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  • Thread starter sk8er913
My First Drive in the Supra with thoughts and impressions

My daily Nordschleife hot lap: STOCK Nissan Skyline GT-R V-spec II Nür (R34) '02: 07.53.002
The king of the Japanese sports car (together with the NSX :P). I was not dissapointed with it for sure. Looks, sound, handling, all great!

Sorry no fancy text overlay :P

Loving the GR Supra already, spent a couple hours feeling her out and working on a set up for SS N300

She's a proper sports car.
My daily Nordschleife hot lap: STOCK Ferrari 512BB '76: 07.51.930
Well I'm really not a fan of this car. Its driving mechanics are horrible. But I guess I can still see why it has its fans.

My daily Nordschleife hot lap: Ford Mustang GT '15: 07:49.948
Expected it to be about this "fast". Has even lower top speed than the Maserati GT. I really like how it looks and it's rather fun to drive. Very drifty. The fun kind of drifty.

My daily Nordschleife hot lap: STOCK Lamborghini Countach LP 400 '74: 07.49.324
This car is INSANE! I thought the 512BB was hard to drive at the limit, hooo boy was I wrong! T'was a wild lap, so much I can tell! The Countach is the very definition of floaty and oversteery. I didn't manage a single clean lap in 2h. My wrist hurts. But it was fun. I still love it because Lamborghini is my favourite car manufacturer. The desing of this thing is timeless, the sound is amazing, such a classic!


My daily Nordschleife hot lap: STOCK BMW M3 '07: 07.47.626
The only thing this car is missing is speed (especially acceleration). Other than that, it's perfect.
It's just unbelievable how a RWD car can be so stable and when this thing grips, it GRIPS. I also looooove its looks.

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