GT Sport's Online Experience is Only Around 15% of Total Game

Online 15% *
Single player 5%
Car and manufacturer history lessons 5%
Drawing stickers and car painting 25%
Photo mode 50%
...and a hundred percent reason to remember the... game.

Nothing of the original statement would have been lost due to followup questions. This news wouldn't have been less raw.
It would have been way more informative. They are in a position where they could ask followup questions. Because of this 'raw' 'news' we don't even have enough info to have an honnest discussion about this. All we do now is discussing how Kaz communicates. We never actually discus the.content in depth as there is no information to do so due to 'raw' news.

So yes I try to approach it critically but I have not been provided with information to accept the claim, and due to how things went in the past I do have reasons to be leaning to the side of refuting the claim. If we where to be given more info we.could make up our minds more properly.

Kaz abuses the fact that he doesn't explain what he claims. And then when we say 'hey you lied about X' then he can always start playing a 'game of semantics'. I can't see how this is not frustrating and I can't sre how people find it ok to still spread that completely immoral way of marketing your product.
I don't disagree with what anything you're saying, but it seems that what we're debating is who should be the one responsible for doing the critical analysis. I take it you would prefer that the writer added something along the lines of, "...however, Kaz and team do have a history of making claims they can't back up, or making inaccurate claims about their games, so whether this new information coming out is true or not remains to be seen," which I can't really argue against, but then that sort of disclaimer is probably only be for those who don't think for themselves anyway.

On a personal level, PD/KY can keep making all the claims they want, but having experienced their wild claims before, I know to question what they say (or any sort of news for that matter) before believing their claims. I don't really care if they keep pumping out articles like this since I've gotten efficient at knowing when to believe PD/KY or not, and the fact that these largely unsupported claims exist in the first place is implicit information about the integrity of KY, which I consider to be important to know. This sort of article doesn't sway me one way or another. For me, the critical analysis comes from discussion in the forums, and not the article itself. I understand though - some people don't like to think for themselves, and, well, what should we do about that?
Everybody's experience is different so it would be stupid to base it on experience. Many people will spend 100% of their time in online mode, some others may spend 95% of their time in scapes.
But there is experience and own experience
If there is the game based 90% on online, and someone prefers to play with the 10% of offline content, it doesn't mean that the game is an offline game ( based on how he plays it )
Interestingly odd statement. Saying it's "only" 15%, would lead people to believe it's portion in GT Sport is not too significant, which is contrary to the advertising, direction, and countless promotional pieces for the game. This statement only comes after backlash from complaints after info from the game modes were revealed. But before this, "Sport" is what this game was all about. So which one is it? A primary focus? Or merely a fraction of the game? Or is he viewing the "online" mode and Sport mode as two separate entities?

Also, you can hear him say the percentage at 1:02.05 in this video.
The news coming from PD is such a contradiction. So they release GT:Sport info back in 2016, it's all about the multiplayer, eSports and FIA licence. Fast forward to 2017 and a community of previous GT fans lot happy with the direction of the game, then PD says online is only 15% of the game? What a bunch of nonsense...

They are seriously running around like chicken with the head cut off, random in every direction.

GT:Sport is for me the weakest game of the 3 major racing titles launching this year. Racing online with fictionally specced cars or taking pretty pictures of those cars.... I'm not interested. Patch in classic cars and a full fledged single player career and you might peak my interest. And by that I'm not talking about the silly stuff like auto cross, zig zag through some cones and all that.

PD's promises leave me cold. You want to change the direction GT:Sport is heading in? Fine. First release the game, then release the content updates and only THEN we will see. For this fall, there are 2 other racing games that interest me more.

Sincerely, from a former GT5/GT6 fan.
Also, we have to remember that this is not an exact technical statistic but a vague and verbal approximation of something.

For me, it will approach something more like 15% offline. It will vary, as others have said, on how you play it.

Nobody will force you to put only 15% of your game time in online.
That depends on whether you decide to approach it critically yourself or not. GTPlanet reports info that the team receives and we discuss it in the forums. Personally I prefer my news as raw as it can get, so I can apply my own thinking and viewpoints on the matter.

I don't think such a disclaimer would be bad (they did put in a very watered down version of said disclaimer) but for me personally that not what matters. I was under the impression it was an interview from GTplanet. And was wondering why no further questions where asked about the statement. But since GTplanet was not involved in the interview they couldn't do that and are left with just as much 'questions' as us forumdwellers.

Reason why such a disclaimer isn't bad: most people don't think critically and need to be spoonfed that information.
Fair enough on reporting the news but this is unacceptable.

If X is really Y

It means we need to see it to believe it, basically. It doesn't say "Traditionalists can now rest at ease because online is only 15% of GTS." :)
"While we’re curious how Yamauchi arrived at that exact number, this is good news all the same."

Curious? He's probably straight up lying, ... again ..., If you're curious why not ask how he gets to that number? By just counting the amount of modes? Has he taken replayability of the seperate modes into account?

This article is just, well it's no article, it just is advertisement. Nothing more. Give information not just straight up repeat claims someone made about the game they are developping.

Some of your word chosen here are a bit harsh, but overall I tend to agree with some of the points you made.

Esp that line made me think "... consisting of four key areas: Driving School; Mission Challenge; Circuit Experience; and Racing Etiquette". What does that mean? No Career / no real Campaign, Championship modes?
Thing is, you can do anything with statistics to make a product look better. Because of custom races, arcade mode, campaign mode, scapes, the museum etc, 15% looks like a plausible number. However, since it's touted as an FIA sponsored online racing game, the bulk of actual PLAY will no doubt be online. I don't take much notice of what Kaz says. Hope for the best, expect the worst that's what I've learned about GT in the past 7 years.
Who knows? Maybe "custom races" is the comprehensive feature that we all want. Create championships, time trials, drift events, coffee break, rules... choose a picture to illustrate the race and share it online. And I will be 99% offline.

I hope so, prolly it's the closest thing you can get to traditional career mode from past GTs
What I do take a slight exception to, however, is this quote:

"GT Sport may not be as radical a departure as previously feared"

It sort of assumes everyone is fearing that. I know a lot are, but I don't think I am.

Small point :)
Bottom line is anyone can say any part of the game corresponds to 15% of it. Because the time people spend with a particular feature will vary a lot from individual to individual.

To me, these 15% are meaningless. In previous GT games (5 and 6) online was probably less then 15% of the game and I probably spent 50-60% of my time online.

The only thing that matters for the people who want a decent career mode is if it's there or not. Because if it is, they'll spend whatever time they want with it. If it's not they will not spend a second (or spend the money to buy the game).
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I'm not seeing any strange thing because if we split the game in its parts, you see quietly that 15% is a big part of it and not the other way round.
Photo mode, scapes, VR, campaign mode, arcade, livery creator are all things that have nothing to do with the online part of the game.

You do not have to calculate the percentages for playing hours, but refer to the various modes that the game has.
15% of what is in the game, maybe. As a % of what you would be playing in GTS I very much doubt it. For something like photo mode/scapes or the livery editor, I can imagine people dedicating serious hours, but something like racing etiquette? I'd imagine many people would spend something like 30 minutes going through that (depending on length) and then they won't have to look back at it again.

It's been noted already (and promoted by PD) that this is going to be a very online-focused experience so all this is Kaz just pulling the wool over the eyes, intentionally or not.
"Will there be off-line racing championships?"

That's the million dollar question that the interviewing journalists should ask. Straight. Effective. To the point.

It seems like that is the last piece to the puzzle that everyone is wanting to know.

Very interesting news about the 15% figure though. A very newsworthy quote, from a company who doesn't communicate with journalists very often.
I get get a sense he's conscious that GT is falling behind it's competitors more and more and he's frantically trying to polish his turd of a game. With the features and innovations that PC2 continue to announce, my only hope for GTS is what's behind the 'Arcade' option, because online and the promise of 150 totally pointless Driving School, Mission Challenge, Circuit Experience and Racing Etiquette modes just isn't getting me excited. And sat in the garage for hours messing around with liveries when I could be on-track racing round in a proper championship isn't what I want from a 'racing game'.

KY seems to have totally lost focus in what a racing game is all about, and to him it's all about aesthetics and fluff rather than substance. I don't want to sit there photographing my car collection in the Grand Canyon. I want to be racing the bloody things!

I've pre-ordered it, and will honour that through to purchase. But if my concerns are realised, it will be ebayed, pronto.
Well there is still at least a month to announce something. I just don't see it as being something that will allow anyone to say traditionalists can rest easy.

PD is sending mixed signals and it is almost impossible to get a simple straightforward answer on anything. Those 15% are in which context? I find it great that online isn't the focus but wasn't the game presented as an online game? So what is it?
Comments like this make me wish that PD will show up with a GT Sport GT Mode Disc that no one has seen yet... but then I guess it's not possible as the numbers of cars and tracks wouldn't add up.
I'm not interested. Patch in classic cars and a full fledged single player career and you might peak my interest. And by that I'm not talking about the silly stuff like auto cross, zig zag through some cones and all that.
GT lost me when they offered driving on the Moon.
15% is the new "early 2016". It is clear that the career mode is very limited. All previews show the same thing. And I don't see the point of hiding a career mode to journalists given the negative response. All I can hope is a comprehensive custom races tool.
Sport / Online?
Arcade / VR / Campaign / Scapes / Brand Central / Livery / Achievements?

I'm preeeeeetty sure he meant this ^. But :indiff::indiff::indiff:.
This is what I'm taking from this as well. Not 15% of the game, just 15% of the modes/selections available. I'm sure the bulk of the game is still online presence.