GT4 PhotoMode/Photoshop Competition: Week 27

  • Thread starter //. /. '/
@ Vonie
DO had won week 26
you can try to contact him for the new theme
but he seems disappeared lately
No problem guys. If I can't get him by tonight does anybody have any suggestions for a theme?
How about something easy to get more interest? Like, umm, maybe an ad, respray, magazine cover, something like that. Or maybe even a free theme?
I'm going soon, I'll get back by 9:30 pm EST and if DO hasn't sent me a theme, we'll do something, I don't know what. I kinda like that Cop car one but I don't know if we'll get a lot of entries.

Any more suggestions?
I’m with the mini car comp., I actually was just taught how maybe a week ago...

fun stuff :) i used to think they were real cars
Got tired of waiting. I'm gonna put up a cop cars theme just because I think it'll get more entries than minicars.
It'll be up soon.