Gt4 Photomode 2.0 Competition Week 59 - Closed

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm
Sweet shot 440 👍 it makes me think of roller disco with drifting cars
wow sounds like lots of fun LOL


Wowww Franz, that's a very unique shot in my eyes. That red tint fits it so well. Everybody can put a red tint to it, but with me it doesn't turn out well most of time, this one is perfect! I think you got a vote there.

440, that's another clean shot from you. Very clean. I don't know if I like the border though.
Thanks alot sejtur 👍 Amazing one DO... it looks like you're doing a 360 :drool:
Hope I still have time to enter this. :scared:

It is the 3rd here, don't know what timezone the deadline is but mine will be in later today.
That's one hell of a shot danger, and the camber on those back wheels.....:ill:
That camber isn't really camber at all - it's the huge perspective of the shot, and the wide angle. If you have that kind of zooming, you often get that kind of stretched look.
:lol: You seem to just be trying to use it up because you have no where else to put it. It doesn't seem to fit this theme to well, so I suggest you wait for the perfect oppotunity to use it. Trust me, you'll be angry when you realize there's a theme perfect for it but you already used it..

Still, it's a wonderful shot, just don't use it unless you think it fits the theme well enough.
:lol: You seem to just be trying to use it up because you have no where else to put it. It doesn't seem to fit this theme to well, so I suggest you wait for the perfect oppotunity to use it. Trust me, you'll be angry when you realize there's a theme perfect for it but you already used it..

Still, it's a wonderful shot, just don't use it unless you think it fits the theme well enough.

seems like a good idea. thats what i was going to do in the first place but just exactly like you said, i was just trying to use it, lol.
Nice entry Danger Orange, but I just wish you kept the original rims on the T350C.
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bah, nevermind ... i just noticed no phototravel! :ouch:

I'm feeling quite generous (and because we only have 12 entries so far) please don’t worry about the ‘No Phototravel’ bit 👍
I'm feeling quite generous (and because we only have 12 entries so far) please don’t worry about the ‘No Phototravel’ bit 👍

Thank you kind sir!! I wasted too much time on this.

Final Entry

I think the deadline was already overcame (Spell? :P)

Btw, it could be great add an entry to this top notch level comp, at least for participate. And yes, the important is winning, not participating but it could be nice anyway :D

U should enter some comps Alex. Your shots have lots of potencial to win, so try to enter sometimes:tup: