GT Sport Update 1.22 Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter AKps3
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Does anyone think that the new tyre model will come to GTS for this update? Timing seems just right (break in-between FIA seasons so drivers can adapt as much as they can before getting back to racing).

That & FFB improvements are all I'm hoping for.

Are the new tyre model as shown in GT World Tour is good enough I may ask? From what I've seen most of the times some cars spun and losing traction at corners though. Maybe it is just a matter on how much time players needed to adapt improved tyre model but I also worried if it turned out even worse though. I mean PD could do it right but sometimes they didn't that's why I quite worried for this implementation because technically it is very crucial for driving experience in general. Hopefully my doubt is wrong and when it's out it gives better immersion as we expected not the opposite though.
Are the new tyre model as shown in GT World Tour is good enough I may ask? From what I've seen most of the times some cars spun and losing traction at corners though. Maybe it is just a matter on how much time players needed to adapt improved tyre model but I also worried if it turned out even worse though. I mean PD could do it right but sometimes they didn't that's why I quite worried for this implementation because technically it is very crucial for driving experience in general. Hopefully my doubt is wrong and when it's out it gives better immersion as we expected not the opposite though.

Here's a post on Reddit from someone who claimed to have tried it then: "Rear tyres especially are worse, lots more slip. 2 seconds a lap slower at Monza already." Source. The last thing we need is more slip from the rear tyres in RWD cars! That's half the problem; the rear end letting go, as well as too much wheels spin off the line. Hopefully, they've had time to work on it since then & improve it in the right direction. We don't even know if it will be in this update, but here's hoping that it is, & they don't make it worse.

Here's a post on Reddit from someone who claimed to have tried it then: "Rear tyres especially are worse, lots more slip. 2 seconds a lap slower at Monza already." Source. The last thing we need is more slip from the rear tyres in RWD cars! That's half the problem; the rear end letting go, as well as too much wheels spin off the line. Hopefully, they've had time to work on it since then & improve it in the right direction. We don't even know if it will be in this update, but here's hoping that it is, & they don't make it worse.


I believe they are keep working on it. Besides, to get better result they have to simulate and tested the tyre model numerous times until it is ready in my opinion. Hopefully it doesn't took so long though. Since it is already shown in World Tour I guess it just matter of time they going to drop it.
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What if the reason why so many classic cars went missing is because time travelers stole them?
So that's why Cizeta still produces the V16T yet they are still so damn rare? Because time travellers steal them?
Doing that will make them even rarer, driving up the price even more
But you would have the cars at your disposal since you (technically) already bought them about 50 years ago. They will also be in quite the condition if you managed to store them correctly, since you won't actually drive them since you will be present in 2018. So you would profit even more am I right?
They will also be in quite the condition if you managed to store them correctly

IMHO this is the real difficulty. You are absent for 50 years, and you have to trust other people to make sure it is ok. Storage has to be paid for, garages are owned, if no one checks it will be declared abandoned and any person you are leaving in charge has a Ferrari and a stack of your money...
Does anyone think that the new tyre model will come to GTS for this update? Timing seems just right (break in-between FIA seasons so drivers can adapt as much as they can before getting back to racing).
No,i think the new tire model will be a end of the year type of thing,and even if they put the tire update between the FIA seasons i don't think there is much time for the racers to adapt.
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IMHO this is the real difficulty. You are absent for 50 years, and you have to trust other people to make sure it is ok. Storage has to be paid for, garages are owned, if no one checks it will be declared abandoned and any person you are leaving in charge has a Ferrari and a stack of your money...

50 years makes it your grandparents generation. If you can trust your grandad (for example) you just go back, finance the construction of a climate controlled garage to store your vehicles on property that you know they still/will own in your time, fill it with any investment vehicles you choose (with half of them on lifts if floor space is at a premium), seal it up, and return to your own time to retrieve and sell them.

Although, this whole time-travel them being entirely theoretical, there is nothing to say you wouldnt just be able to drive to car through whatever portal you use to get back to the 60's and ignore the whole storage complication entirely.
I think the new model tyres , is already on the game.
I played today and my feeling with the car that I use normally, was totally different.
Less grip and very difficult to drive with no TCS and CSA.
I play everyday on GT so isn't a placebo effect,imho is real!
Pd are testing the new tyres model right now
there is nothing to say you wouldnt just be able to drive to car through whatever portal you use to get back to the 60's

Very good point, since the purchase of cars alone would require bringing money, and usually your clothes go with you in most time travelling scenarios so you could assume whatever you are touching goes with you.
So much nonsense in this thread that has nothing to do with the update. It's very annoying to read about theoretical time travel B.S.

There has been no mention about tire model in any tweet or teaser either. You guys are friggin delirious at this point. Calm down already.

Just because something hasn't been mentioned in a tweet or other form of tease does not stop people speculating/talking about it, that's the whole reason for this topic to discuss possible additions as well as what we know surely?
So now we are talking about time travel!! Oh how I love how these threads evolve! :lol::lol::boggled::boggled:

PD just released a new car tease :lol:
Just because something hasn't been mentioned in a tweet or other form of tease does not stop people speculating/talking about it, that's the whole reason for this topic to discuss possible additions as well as what we know surely?

Yeah.... No.

Go start a speculation thread. This should be about info we can glean from info put out by Kaz or PD.
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