GT4 Photomode 2.0 Advanced Week 46


440, the wheels look a bit... blurry. Heh, well, obviously radially, but I mean they seem out of focus compared with the rest of the image. It's hardly noticeable though, I only see it like that because everything else in the image is in top shape. The cleanup, the reflections, the pure yellow colour, you set the bar yet again 👍
I doubt I'll get anywhere near a poll with this, but it's worth trying.



Thought i'd best actually use Photoshop for more than just brightness and contrast this time judging by the quality of the rest of the entries!
Thought i'd best actually use Photoshop for more than just brightness and contrast this time judging by the quality of the rest of the entries!

Very nice! 👍 👍

Arsenal and Fox-Hound, thanks for the comments! 👍
Really nice entry moglet. I like the blue.👍

And as for the wheels in my shot, I did the cut and paste method, of course, and I actully cleaned them up a bit and made the reflections in them a little bit more crisp, but they were a little blurry to start with. And the cleanliness of the car's reflections makes the blurry wheels really noticable. But I thought they looked ok. Thanks for the compliments everyone. I am sure there are still a few people that have not entered yet that can easily top my shot.
Thanks for the comments guys!

440, did you take several high resolution images to make up yours bigger or was it just a good car model anyway? It looks really crisp and clean, although some bits do look a little bit oversharpened IMO.

Still a stunning shot though!
440, did you take several high resolution images to make up yours bigger or was it just a good car model anyway? It looks really crisp and clean, although some bits do look a little bit oversharpened IMO.

No, I just took one, and it's the original size. I just cleaned up all the reflections and lines with the smudge tool and dodge and burn tools. The car model was a pretty good base to start with too.👍
I am AWESTRUCK at certain entries in this comp (atlop, 440 CHARGER and Moglet)... I am even slightly embarassed to have entered here. I'll need to spend much more time getting to know Photoshop before trying a 2.0 comp again.
Very nice work there, Tomcat! 👍

Has everyone suddenly discovered a new widescreen photomode or something? ;)
Damn krame, you are so consistent, you always produce beautiful shots, and this is no exception, such a nice job!
I have no idea how Sejtur can pick the top 10
and it seems everyone knows how to do good motion blur by now