GT4 Photomode Magazine Cover Competition: Week 1

  • Thread starter Joey D
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Are we going to argue what is muscle car again?
anyway ... just kidding :D

edit > I love this contest!! much more creative than PMC ... once the poll is up, maybe 440 can bring some people in to vote đź‘Ť
Winner chooses next weeks theme eh? Well I guess you'd choose next weeks as the winner won't be determined for another week, but yeah...


I have some ideas, but I was thinking anything Sport Compact for next week maybe? I'm not sure yet, how about we all descide on Saturday as a group?
blazin when i was reading the cover, i thought that said lightning-101.. lol .. just cause i was lookin @ a pic of a lightning.. not bad :D but you should make the name of the mag 'pop' more.. :D
I decided to give this competition a go! It's right down my alley as I am a CG Major and am into the graphic design stuff. So here is my:


you, sir, have my vote! now, provide us a tutorial on how you got that 'chiseled' look for the title, it looks fantastic.
lol its called "outer bevel" duh.. :dunce:

Actually, it is called pillow emboss. In photoshop, just double click your layer, or just click the little f at the bottom of the layer palette, and go to bevel and emboss, and on the drop down menu, choose pillow emboss. Simple as that! You will have to mess around with the amount size and stuff to get it right, but it's pretty easy. I LOVE LAYER STYLES!:)

Thankyou very much for the compliments everyone!:)
Same, this was the first time I'd used Photoshop for a competition and I found out a number of things I'd never come aross when just making banners and stuff for websites tc.

This contest will be awesome. I hope I can enter but my flash drive isn't working anymore and it's only 1 week old. :( gotta call tech support.
dont worry, i haven't gotten NEthing but negative comments so far lol (corrections that needed to be made)
well after looking at the other entries im almost too embarased to post mine lol, but here goes nothing.



i used the real magazines logo and layout, and i borrowed the UPC CODE from one of the other pics ;)

OK, lets critique:

Yours looks pretty good DRIFT GOD. A few things I would suggest are maybe move the picture of the Ram down a little bit so that the the roof was'nt so close to the text at the top, and just make a black bar at the very top where it says Paris-Dakar Rally. And maybe give all the text some kind of drop shadow or a very small amount of bevel. Those little touches make the text easier to read and really makes it jump out. And maybe darken your colors of your text. A little deeper red I think would look better, and a little more golden yellow. Actually, if you just match the red in the text with the red in the title, that would look better. The two reds have a differnt shade to them. But other than that, I think the picture is appropriate, and it looks pretty good.đź‘Ť
hey 440, wanna critique mine? lol :D (btw- i was close on the bevel thing) :dunce:đź’ˇ

comments appreciated, i made the title, and tire-tracks myself... :dunce: so it looks a lil cheesy. lol :dopey:

source photo: Truck Burnouts :dunce:

I would love to suzq044, lets critique:

First off, you have a pretty good idea and layout of what a magazine cover should be. My first suggestion would be to not have your picture rotated quite so much. It makes it a little difficult to look at, and I would probably make your photo completely in color. I'm not a real fan of that mature color look, but that is just my opinion. If you look at mine, my background is in black and white and it's darkened, but my truck is in full color. That can be done in photoshop by just simply de-saturating the back ground and darkening it. If you need to know how that is done, let me know. That is just a suggestion, or just make it in full color. Now about your text... I'm not real sure about the fonts of your white text. It looks a little plain, and the thin black border around it is not real appetizing to me. and again, adding a little bevel or drop shadow to it makes it stand out more and much easier to read. The title looks good, but a few suggestions on that. A little less bevel would be better I think, maybe even try the pillow embos I mentioned earlier. Also, maybe even try to free transform your title text to make it a little fatter and wider so that it fills up the top of the cover a little more. And try to keep the colors of your text relevant and in theme with the photo and/or the layout. The tire tracks are unique and cool, so I would keep those. Maybe add a second one in there somehow. And the "April 2005" and "Magazine" need to be a darker. And one of the things I would consider is the amount of plain, un-used space on the right side of the cover. It is kind of a turn off. Maybe bring your picture down a bit and move the text in the lower left to that empy space. The picture on the bottom is really nice, except maybe seperate it from the cover a little more by adding a black line or bar between the two.

Just my suggestions... It has potential.:)
i copied the styling of another logo
.. in the title and the text... i followed from
440> It seems your comments are very important to everyone
if you don't mind, comments my cover please
I will be more than welcome
if you don't have time ... it's okay
Man, everyone wants me to critique their magazine covers.:crazy: Maybe I should start charging $$$! No, Just Kidding! I appreciate you all seeking my advice.:)

It's really going to be pretty much the same for everyone. Just the basic things like drop shadows and bevels to make your text pop and easier to read, and keeping your colors consistent and uniform, as well as utilizing space in your photo with perhaps scenery or text.

I'll try to keep them short and sweet so you don't have to read through a giant paragraph.

Your title design looks good, and it's orginal, so you get props for that. Unless you have copied the style from something else. But anyway, I am going to mention again that you should give the title something to make it stick out, wheter it be a bolder color, (cause its color is basically the same as the photo) or giving it a drop shadow or bevel. I'm not a real fan of the typewritter-style text you have for everything else. Usually a good, bold san-serif font (fonts like arial: no little accents on the letters) work good for magazine covers because they usually seem to catch your eye more, as a serif font (fonts like Times New Roman: they have the little accents) are usually intended for reading to help your eye flow from word to word. Now about your picture... Bump up the contrast, make it pop, (I like that word) give it some color. And not to bash your picture or anything, but the wheels are so tiny in rally mode. And I dont know if you are using photoshop or not, and I dont know of your photoshop skill, but that SS-T probably could of been cut out a little better. Perhaps give it a little edge feather. I think that pretty much wraps it up for you. (That was'nt too short and sweet was it.)

Yours does'nt exactly scream magazine cover to me. Your picture looks very nice, and the title font is cool and all, but it's the secondary pictures that don't appeal to me. A suggestion may be to put the two pictures on the same side together and have the text on top and bottom of the pictures. Also, the way it stands now, the text being rotated is not usually recomended I don't think. Maybe straiten it out, but leave the pictures rotated, and then maybe try and see what it would look like if the text overlaped a corner of the picture or something. I also wouldn't suggest using a gradient for text color. It's ok in the title, but not in the body text. Also, try moving the barcode to bottom somewhere. And I also think you should try to add some kind of bars or lines to break the picture up a little bit. It just needs something to make it a little more... organized is the word I think I'm looking for. So just some suggestions.

Finaly... Franz:
Yours is nicely done. I like the touches like putting HKS and... Flamer I think it says... in the back window. The title looks good, and I'm not going to comment on the lady, but your picture is great, and your sub-pictures look good. The bright neon colors work well with the Vegas them as well. All I would recoment is something to define the bottom of the cover, like a solid color bar or something. Maybe needs to have larger text in some of the subtitels or something. But overall, nice cover.đź‘Ť

One of the best things I can suggest is to just look at other magazine covers and try to pick up on some of the methods and design styles they have and try to incorporate them into your own work. I am no professionl designer or anything (I would like to be someday though), but I have been through a few graphic design classes that suggest and teach these things, so I am just telling you what I've come to learn and use.

OK, whos next.......
If you guys are going to change your covers that's cool, but don't repost it. Just update the post where it says final entry.
OK here is my effort, This is NOT my final effort. Please comment.

This is my FIRST ever effort at anything like this so be nice.

Well I think this looks alot better.



Blake, that is looking alot better!đź‘Ť It's amazing how a black bar on the top and a bar at the bottom makes it look more like a magazine. Nice job!:)
blake- just lookin @ the SST pic itself, it looks like the wheel is gone. lol just a querk of gt4 i guess? or it just rebounded WAYYY into the wheel-well.. ehh.. either way yer mag looks good :D

edit: charger- i think you have become the head of graphic design for the magazine department @ GTP. :dopey: :sly:
OK here is my effort, This is NOT my final effort. Please comment.

This is my FIRST ever effort at anything like this so be nice.

Well I think everything looks pretty good, except for that font. I know you were probably looking for a font that did'nt have much organization because it's "Truckers Mahem" and you wanted something that looked like mahem, but that font looks more like halloween to me. You can find alot of free fonts out there if you don't already have a decent one. And I would put some kind of border around your smaller pictures so that id seperates them from your background picture. Other than that, it looks pretty good.
silly image shack removed my PIC on me, so this is a nothing thread sorry guys. I wish you could remove your own threads.
That looks alot better, but the borders aren't quite touching the pictures, that doesn't quite look right to me...

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