GT4 PhotoMode Competition: Week 16

  • Thread starter Slick6

Liking your entry Mintee, I expect to see this in the poll, Im sure most members will agree, even Slo car
Are you simply picking through the thread pointing out your favorites, or have you entered?

After getting all butt-hurt about the other competition and suggesting people were playing favorites, this behavior seems odd.
Het Skuh, we seem to share the eclectic taste for 'good' pix, eager to see your entry this week.
Must watch what we say, dont want people to think were starting a clique! :sly:
Just wondering Blando whether you actually read my posts.
These comps are about fun and bringing out the best in photomode.
Whether I was miffed I didnt get into the poll is irrelevent to the fact that you pay respect where its due!!!

And by the way its about time that people should say if its crap, THAT PIC IS CRAP, all criticism is good if it makes for better entries
Awww, such a cute little shot. Your mother should be proud.

I read your posts. How about you pay respect by VOTING or ENTERING instead of playing kiddie-martyr on a message board. Tool.

Out of you whopping 14 posts, 5 are simply to whine and complain. Want to talk about fun? Try having some and removing whatever stiff object found its way into your lower orifice.
You seem a very angry young boy Lando.
You seem like a nutrider regardless of age. I'm almost willing to bet that you and Junglewhatever know each other. 👍

I wish I were still young...
Yawn. You guys realise you're arguing over a photo taking contest?

And Skuh74, stop postwhoring. We've got an edit button, you know, which allows you to edit a previous post so you can add in more stuff you didn't think about at first.

Now, back to the regularly scheduled picture posting.
Only my 3rd ever photo taken in GT4,so criticism is welcome!!!

Looks good kavster, but one thing you're going to find is that pictures that looked good on your TV will usually be too dark when they're on the computer. I try to bump the exposure in photomode to at least 0.3, sometimes as high as 0.6. It'll look too bright on the TV, but it'll look less dark on the computer that way. We're also allowed to tweak the bright & contrast in PhotoShop too, so you won't have to throw away that good picture. 👍

Another thing you'll need to check is whether Seattle is considered an 'Original Circuit', since it appears under 'City Circuits' in the game...
thanks for that,but i consider it to be an original as it has appeared in all GT games bar GT 1.Oh,and as soon as i get some time i will retake that picture and brighten it up.
I'd be interested in hearing how an SUV/pick-up counts as a 2-door coupe. There's also the fact its a concept car, and the rules state production. Out on two accounts??

Shame too, that's an awesome shot.
Kavster05's pic in seattle is only an honourable mention anyway so no worries there about it's eligibility, although it probably shouldn't have been posted in this comp thread.

Nice pic tho,if nothing special, i have seen far worse

I've had better before, but hey, I'll try it.

**EDIT: Shoot i just realized that mine is kind of similar to Diabolical's shot with the skyline. Didn't do it on purpose, just thought of taking my pic when I was taking the pictures. I wasn't stealing his idea...but if people think it needs to be changed, I will.
My entry, a G35 Coupe on El Capitan.

Final Entry

I chose this one just because I think the angle of the car is better.

Honorable Mention -

I had trouble choosing which, but I finally chose the top one as the final entry. I may switch it later in the week.
//. /. '/
nice theme
Final Entry

It's probably pretty dark, so I'll reload it when I get to a better monitor
Damn fine shot. I thought about doing something like this ages ago but could never pull it off anywhere near as neat, or with a decent background feature. Well done!! :bowdown: