Order? What am I, a waitress?! Do I get a tip?!
Seriously though. As with any feasible request, I'll do what I can when I have the time.
@Safoo 's requests would probably take me at least an hour or two - so it's not necessarily the easiest thing to fit in versus picking off the odd single simple single logo request - even though his requests are relatively simple. I might get onto them this evening (no promises), but If anybody else decides to do them in the meantime then that would be good also.
It doesn't hurt to ask (that's what this thread is for after all), but it's important to understand that many decal requests filled in this thread involve us re-drawing logo's from scratch - it really
isn't a case of just changing the format. There are of course easier ways than re-drawing logos, such as using tracing utilities etc. however, the general quality of the decals posted in this thread, and the fact that we manage to get most of them under 15kb, suggest most of the contributors here do indeed spend the time to draw things up from scratch, or at very least spend the time to heavily edit something that's been generated automatically.
Just something to bare in mind. 👍