..I'm not sold on the idea of that being Grand Valley Speedway.
Most obviously, the bridge seems.. off in just about every way.
First of all, there's the design. They kept that same, iconic (yes, Ubisoft, that bridge *is* properly iconic) blue bridge right up until the track disappeared from GT, and it was a big part of the track's identity - it's probably the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Grand Valley Speedway. Not sure why they'd want or need to change it.
Secondly, I can't help but feel that it seems a bit too long. I realise defining what's "a bit too long" is difficult when you're normally passing the bridge at racing speed, but it doesn't quite feel right.
Thirdly, where is topography? Where's the prominent coastline and dramatic hills on basically the entire "southern" section of the track? Granted, they did talk about cutting down some trees and planting some more authentic ones for Deep Forest, but I'd say *this* would be a retcon the likes of which have not been seen since High Speed Ring got its update for GT4, and all that had in common with it's predecessor was the rough shape.
The recently-thrown-around idea of the track not being in the shot also doesn't make sense. Let's pretend this *is* a Grand Valley teaser. Remember how I talked about how the blue bridge became iconic? Why wouldn't they show that then? Now that'd make the internet implode.
It is a rather short clip, and not a whole lot is given away (thanks, I suspect, also to Twitter compression), but, as of writing this, I'm getting 0 Grand Valley vibes.