GT4 Photomode 2.0 Advanced Week 48

Wow, incredible shots this week, to everyone! Alpha, WOW! That shot is great. Really liking it!👍
It would be, but I haven't recieved anything from Moglet as yet.
Does anyone know if he's on holiday or something?
hope its not too late to update my entry 'cause..


Well im not so sure since the deadline was Sept 9, its just moglet hasnt picked the top 10. So i doubt your entry would be eligible but im not the man to ask.

You would have to talk to Rev.
I don't mind, as far as I'm concerned you all can keep posting entries until Moglet comes in and closes the competition. The deadline I post is really more of a likely date at which that will happen.
Sometimes things go awry when people take holidays or disappear though :P
I don't mind, as far as I'm concerned you all can keep posting entries until Moglet comes in and closes the competition.

Well in that case:

Final Entry


Not much cleanup work done to it, but it is unique, so I figured I might as well post it :)
i third that:lol:

i hope what's his name's not on holiday for too long, he's got work to do:lol: sarcasm
I've made a decision.
If I hear nothing from Moglet until Sunday afternoon, I'll pick the top ten myself, and the runner up from last week's poll shall pick next week's theme.
If he gets back before then, he can pick the top ten, otherwise, the show must go on, so I'll pick it.
eeh, i live in the same time zone as rev, so i'll check back tomorrow afternoon:)

hopefully he'll be back by then:rolleyes:
You Didnt See The Entry! I Can Use It In Another Comp1
CCX - Did you post it in this thread? If you did, you can't use it again. If you didn't, feel free to recycle it.

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