Gt4 [injury]

You guys should find something else to do. Put the game down and go out drinking or something.
And as for going to the doctor cause your thumb hurts? C'mon!
I totalled my motorcycle a couple of months ago, took lots of skin off my leg, hurt like a mofo, but what's the doctor gonna do? Tell me to wrap it and keep it clean? Yeah, no ****, doc.
So if your thumb hurts, stop playing the damned game until it doesn't hurt anymore - simple!
Slapped in the face? Pay more attention to your gf, less to GT4, before you don't have a gf anymore, then you'll start getting wrist pains from jerkin' it all the time.
You guys should find something else to do. Put the game down and go out drinking or something.
And as for going to the doctor cause your thumb hurts? C'mon!
I totalled my motorcycle a couple of months ago, took lots of skin off my leg, hurt like a mofo, but what's the doctor gonna do? Tell me to wrap it and keep it clean? Yeah, no ****, doc.
So if your thumb hurts, stop playing the damned game until it doesn't hurt anymore - simple!
Slapped in the face? Pay more attention to your gf, less to GT4, before you don't have a gf anymore, then you'll start getting wrist pains from jerkin' it all the time.

The doctor could have helped you. 👍

He would have had to amputate from neck down to fix the leg though. :dunce:
About 4-5 weeks ago, when I played the Fuji 1000km Endurance race, my left eye started twitching involuntarily and my thumbs got sore after completing the 5-hour, 228-lap race. Truth be told, I REALLY did this in A-spec mode and I did not know it was going to be THAT long :ouch: :irked:
i fell asleep doing the hongkong lap in the licence test, well i woke up 30mins later (on a small computer chair), well my neck was aching, and this other time in gt2 the r2 button pintched my finger :sly: thoose are my physical ingeries, if i were to say my brain problems heh the list would be lomng plus i lose my temper to fast now..... well ive started to drift around corners...walking with a backback :crazy: lololol lol nothing like feinting into the corner then ....well hahahahaha
You never believe people when they say your playing to much PS2, but as of yesterday i am a believer.

My left hand had slowly become weak when writing or trying to put my fork into my piece of steak so i decided to take a trip to the physiotherapist.

I came home from my visit to the physio to tell my mates that i had a strained tendon in my thumb caused by playing to much GT4. I couldn't believe it and the worst thing now is that i have to stop playing for 2 weeks to see if it heals properly. The guy even asked me what game i was playing and when i told him GT4 he smiled and said he had seen another case of this a few weeks ago.

I still use B-Spec though.

Has anyone else experienced any PS2 related injuries or am i just unlucky?

thats not funny one bit :| i have the samr problem my right thumb has a strange feeling like its dislocated and sometimes i cant move it like its frozen, and other times its painful as hell doing simple little twitches :S but who cares u only live once! yehaa lol
I raced a endro race last night, and by the end of lap 60 (final lap) by left ankle was starting to give me some pain. But as I was finishing up, and I was about to go to bed, it wasn't a issue.

Normally if I've been playing too long, my eyes start to water. This is the point where enough is enough, and I'll save my race and turn off the PS2.

I won't play games to the point of hurting myself. I remember a news paper article where a guy in Japan played games solidly over two days. He didn't eat anything, and only stopped for toilet breaks. The guy ended up collapsing and was taken to hospital.
I'm surprised at all the left hand pain. My left hand has been fine, but the palm and index finger (from shifting) of my right hand caused some pain until I backed off and went a day or two without playing.

As for wife/girlfriend/significant other injuries are concerned, there are ways to combine both! ;)
Pong came out in 1975/6, you were born in 1979 (if you are 26), now playing a video game 3 to 4 years before you were born is just asking for injury, how did you manage it.

LOL :)

Simple, video game technology didn't move too fast back then and by the time I was old enough to play it was still in the arcade. So, no I didn't play it at launch but back then one new game in the arcade was big news. My dad liked games and so he would take my brother and I to arcades either at the theater or the pizza place. It was called Mario's or something like that. It doesn't exist now. I used to have to stand on a chair.

OK, you got me reminiscing now and that's just not cool, because it will soon be followed by my soapbox rant about things like dancing games ruining the experience with all that freaking stomping. See! There I go! :mad:

As a side note, my dad quit playing gamesd after the NES came out. Apparently, "it just has too many buttons and makes it too complex to learn how to control the stupid thing. That just takes all the fun out of it. " :sly:
I had a friend who after playing Knights of the Old Repbulic for 16hours striaght. Had his eyes "polarize on him" aslso got a migrane. The doctor told him to wear sungleasses for a few days when he went outside for the polarasation and to put the contorler down. Needless to say he has learned his lesson play for 8 hours take a lunch break then go back at it.
I also experienced the thumb problem! After getting 100,000 A-Specs and working on golds (got to 64) I now have "Trigger Finger (thumb)". When I wake up in the morning my thumb is "locked" at the first joint. I now have to take some time off (I will B-Spec) and splint it at night. But it was worth it.
Whilst drifting with the DFP, every now and then during a frantic effort to catch a wayward tail my brain has (on 3 occasions anyway) decided that extending my middle finger would help. now i was turning lfet, and then oversteered so had to fling wheel clockwise, and so my newly extended middle finger gets smacked into the body behind the wheel. Other than that, nothing bad has happened. Thankfully. Youth is great.
I broke 3 of my toes celebrating getting my last gold in GT3. and I use a DS2?!
Anyway, I have never ever had any injuries because of playing, only some headaches, red eyes and pain in my thumb ;)
I used to get pains in my left shoulder and left side of my neck after playing Indy Car Series with my Momo racing wheel...

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