Jungle-Ryder: I don't have the time or the patience for that kind of atittude. Not anymore. Just grow up and lay off the internet for a while.
On a side note, and what makes me laugh is that, judging by your entry, your idea of a good poll is like 20 side shots of F1's. Awesome!
Well I am sorry that you dont have time or patience, but we can all see that by your Top 20.
And as far as my attitude goes, Good for me that I have ATTITUDE. Im glad that I can say it how I see it, does that make me a badman - NO, do we all have to be ass kissing yes men - NO. Some of us have an opinion, and I guess only a few of us exercise the right to use it.
Maybe 'you' should lay off the internet for a while and rest them tired eyes, have a cup of coffee and dont let a little thing called somebodys opinion on your bad taste bother you.
And just for the record - YES! it is just an internet photo comp for fun, thats the beauty. I imagine the whole idea of this photomode weekly comp was to get members creative juices flowing, but fun or not, lets not reward poor efforts with a place in the top 20 after so many people made a great effort to make the shortlist. And 'you' may not have seen it, but the standard of a lot of the entries this week was superb. Some members have really got a grip with the theme (excluding all those who just waded through their archive or used a pic from a theme that was in play last week) and to put a Top 20 up like you did shows exactly what you 'dont' know, and offends the members with truly deserving entries.
Personally, my Top20 would not not have been 20F1's, I dont think you can count also as I cant remember 20 F1 shots being submitted. My choices (and there 'was' enough to choose from, although you didnt see 'em Magoo) would have created a highly competitive close run poll which would seem like the essence of the comp, letting the members have more of a choice, hence making it more fun and worth competing in.
It seems like this forum has a place for a straight talking B***H, I nominate myself to be that B***H, only dis-credit where its due!
My apologies to all those members who felt cheated this week. Maybe next weeks winner will raise the bar and take the comp to a new level.