GT4 PhotoCaption Contest #8


What the hell, did they add railroad tracks to this stretch or something???

(blink* blink*)

whoa...umberto the pit dude was right..these ARE good brownies..i wonder what they put in this thing..

it'ssss o ok-k, im insuredddd for my j j jarring teeth, infactt-t,st-trrrangley, whe-nn i t-t-t-told them i was a le-le-le mans d d dd driver, t-thhhey said they'd d d d covvvver mee for-rr evvverryyythinnng excepppttt my b-ACK! *CRACK* OH DAMN IT! THATS THE 3RD TIME THIS YEAR!
"This is what happens when your average ricer does more than mere tacky cosmetics upgrades. This is the story of when they: (pause for dramatic effect) Do suspension modifications!"
"Jeez Bob! I told you not to eat so many burritos before the race!!"

Honda's new ad campaign "vroom vroom vroom" wasn't appreciated by the photographer from Mazda.
Just like to say, I'm *very* sorry, I didn't realize I actually got to pick the top ten and all that. If I ever win again, I promise the delay won't happen again.
please ignore Kenny's apology ;) As I set no deadline for the competition to end and never posted that it was closed all responsibility for any delay is mine and mine alone. That said, I am very busy and update whenever I get a chance I don't consider any delay to have occured. I will post the poll tomorrow, as soon as I get a chance. Now, I am going to bed.