Week 26
Judge: CoolGeekz
Photoshop MUST be used (or other photo editing program)
You may alter the photograph in ANY way, the more creative the better
The photograph must be hosted by ImageShack
The photograph must be within the parameters of each weeks theme, chosen by the judge
Each Person will be allowed THREE entries
Entries will only be considered if "ENTRY" is above each one
Only 20 Entries will be voted on, and will be selected by the judge
The judge will be the winner of the previous week's vote
Deadline will be Sunday October 30 (based on GMT -4/ EST USA)
Must have 2 or more cars in one picture, BUT the catch is they have to be drifting AND moving (no sitting still with the wheels turned). That should add some difficulty to a somewhat easy idea.
This end of this week's competition may be delayed (if my house is without power, thanx wilma) I'll post an update after tuesday