- 614
- Brazil
- skyhightrees
You fall for fake spectacular effects the Forza series is known for. It's their whole artstyle...Release state no pre release. Of corse you will find a spot it is a bit more lit, but it should be more lit on daytime like it is shown. This is the next thing. Not all cars look the same inside. light wise, even the rear and side mirrows are per car diffrent in quality. I compare it only with forza to let you think about how gt7 can look like if it was ps5 only. After the psvr2 release we have 4 diffrent version of the game. And all based on a 10 year old engine.
And speeking of rain.
Try sf19 in cockpiview in the rain and you will see, Raindrops are glued to the car, thats a joke.
Now Gran Turismo respects the materials' properties, most of the times, it is doing stuff in a subtle way, just like IRL. The only thing that is sometimes exaggerated in this game is sun's reflections on car paint.
In this photo you posted, how and where do you expect the bounce to happen?
The car is a GT3 GTR full of black materials everywhere, the only thing that could make any bounce, is the carbon fiber on the middle of the cockpit, not even forza will be able to recreate this kinda lightning effect yet.
For your arguments, I took pictures easily representing the bounce lightning effect on cockpit view. It is indeed present in the game's engine, and it's a subtle effect by design.
In this pic above you can see how dark the shadowed part of the cockpit looks. Bounce lightning is not happening here.
Now look at this picture, the fancy brown leather seats bounce the sun's lightning onto the cockpit shadowed area. This is bounce lightning. It's still under the shadows but it's much clearer, because of the seats.
You need the sun to be directly lightning up something that will emit color like in this case too:
On the MUSTANG ECKERT this is noticeable.
Look at the center console, the buttons are BLACK PLASTIC. Insert Bounce Lightning:
They look red, because of the seats being lit by the sun. Close-up:
Bounce Lightning is there, it's just realistic and not trying to get in your face.