the increase in the cost of cars, I will have to run the track in Tokyo 1-2 more times, but this is not a problem. I have 4 legendary cars left to buy with a total old cost of 25,350,000 and I have 26,800,000 for that. It remains only to wait until they are available for purchase.
I want to share my statistics, because the path of the grind was very, very long (more then 379,000,000cr). The total mileage of the grind was more than 63% of the total mileage for these months).

My stats:
Collection level - 355,944 points
Total driving time 307:27:20
Total time in game 548:35:39
Days in game - 109

Total mileage 72,275.87km (of which 45,777.74km or 63.34% of grinds)

Total credits received: 436,686,129 (of which 379,314,416 or 86.86% were grinded)

365 cars bought (total 446 cars, including duplicates or 429 out of 433 unique ones)

March - 540.87km per day (27 days)
April - 580.1 km per day (24 days)
May - 876.83 km per day (29 days)
June - 427.41 km per day (17 days)

Cars used for grind:
SRT Tomahawk X VGT - 23,511km
SRT Tomahawk S VGT - 8838km
A220 Race Car '68 - 4833,84km
GT010 Hybrid 2021 - 4400km
Veneno - 2661km
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Today my grind journey is completed. Perhaps due to the increase in the cost of cars, I will have to run the track in Tokyo 1-2 more times, but this is not a problem. I have 4 legendary cars left to buy with a total old cost of 25,350,000 and I have 26,800,000 for that. It remains only to wait until they are available for purchase.
I want to share my statistics, because the path of the grind was very, very long (more then 379,000,000cr). The total mileage of the grind was more than 63% of the total mileage for these months).

My stats:
Collection level - 355,944 points
Total driving time 307:27:20
Total time in game 548:35:39
Days in game - 109

I don’t know what to say I hope it was at least a little fun but i can hardly imagine it.
Anyway thx for sharing it 😎🤓
Well done, I guess, but really it just emphasiss the issues with the game, the amount you have to grind due to the unbalanced economy and lack of end game earning events.
You really went in ... this is a serious amount of playtime
Exact wording I’d use as well. It’s a game. Playtime. Not earn time or go to work time, grind same race over and over. Thankfully I don’t care to have all the cars in the game and probably won’t play the game enough to be able to get them all but would be nice if they offered a discount off the price I paid for the game. Haha I’ll be damned if I’m sitting alone racing every single day trying to earn content in a game which I paid for. I really hope one day they drastically increase the payout in online races for all places.
It should also be noted that it took this long when the Tomahawk glitch was available and legendary cars were cheaper. I'm guessing to get to the same point now with Sardegna as the meta grind and prices of legendaries going through the roof will take significantly longer
You seem to have got some good use out of the Batmobile before it was nerfed.

I took some useful advice on here (ignoring a lot of unhelpful comments) about the next best grinds and I am 75% complete from acquiring all cars and due to complete in mid September. The last 3 legendary cars I need should appear in the next two weeks and I have the credits banked to purchase them, leaving 115 Brand Central cars to buy.

I should clarify that I use the term "grind" to mean primarily purpose to earn credits but I am actually enjoying the racing. Below is pretty much chronological order grind progression although with each new race used, I was mixing it up with the previous ones and now I am mainly doing Tokyo Expressway with a bit of Lemans and the odd Sardegna.

Ferrari Italia 458 GT3 '13 - 1,600km Maggiore Ferrari Challenge before finding out about the Batmobile ...

SRT Tomahawk X VGT 9,200km Tokyo Expressway WTC600 until it was nerfed ...

Lexus RCF GT500 '16 - 3,725km Sardegna WTC800 until discovered ...
Nissan GT-R GT500 '08 - 851km Sardegna WTC800 until discovered ...
Toyota GR010 Hyrbid '21 - 8,788km Sardegna WTC800 and this is my Goto for this race

Finally decided to commit to Lemans, a circuit I had previously not used much so chicanes always caught me out but starting on easy until I got the hang of it, and then was easy to win on normal and made interesting with the weather although annoyingly it doesn't seem to rain as hard or as often as you would want :-

Nissan R92CP '92 - 1,741km Lemans WTC700 until got ...
Jaguar XJR-9 '88 - 2,920km Lemans WTC700 and painted it pink for some reason until I could buy ..
Mazda 787B '91 - 5,347km Lemans WTC700 and this is my Goto for this race

Finally decided to revisit Tokyo without the luxury of the Tomahawk. Hard to adjust at first with the cars I was using but saw a set up for the Italia 458 that had a nice balance and even though the wet surface with sports hard tyres makes it a tricky opening lap to avoid the harsh wall hitting penalties, you get into a nice rhythm and the concentration makes the race go quickly :-

Ferrari Italia 458 '09 - 1,477km Tokyo Expressway WTC600 - first car I could win with and my Goto still.

I can't offer any sane reason why it feels important to purchase all the vehicles and I respect people that just want to collect the cars they like.
Some people really enjoy grinding I guess. I like collecting too but quit playing the game due to lack of events and the economy still sucks.

Like they’ve barely done anything to address the issues they apologized for due to outrage but raise legendary car prices.
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Some people really enjoy grinding I guess. I like collecting too but quit playing the game due to lack of events and the economy still sucks.

Like they’ve barely done anything to address the issues they apologized for due to outrage but raise legendary car prices.
I also had to take a break because I was already tired of repeating the same grind on the Le Mans or Sardegna track. Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to grind on other less rewarding circuits because with this slower route I wouldn't even have all types of tires for my favorite cars. So far, I'm still disappointed with their approach to players.
Somebody should start a petition to just have the makers give us all the cars. If anything they should at least increase the online lobby payouts. I’m torn between racing with my friends or racing single player. I want the cars but I also want to have fun.

10 minutes single player, easy $150,000
1hr online, anywhere from $40-$100,000.

I would have no complaints if I raced online for an hour and earn a little under a million. you can earn a million in an hour offline, why not online?
Lobbies shouldn't pay "well", because they can be rigged, and their main point is for you to just have fun with your friends without having credits in mind.

Sport Mode Races, which are not rigged, and are competitive, should be like 20x more what they currently pay. 3 races per hour and the winner gets like 25-30k credits even on A+ grids?

Aside from propper content, like championships and such, that should be added to the game with propper payouts, Custom Races could've eased up the pain of grinding, but yet again, another downgrade from GT Sport, where the payouts were decent and well thought out (mostly).

They just didn't and continue to not put any thought whatsoever into the payouts. They just eagle eye the events and arbitrary decide for those numbers without a single care.
There's no formula of how we get paid for the races in this game.

Eight 1 hour missions, some of which are extremely hard for the average player to beat, give a total of a 1.2 million if you win each one of them. But... You can only get the prize once.
Yet, they later added a far easier race that is also a 1 hour endurance race, but earns you 1.5 million and you can repeat it.

Then you have a race in Tokyo where (without the A220 or 2J exploit) it takes you about 26 minutes to finish and earns you 825.000k, but much harder races like the Gr.1 10 lap races or the latest Neo-Classic races that take about 15 minutes to complete, only earn you like 200.000k. Over 4x less for not even 2x less the time and much harder to beat.

Where's the consistency??? Where's the logic???

I once decided to grind Tokyo for 2x a day to get a steady 1.6 million per day, but even that way I still get saturated of doing that race. These days I do it like once a day and some days I just skip it... The grind as it is now is really unbearable.

I don't want the cars given... But no one should be forced to grind 12 hours of their damn lifes to get one of the several super expensive cars.
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Ah yes, I shouldn’t be paid out better when having fun with my friends. Keep the fun out of earning credits. Makes sense. Lol

I bought the game to race with my friends, to have fun, part of that fun is running different cars and tracks. At the rate I’m earning cars right now, it’ll be two years before I own every car. My idea of fun isn’t logging on and racing by myself to earn credits to buy cars that should be more easily achievable. My idea of fun is log on after supper and have a few online races with friends.
If I were a kid, I’d probably grind and earn credits because I’d have the time.

I’m not sure why it can’t be time based? Ten minutes of racing equals $150,000. If online lobbies is to race for fun without credits in mind, then just payout $150,000 to everyone in the lobby when the race is finished, no different amount of credits from 1st to 4th, just pay all the same because credits isn’t the name of the game for online.

I enjoy the driving of the game, the graphics, the cars (when attainable) but I really do think the game is broken when it comes to credits and car prices and how you must earn those credits. I think time based is the solution. That’s what everybody looks for anyway, “which race gives me the most amount of money for the least amount of time?”

The best race I’ve found for the amount of time I want to spend grinding to ear credits is the Ferrari challenge, 10 minutes, $158,000. I can log on, sneak that race in quick before friends log on to race online or I can do one quick race after we are done. If my friends can’t make it online most of the I don’t even turn the game on. Shame.
Quit!? You ain't done yet! You gotta get the Red Bull 25th Anniversary and the Ferrari VGT! And then next year it'll be the 2012 Trans Am for 24,000,042 credits, the 2011 Cheyenne Concept for 42,000 credits, the Canoo for 200,042, at Brand Central, and a 1972 Oldsmobile Vista Cruiser for 18,500,042 because it has never had any leaks or damage, ot restoration work at all, and it still has originl factory woodgrain paneling. And there'll be a 1963 Volkswagen Beetle for just 53,000 credits. Gotta buy 'em all!

Actually, it's not truly a game, GT7 is more of a "game as a service". They want you paying in monthly for the new stuff. Why else would they price the newest Volkswagen at an even 2 million? Oh, just put in $20 and be done with it. Just put in $40 when the '55 Porsche shows up and race any grind once and a new engine is yours. That doesn't work unless they starve you of credits either with tiny payouts or by throwing something crazy expensive up next to the car you need, giving you the choice to skip buying the expensive car, skip buying the needed car, or put in money to buy one or the other.
Notice, too, the bigger payouts and awards are happening when a certain segment of players will be putting the PlayStation away and spending time with family.
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