So simple, yet so good.ALPHA
I see that you like that Calibra as well! They look pretty cool!ALPHA
I am tired, but I believe I can still see right.VipermanGTS
Mr. ToadDeal me in... One ad that could double as a poster.
I like it but feel that the car could be a bit bigger in the poster. It needs to be a more dominate force in the design. Good job Franz 👍franz
Vicious VPI like it but feel that the car could be a bit bigger in the poster. It needs to be a more dominate force in the design. Good job Franz 👍 its wut i used.
Mr. ToadHey Suzq044, I haven't signed up for Babelfish yet, I'll try to give it a go.
Off topic: I was checking out your vector pieces, do you do those in Illustrator? Very nice.... Bezier curves and the gradients ... clean, clean, clean...
If you drew and coloured them in Photoshop, you may be able to squeek them in under Vicious VP's rules.... rule clarification Vicious? I believe it would fall under the "more creative the better" rule category...
or draw paths in Illustrator, drag & drop into Photoshop and paint away!
...just a thought...
suzq044you dont have to sign up for babblefish.. just type wut u want to translate & choose what languages.. "from US English to German" ... I use Flash for my Illustrations.. i lost illustrator when my PC crashed... Photoshop is a raster program, and i use it to screen shot what i've done in flash, in order to post them online..
Thanks to EvilToast for his post to inspire this shot of the F1 track.
Any comments would be appreciated. There are some great ads here and I tried to do a different angle.
suzq044oooo.. pretty... but where is that on nurburgring? i dun remember that building.
Vicious VP