GT Sport Photomode - Interior Photos | Z axis only Confirmed

  • Thread starter zzz_pt
I don't really know how the actual "magic" happens really. This is completely new to me. For the scenes to have light and spacial data they might have calculated the distances to different planes/objects inside the scene from the camera point to the horizon but I have literally no idea.

The way I see it there are two possibilities:

1. There is a plane underneath the car onto which some of the texture from the backdrop is projected.

2. There is a plane underneath the car that is invisible for everything but shadow and light.

In any case, that plane could in theory be given reflective properties as well, like @RaY29rus was asking for.

What's really interesting about this picture...

i1aHc5mHSf07scc.jpg that the Audi is actually behind parts of scenery, which would indicate that there are some 3D elements to these scapes. My guess is that those pole-thingies are simply 3D objects placed in the scene to give that depth effect.
I don't really know how the actual "magic" happens really. This is completely new to me. For the scenes to have light and spacial data they might have calculated the distances to different planes/objects inside the scene from the camera point to the horizon but I have literally no idea.

I don't know much about this stuff, but there was definitely a reference to the pictures including spacial data in the presentation. I must admit though I, like many was too busy with mouth open during this part of the presentation...

OK - some excellent posts on this thread. To be clear I'm not in any way a technical guy when it comes to cameras (I really should learn more with all the photos I take) so I can't really add much to what was said in this thread already but I do have a query for the mods @Terronium-12 @SlipZtrEm .

I have lots of photos on my camera of of the scapes taken from the presentation on Friday. I took a photo of pretty much every scape that was shown in the presentation. These were obviously repeats from the Thursday presentation but still it's nice to have them sitting here on my PC HD fresh from my own camera :)

I also took pictures of many of the photos of the scapes that were on the wall as you walked in to the venue! These were basically similar to the photos that were on the PD wall when they had that visit back in ?January?. I can't remember where the specific post was, but I think most will remember seeing it. The wall photos this time were smaller than the ones during that visit though, I think.

During the day, the photos on the wall were all blurred by the blue light used in the corridor (the corridor was very impressive to walk through by the way), but when we were leaving the blue light was switched off so I managed to get a FEW photos of the wall photos properly lit! I don't think there were any new photos on the wall that weren't shown anywhere else, however. I would like to upload the "scapes" photos from the presentation and from the wall somewhere on here for others to see. I guess they could go on the general "video and photo" thread, but I thought it might be more useful to put them on a dedicated scapes thread.

Anyway, to get to my question (sorry for the rambling) - Shall I upload my photos here (it will be tomorrow after work UK time as its 2am now UK time and I should be sleeping but I've barely slept all weekend due to the effects of Friday... :crazy:)? And maybe this could become the main scapes thread for the GT Sport forum going forward?
How the Scapes will work is really intriguing and perplexing. Definitely great points brought up regarding car reflections and light sources - will certainly be interesting to see how the light sources work and I hope they can implement car reflections onto surfaces that are obviously reflective.
If indeed the camera position is fixed I hope they can at least have several camera positions for each scape - it could be that they have 2 or 3 different view points for each 'photo' and they are each considered an individual 'scape', hence over 1000 scapes - who knows??
One thing I am hoping for the photomode in general is that PD use their own high quality photo export rather than just using the PS4 share function (I guess that fact you can have 4K photos suggests they do). Share got better with PNG's but it's still not that great quality wise in my opinion, I'm sure PD can do much better than that.
Question about Scapes; are they 100% computer generated images, or are they just glorified real world photographs?

Because if it's the latter, I have retty much no interest in them.
Looks like we actually can move, these pics probably confirm it. You can't get these shots with z axis only.


Good catch. Very interesting.

I also noticed some interesting things in the trailer:

Part of the car is behind an object of the photo:

Turning on the headlights affects the ground...

... and other objects in the photo...

... like the fuel bomb and the ceiling:

I think there's some black magic in these pictures :confused:
similar to GT4 photomode so it's nothing to go too crazy about, if the scapes didn't have 3D objects in them / layered photos, the photomode would look bad and distorted
A better evolution of Scapes is to utilise panoramic photos or 360 degree photos for more freedom. Seeing the same photo results from one Scape will get stale, but that's why we are going to see a thousand of backdrop settings to add variety for a longer lasting photo mode.
The Scapes thing is one of the most promissing features on GT Sport.

1.000 locations? That's crazy! So many possibilities. :drool:

No way, I still have my GX4000 console, boxed too :)


I'm trying to keep a count of all the scapes we've seen. There's 5 in the posts above (the Las Vegas pictures I am counting as one scape, as I am for that garage).

I've uploaded pictures of 21 scapes which I took at the Community Event (in my separate thread on the Community Event scapes). Plus there was another 5 added on my thread in a separate post.

So that seems to be 31 scapes on here in total so far...
Finally, Kazunori also had some information on the Photomode aspect of GT Sport. The good news is that the traditional on-track Photomode (Race Photo Mode) will return, as expected. The bad news relates to the new Scapes feature. With over 1000 locations apparently set for inclusion, there were bound to be limitations, and our active Photomode community voiced concerns over limited camera movement. “The camera itself, you can pan or tilt,” Kazunori said, “but you can’t really move the camera.” Unfortunate, but expected given the massive number of locations on offer.
Well, thats a bit of a shame really, as those impressive visuals we're getting are likely going to vastly outshine what is possible in game. As photomode is one of the features that is interesting me most at this point, I was hoping that wasn't the case.

So my initial preditions were, unfortunately, correct... :/ It's a shame really. We'll be able to take high quality photos but not very creative ones. Sound more of a feature to attract people who don't really use it so they can print a wallpaper or 2 then to allow to the already big photomode geeks to creat amazing and different pieces of photography. I'm sure we'll see excelent stuff but we'll lose a lot of creativity for sure.

Well, at least we'll be able (I hope) to make them unique with liveries...
Considering there's supposed to be 1000+ scapes at launch, they seem to be relatively easy to mass-produce. I wouldn't be surprised if plenty more get added post-launch either in free updates or DLC packs. I agree that the fixed locations will get repetitive in due time, but still, 1000+ is a lot of content to work with, and we still have the standard on-track/replay photomode to play with as well. I think 1000+ fixed-view scapes vs. the 5-10 explorable photo travel locations from GT5 and 6 is a relatively good payoff.
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I'm really hoping that the watermark isn't going to big otherwise it's going to be very hard to edit it out of the picture.
According to Kaz himself today on a live stream,, the scapes are actually photos, but contain lighting and spacial information, so you can move the cars around "inside" of them :crazy:
According to Kaz himself today on a live stream,, the scapes are actually photos, but contain lighting and spacial information, so you can move the cars around "inside" of them :crazy:
That's not new information.