GT4 Photomode 2.0 Advanced wk. 7 Poll

How realistic can you get?

  • [URL=][IMG]http://img386.imageshac

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Same kind of shot. About the same time of day (more or less) Again I ask, where's the shadow and the tires of the Z? But, what do I know? Obviously I've NEVER seen pictures of real cars or been around cars longer than most of you have known what a car is. Just because I can't make "beautiful pictures" doesn't mean I don't know one when I see one.

End trans.
Dude just let it be!!!

I've got tons of stuff to say too. **** got out of hand and we were wisely asked to close this matter and keep our opinions to ourselves, ok? Some respect for the community and the moderators please. That goes to everybody though.

And now I am going to eat Pizza! :dunce:

Ok, TF isn't a mod, but I am talking about all the people that make an effort of guiding the business, you know.
Vote went to the 350z convertible. Mainly due to the look of the background, and the lighting on the car.
Everybody that votes for my shot gets a piece of my pizza !! :crazy:
(does that mean I don't? :scared: )
OMFG, I'll shut my freakin mouth. I know the comment wasn't meant for me, but I dont like the result of my post:(
I just liked the feeling it gave for an evening:guilty:
Everybody that votes for my shot gets a piece of my pizza !! :crazy:
(does that mean I don't? :scared: )

Thanks Melanei!!!
HA! The Pizza was over time! hehehe. 'Honto ni'. Hope you enjoyed it :big evil grin:
I nuked myself some erzats food.

On second thought... it was deep frozen... does that count? :scared:
I think this got a little out of hand.............Havn't seen something like this in a long time.

EDIT: Sorry, my first post kind of got it fired up again.
Pay one visit to the ICQ message board: "current events". Now THAT'll make you :yuck:. It's the troll stronghold, haha.

Seriously, if we'll have a post-argument review, I'd just want to say to everyone: don't get fired up and emotional. Even if someone else does, just ignore it, and rhetorically deal with the relevant matter.

EDIT: well... mentioning the war isn't fighting it.
Too bad this got so emotional. Because there would have been some ideas here worth discussing. I hope there will be another round with 'realism' theme some day, this time with clear instructions what is meant by it.
With that last thing you said, you're kind of taking on 'it' again. I'll PM you.

I'd like to see a thread opened to discuss this matter. But I'm afraid many aren't competent enough to have a mature debate :indiff:, that's what got this closed in the first place...
Too bad this got so emotional. Because there would have been some ideas here worth discussing. I hope there will be another round with 'realism' theme some day, this time with clear instructions what is meant by it.
the only person that got emtional was 440,

clear instructions? what you mean it was toally Div's point of realism.
Oh just let it go guys, its been going on far too long. It was purely divs decision, When you judge a competition, then you do what you want.
Oh just let it go guys, its been going on far too long. It was purely divs decision, When you judge a competition, then you do what you want.
thats bascially what i just said......
If a shot can get at least one vote during the "belongs" in the final pick IMO.

Im not trying to stir it up again, just stating how I look at it. If the final pics get a nice spread of votes I think the list is a good one. There will always be a couple great shots that never get their props.
I am so glad I never had to deal with this crap in my muscle car competitions. Everyone was cordial and friendly about winning and losing. no one accused me of bad taste. I guess I was lucky :)
Everybody's saying it has been going on too long, and then still adding their final opinion on the whole thing. :crazy:
I'd like to know now are we goig to discuss it or are we not going to discuss it?

I'll just PM the people I want to comment to.

If people want to say more about this, why not open a thread in the opinions forum. I don't think it would bother anyone there...?
the only person that got emtional was 440,

clear instructions? what you mean it was toally Div's point of realism.

EDIT: post deleted.

There are some things that we should talk about if we want to avoid these problems in future, but obviously this therad was not the right place for that. Sorry for my bad timing. :guilty:
Might I make a suggestion?

Over at the Rally Competition, AFTER the poll has closed, it's asked that users give comments on the pictures submitted. Maybe do the same for all these other competitions. Wait until AFTER the poll has closed to ask why one got picked over the other or why some users would or wouldn't have picked the same ones that were. That way, by "brain storming" everyone might get a little closer to picking the "best" ones each time. I realize that everyone has different tastes and the system will never be perfect but, maybe by adding something like this will make the selection process a bit smoother (for lack of a better word) overall.

Just a thought.
To be fair it is only one wk that i have noticed this happen, and i follow this competition very closely (mainly cos its an excellent source of wallpapers). 440 seems cool with what happend now, so its over.

Maybe there could be a sperate critique thread put up at the same time as the poll, not an opportunity to flame people, and the poll chooser should'nt have to defend their decisions as they know what they were looking for. But it would provide an opportunity for everyone to discuss the competition. As it was a seperatre thread it could be closed by a mod without upsetting the voting if it got too offensive.

Well that my worthless 2lira (turkish at that).
Yes, IF we're gonna have more of those subjects to discuss, a specific GT4 PMC discussion thread/forum would be the best option. I don't thnk we want to see those threads here in this forum though, I mean, not in between the actual comp and poll threads. But somewhere...?
I'm all for sober and rhetorical debates, but people have to be competent for those things to work. So if we'll have it, I'd hope there are some clear guidelines/advice on how to have a debate.

Well that's my 2 peeschijven worth :lol:
Ah, I would'nt worry about it. Usually the discussions are fine and somewhat freindly in the poll threads and are more often than not, without much confrontation. And from now on, I doubt there will be any arguments or confrontations because we should have all learned our lessons from my mistakes. Unless you really want a thread where people can duke it out, be my guest!

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