Man, everyone wants me to critique their magazine covers.

Maybe I should start charging $$$! No, Just Kidding! I appreciate you all seeking my advice.
It's really going to be pretty much the same for everyone. Just the basic things like drop shadows and bevels to make your text pop and easier to read, and keeping your colors consistent and uniform, as well as utilizing space in your photo with perhaps scenery or text.
I'll try to keep them short and sweet so you don't have to read through a giant paragraph.
Your title design looks good, and it's orginal, so you get props for that. Unless you have copied the style from something else. But anyway, I am going to mention again that you should give the title something to make it stick out, wheter it be a bolder color, (cause its color is basically the same as the photo) or giving it a drop shadow or bevel. I'm not a real fan of the typewritter-style text you have for everything else. Usually a good, bold san-serif font (fonts like arial: no little accents on the letters) work good for magazine covers because they usually seem to catch your eye more, as a serif font (fonts like Times New Roman: they have the little accents) are usually intended for reading to help your eye flow from word to word. Now about your picture... Bump up the contrast, make it pop, (I like that word) give it some color. And not to bash your picture or anything, but the wheels are so tiny in rally mode. And I dont know if you are using photoshop or not, and I dont know of your photoshop skill, but that SS-T probably could of been cut out a little better. Perhaps give it a little edge feather. I think that pretty much wraps it up for you. (That was'nt too short and sweet was it.)
Yours does'nt exactly scream magazine cover to me. Your picture looks very nice, and the title font is cool and all, but it's the secondary pictures that don't appeal to me. A suggestion may be to put the two pictures on the same side together and have the text on top and bottom of the pictures. Also, the way it stands now, the text being rotated is not usually recomended I don't think. Maybe straiten it out, but leave the pictures rotated, and then maybe try and see what it would look like if the text overlaped a corner of the picture or something. I also wouldn't suggest using a gradient for text color. It's ok in the title, but not in the body text. Also, try moving the barcode to bottom somewhere. And I also think you should try to add some kind of bars or lines to break the picture up a little bit. It just needs something to make it a little more... organized is the word I think I'm looking for. So just some suggestions.
Finaly... Franz:
Yours is nicely done. I like the touches like putting HKS and... Flamer I think it says... in the back window. The title looks good, and I'm not going to comment on the lady, but your picture is great, and your sub-pictures look good. The bright neon colors work well with the Vegas them as well. All I would recoment is something to define the bottom of the cover, like a solid color bar or something. Maybe needs to have larger text in some of the subtitels or something. But overall, nice cover.đź‘Ť
One of the best things I can suggest is to just look at other magazine covers and try to pick up on some of the methods and design styles they have and try to incorporate them into your own work. I am no professionl designer or anything (I would like to be someday though), but I have been through a few graphic design classes that suggest and teach these things, so I am just telling you what I've come to learn and use.
OK, whos next.......