OK, since everyone here knows that I'm one of the most outspoken users here, I'm going to voice my opinion about this latest competition and I'm probably gonna get a few people's dander up but I feel it needs to be said...good bad or indifferent. And I'm probably not going to make any new friends with what I've got to say either.
Throughout out the entire "entry" period, what seemed to be the "favorite" entrants were coaxed and coached to change their entries one way or another. Mostly by the one picking the "Top 10". I don't feel that's the way that a "fair" competition should be run. I mean when you have the "chooser" tell one or more of the entrants "You shouldn't have changed your entry because your first was one of my favorites". Tell me that there's not a little bit of favoritism going on. And unless the other entrants do something very close to or exaclty the same as the chooser's "favorite" they don't stand a chance of getting picked. "You're getting chosen with (pic #1) but not with (pic #2)" is pretty blatant favoritism.
Apparently, I'm not the only one that noticed a little bit of what you're not supposed to do.....
um i keep seeing people asking, if they should use that pic. but if i remmeber correctly you have to figure that ou for yourself, NOT ask others wich one should i use.
Now, what's wrong with this picture?.....
Danger Orange
Really? you think so.. who else thinks so?......
I do! Lets put it this way... You are getting in at the moment with your Supra, not with your Merc and Audi!
That's more like it! Now if we could just get that DOR a little smaller, it would be perfect! And if we could get a link to the full size image on Image Shack!
etc., etc.......
Granted the posted rules don't specify that you shouldn't ask for advice on which picture you should enter but, as it's been brought out in SEVERAL other posts in other competitions, if you can't choose your own picture you don't have any business entering YOUR picture. And the same goes for all the posts that have a couple of pictures posted and the have the massage....."I can't decide which one". Come on, we all know that it's a back handed way of asking for someone else's opinion of which one should be entered.
I'm not a sore loser. In fact I appreciate the efforts of all the users that entered and appreciate the quality of the ones chosen. But I would suggest that in the future, let's not make the "Top 10" known before all the entries have been submitted. It just goes back to my original "beef" with the "public" competitions, too much buddy-buddy and favoritism.