GT Sport - Trailers, Videos and Screenshots

  • Thread starter sk8er913
*Sighs* Why is Kaz making life so hard on himself? Couldn't he just at least show some sort of gameplay or something to showoff what GTS even is?... -_-'
Keeping GT6 under the radar promo wise made sense, it was a PS3 game at the end of the cycle. But this is supposed to be the first GT title on your current platform, your biggest selling series ever. Why wouldn't you feature it on your big show, except for a minor flash of an old trailer and one dude name-checking it?
Perhaps they will announce more at some sort of car event, like with the release of GT6.

Yeah but who reads about those? Car die-hards, not casual gamers, and it is the latter that makes up the usual ~10 million sales.

Whenever the beta is coming, one has to imagine the full game is further away if they're waiting for E3 in June 2016 to fully unveil it.

PSX in one picture
Maybe that's who PD thinks they belong with now.

Say goodbye to huge casual sales if they do. You can't expect casuals to buy something if you don't shout from the rooftops and shove it in their face, in front of all the other games on offer to them.
Even if it was getting delayed, they could have shown a trailer atleast. Incredibly baffeling..... they aren't cancelling and going for GT7 straight away are they?
Say goodbye to huge casual sales if they do. You can't expect casuals to buy something if you don't shout from the rooftops and shove it in their face, in front of all the other games on offer to them.
Ah, I forgot PSX was the only way to market games to casual gamers.
Perhaps they will announce more at some sort of car event, like with the release of GT6.

Maybe, but there's no good reason why you wouldn't at least throw out a quick trailer at PSX. If they want to do their major promotion at car events, fine, but at Sony's major event they should at least be making sure that they get their name in front of faces.

Having nothing at all is a big mistake.

Ah, I forgot PSX was the only way to market games to casual gamers.

No, but it's Sony's big event to push their first party stuff. Casual gamers buy whatever they like the look of, and they can't like the look of stuff that they haven't seen.

It's not that PSX is the only way, just that it's a very good one and that it's bizarre to miss that chance. Which presumably comes at a very low opportunity cost to both PD and Sony. Sony has to pay for the show either way, it doesn't cost them more to show one more video. And all PD has to do is hack together 30-60 seconds of footage.
Say goodbye to huge casual sales if they do. You can't expect casuals to buy something if you don't shout from the rooftops and shove it in their face, in front of all the other games on offer to them.

As this event shows though, you can always just focus on older releases. Whenever GT Sport does come around, it'll be shown off at any nearby major gaming event.

Ah, I forgot PSX was the only way to market games to casual gamers.


It's arguably the biggest, until roughly E3. It's also without competition from the other consoles, which helps anything shown there. Which is probably why a bunch of disappointing VR games were shown, since they'd be drowned out at something like E3.
If they don't throw out some info in the next four months (early 2016 "ends" there), I don't really see PD releasing the beta to the public.