It's got a racing exhaust, Computer chip, port polish and engine balancing, stage one turbo, racing suspension, custom transmission, sport clutch and flywheel, NOS, all weight reductions, chassis refresh, and a roll cage, hooked up to S2 tires.
On the hybriding side, it's got a Skyline GT-St engine, pumping out 290 hp with the above settings, up to 445 with full engine mods, it has Fireblade wheels, 75% weight, and a nice downforce modifier.
And for tuning, it's been tuned to perfection over a period of roughly 13 straight hours, and it's got 59 kg in ballast to bring the weight up to 550 kg precisely. In full fighting trim, it's got 445 hp, R3 tires, 500 kg, NOS setting from 50 to 100, and in gears above 3, it's able to out drag everything short of a prototype racer or FGT.
At any rate, those pics was done in base trim, with the 290 HP, and S2 tires.
The only problem with the car right now is it's incredibly low grip in first gear, maybe second. It's easy to handle, but nice and pointy, and when equipped with N tires, is a fun little drifter. Any other questions?
By the way, it was running an Alfa 166 engine before I got bored with the engine sound.