GT4 PhotoMode/Photoshop Competition: Week 18

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Final entry #2

it has been done before, but it was the only picture i could use. I was working on a bmw, but i didn't liked it.
Before it looked golden, but not that you say that it does look iky.

EDIT: There, made the chick's car the apropreiate(sp?) color. And added the Hommel.
Final Entry


Gold Honda Dualnote in the style of a 'Motorshow' launch photo.


El Gigante
That's awesome! Very nicely done.

Thanks!!!!! 👍 I'm still working on a few little details.. I would love to see a yellow SLR though.... That would've been awesome... but you know how Mercedes is, silver and silver... maybe black...
@5150, Very nice entries 👍 , 2-tone Audi with pink details, the girls are gonna love that.:)

Thanks AMG_SLK!!!!! Thanks EL GIGANTE!!!! I think I spent more time with the Audi's reflection on the wet track than anything else! hehehehe
That is one FREAK of a car :eek: :eek: :eek:
I'm having mixed feelings with that. It reminds me a lot of an insect, hehe. I think it's really cool, but getting close to the edge of ridiculous though, hehe. The wheels are also contributing a lot. Great job 👍
But somehow I need a small/humble red element somewhere... a thin line... a rectangle... It's probably the best the way it is though. I guess it's time for me to go to bed ^^
painting a DeLoren, and 2-tone lime green & black at that! now that's sacralige! :D

I've set the top 20 to MAV so hopefully the poll with be up later today.

so many nice entries it was hard to choose, but it's great to see such a good turn out. And to think I asked MAV if I could enter if there were less than 20 entires sumbitted! :lol: