Voting for yourself does seem a bit
because if everyone voted for themselves then it would have given you no advantage
No. I actually feel that it levels the playing field more. Because if EVERYBODY who entered voted for themselves, then the decision would depend on other members of the forum who didn't compete. Everyone, wether they admit it or not, is biased towards their own photo. We all want to win! So I say it's better to have the votes of non-competitors because they're not biased. They come in and pick the photo that they like, not because they want that specific one to win because it is theirs, but because they genuinely believe that it's the best of the group.
I think it would be a great idea to make it where competitors were not allowed to vote period, but I know there's no way that the forums can be configured for that. Only other thing I could think of is make it a rule that EVERYONE must vote for themselves. That way everybody gets at least one vote, and it's kinda like the first vote is null creating the dependancy on OTHER members votes.
I do, however, still stick to my guns on the fact that the winner who chooses the theme should also select THEIR top 20 to allow for the polls. Because obviously if they WON, they must have some pretty decent taste in what makes a good photograph. This would weed out all the (not bad pictures, persay, but) lesser class photographs. Not to mention it would provide a sort of standard for the entries and those who are not selected in the top 20 would conentrate more on honing their photograpy skills to make it into the top 20, thus improving the skill of everyone slightly...making for better competitions later on. And the competition would be more fierce with less competitors. Slick says that the winner might not have the time to sift through and pick out 20... I know that I'd be more than willing to pick out my top 20 for week 4. I don't know about anybody else. But perhaps if that person doesn't have time then Slick could do it for that week or maybe the week would just go unfiltered... meaning that if the previous winner were too busy and didn't pick out his 20 and submit it to Slick on time, then the poll would just go up with all the entries..
Anywho, I don't think voting for yourself should be that big of a problem.