GT-TV: Could it be a trump card?

Getting back on topic again...

I actually would really enjoy some real racing on GT-TV. If not live, time lapsed recordings would still go a long way for me. Being in the US, there just isn't enough coverage of racing series. Normally I'm hunkered down on Speed TV trying to sift through the endless hours of NASCAR RACEDAY and Pinks reruns. Probably the most exciting idea would be if they could produce coverage of the SuperGT series. I've been limited to random youtube videos of those races, and it is a series that I think the United States should have the privilege of watching.
That's another thing it could do, which has already begun in Prologue; GT5 could open up the racing medium. Perhaps even introduce folks to events they've never even heard of before.

Again, entire series' subscriptions for nothing more than a few dollars for everything (following the all-too-true tale of nothing is free.)

It could do a lot for the game without distracting from the core element itself, hell, it could even be a factor of that core element.
To me GTTV is currently a huge disappointment so any improvements would be welcome. The live-theater feature that Terronium mentioned would be cool.

With that being said, I'd only "buy" content if:

There is no viewing time limit on content.
The content is accessible on the XMB, no disc necessary.

The in game GTTV load times are ridiculous and should be drastically improved.
here's another idea... :D what if you could share your replays through GT TV, don't know how.

There already are replays on online records, what you say is next step. But I prefer something more, I want to see live GT5 races via GT TV. Be an spectator on some professional online races is really fun.
Yea I would love to be able to spectate other peoples races. Especially some competitive matches involving members around here.
I'm not sure about the idea of live coverage, however GT-TV could be and almost certainly will be used to promote the release date of GT-5. Remember what the Cryptic message our mysterious friend Amar212 left us? It depicted the idea that GT-5 Prologue would still be supported and that players could download there own selected additional content instead of buying the full version of GT-5. So GT-TV will more than likely be available for both GT-5P and GT-5. I do believe that GT-TV is still in its earlier stages.
Sorry but as I've said multiple times in Amar's thread, the messages have about 10 differen't possible meanings each. I don't think GT5P will continue to get support as they have stopped updating the game.