GT4 PhotoMode/Photoshop Competition: Week 20

  • Thread starter //. /. '/
Entry advert for the car company of your choice


Background picture, (my own) photographed in Ushuaia, lake Escondido (Dec 2002)
MB SL55 AMG from GT4.
Texts added
MB Logo, hand drawn as I couldn't find a decent copy on the web.
Shaded area underneath the car, deleted and recreated using the gravel from background picture.
Removed Bob and created empty Red driver seat.
Removed windshield glass as the background still showed GT4 stuff.
Recreated windshield that lets through the original background.
Applied variation to car to match it’s colour with environment.
Amount of PS layers: 8.
Hours spent, you don’t want to know.:indiff:

I'm impressed by what has been entered for this Comp, great stuff. 👍


taken from his PDF tut
Posting online? Do everyone a favour and compress your jpegs. Quality of 65-70 will almost halve the filesize and you will barely be able to tell the difference. Save a perfect copy on your computer.
This gives you a live view of what your image will look like after compression. It also allows preview of file size (AMG)
lots of work ....
I love how you make the windshield getting more reflection from the sky
decent job on removing bob thou
EVO Lancer
Some nice entries already!

Here's my first Entry

Feedback welcome.

I liked it altought the logos could be cleaner and the letters of the man who said the sentence are hard to read
Entry 2 advert for the car company of your choice

Background picture, (my own) photographed in South Africa (Mar 2004)
Land Rover from GT4.
Texts added
Shaded area underneath the car, deleted and recreated using the grass from background picture.
Removed windshield and side glass as the original background still showed GT4 stuff.
Recreated windshield + side windows that now lets through the 'african' background.
Amount of PS layers: 7.
Hours spent, again you don’t want to know.


Mprata, thx for the tip!
Franz, thx! Opacity is your friend.
I liked it altought ..........and the letters of the man who said the sentence are hard to read

@ Evo, I agree with mprata on this one. I think you may have moved your texts to place it in the right position. this will sometimes mess up the letter I.
careful placing should eliminate this 'error'.
Love the pic!

"Mprata, thx for the tip!"
If I knew you were going to do a so good pic I woudn't give the tip :indiff: ... just joking :lol:
I'm working on an M5 :)
Final Entry

very simple, but thats why I like VW's ads ya go.

i thought it was BUMP? :lol:

EVO Lancer
Some nice entries already!

Here's my first Entry

Feedback welcome.
i like everything but the toyota start button.. :ouch: otherwise its good lookin :D [i can read the text just fine]

edit: i would like comments on mine also :)
i went a different direction with mine, simply because the range stormer is a concept car :)

Well the LandRover seems to be very popular. I like yours as well.
Who cares :) whether the car "exists" or not, It's just a fun competition. 👍

@suzq044, Ok here goes. The car and background fit well together. the Text at the bottom is very good. The 'lightning' text is distracting TOO much from what you're trying to sell to potential buyers. Suggest smaller font and move to top left or right.

prata.. try the EDIT BUTTON--lol [saves space] the M5 ad isn't really bmw-style so to speak.. [i'm not really diggin the outlined text either :ouch:]

:lol: :lol: .... i like that, the only thing is the motor carrige is a little hard to make out.... possibly needs a little brightness added.... classic
spyker, the only thing i see on that, which you could improve is do a 1px stroke on the text, so it stands out from the tree in the background.. kinda hard to read.
Entry 3

Too tired to do a write up at 2.15AM.



[edit] Changed headlights, thx Spyker.
[edit2] Found the "lights off switch", Spyker if I don't get your vote now I'm gonna come after you ..... j/k :)
i thought it was BUMP? :lol:

i like everything but the toyota start button.. :ouch: otherwise its good lookin :D [i can read the text just fine]

edit: i would like comments on mine also :)
Toyota start button?! That pic is from the home page of!!
Evo, this is what i'm talking about as far as the 'start button' goes.. [looks just like toyotas styling]

they were pushing that for a while [no pun intended] with thier ads..
That looks good AMG, great detail.
But what happened to the headlights?
I switched them on. What you don't like 'm ?
I'll see if I can improve, find it the most difficult thing to do though.
Help appreciated.


[edit] Amended my Jag pic in post #52
Evo, this is what i'm talking about as far as the 'start button' goes.. [looks just like toyotas styling]

they were pushing that for a while [no pun intended] with thier ads..
Oh! We didn't get any ads like that down here in Australia. In Oz, its really more of an FPV thing, the starter button. I'm not really a fan of them, it makes starting the car a two-handed job.

Very nice!! Looks a lot like their actual ads.
PS That car's got a starter button!! :crazy: