GT4 PMC Week 28

  • Thread starter Slick6
How come nobody accused Dropzone of photoshopping when he entered a similar pic in the truck comp two weeks ago?

that was a slightly diferent situation... dropzones pic looked like he forced the trucks to one side and then swerved infront of traffic in a truck race, were as with the merc shots, all the cars are lined up with their backs to the wall on the run off section of the track at the Nur..... not possible with the AI.... and we all know that the AI is stupid... so unless he did it with a LAN game, it would logically have to be photoshoped.

My first ever photo comp entry.
How come nobody accused Dropzone of photoshopping when he entered a similar pic in the truck comp two weeks ago?

Easy, that was my first attempt and admit that it doesn't look right, it was a rushed effort. I don't like how the SS is all hugged on the wall and the SSR is out of place.

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that was a slightly diferent situation... dropzones pic looked like he forced the trucks to one side and then swerved infront of traffic in a truck race, were as with the merc shots, all the cars are lined up with their backs to the wall on the run off section of the track at the Nur..... not possible with the AI.... and we all know that the AI is stupid... so unless he did it with a LAN game, it would logically have to be photoshoped.

Any and all questions/doubters regarding my Multiple Car pics are answered(hopefully), just click the sig.
Any and all questions/doubters regarding my Multiple Car pics are answered(hopefully), just click the sig.

the explenation in your sig actually did cross my mind, however since i don't own a device as such i don't know the limitations of it. not sure if it's something the guys running the comp will accept, however i suppose there is nothing in the rules to say you can't do it.
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the explenation in your sig actually did cross my mind, however since i don't own a device as such i don't know the limitations of it. not sure if it's something the guys running the comp will accept, however i suppose there is nothing in the rules to say you can't do it.

I think he should be allowed this week as it doesn't say anything about cheat devices in the rules. Next week though I think the organiser needs to make a decision as there may be a few more entry like this now that his secret has been revealed.
I never thought about using a cheat device in these competions. I suppose you could also use the acceleration/speed cheats to come with some interesting pics.
I think he should be allowed this week as it doesn't say anything about cheat devices in the rules. Next week though I think the organiser needs to make a decision as there may be a few more entry like this now that his secret has been revealed.
I never thought about using a cheat device in these competions. I suppose you could also use the acceleration/speed cheats to come with some interesting pics.

It should be pretty straightforward. If you can't take the shot directly from the game then it isn't legal. This shot was suspect for good reason as we all know that shot is impossible without some kind of outside aid.
..and now for the FINAL ENTRY

That's my Honda Life Step Van about to be rear-ended by the mightly Saleen S7. Stupid AI (although he was on the brakes). But I did set a speed record for the Van. Went from 100km to 188 km in a split second!
If you can't take the shot directly from the game then it isn't legal.
Sounds very fair to me. So Brock, please add "all kinds of cheats/codes are prohibited" or something like that to next weeks comps rules. Just to make sure this kind of unpleasent mess up's won't happen again. :)
It should be pretty straightforward. If you can't take the shot directly from the game then it isn't legal. This shot was suspect for good reason as we all know that shot is impossible without some kind of outside aid.

I totally DISAGREE. The shot was taken DIRECTLY FROM THE GAME and I am within the rules stated. Photoshoppers could have done hella more damage if they wanted to. They take multiple pics and chop and paste and etc. just to make 1 pic. I did none of that and did it on just 1 take.
I totally DISAGREE. The shot was taken DIRECTLY FROM THE GAME and I am within the rules stated...
It may be within the stated rules but it is accepted by the online community that the use of cheat devices, in any form, is prohibited in competitions, be that racing or otherwise. It could be argued that because you used such a device you no longer took a photomode picture from GT4 but from a modified or hybrid version of the program and therefore your entry does not meet the requirements of this competition.
It may be within the stated rules but it is accepted by the online community that the use of cheat devices, in any form, is prohibited in competitions, be that racing or otherwise. It could be argued that because you used such a device you no longer took a photomode picture from GT4 but from a modified or hybrid version of the program and therefore your entry does not meet the requirements of this competition.
Exactly, you can use any picture that can be produced with just a Playstation 2 and an original copy of GT4. The other stuff in the rules is stuff that is extra. If it's not in the list, then don't do it or rather yet, ask.

dropzone, please change your final entry.
Ok I have a question, I have asked this before but I want to double check. If I had a final entry which I posted but turned out to be invalid, could I use it again? As it was not an entry should it be ok?
I totally DISAGREE. The shot was taken DIRECTLY FROM THE GAME and I am within the rules stated. Photoshoppers could have done hella more damage if they wanted to. They take multiple pics and chop and paste and etc. just to make 1 pic. I did none of that and did it on just 1 take.

It WAS taken from the game,i'll give you that credit. But you still manipulated the game itself to make an attempt at winning. Had we been total retards, you may have won. Let me waste some of your time here....

See, everyone else in the PMC uses fair Photomode pictures. Manipulation overall is not how your supposed to win. To win, you have to have the skill to be able to make a perfect, realistic picture without adjusting much of anything. You don't have to photoshop your car to hell to get a good picture. I'd vote for a good, un photoshopped picture rather than an ungodly, photoshopped picture. Simply because getting a great, normal photo can be challenging (more than just going into photoshop and editing who knows what). I think the rule for next week (and every week after) should be that only "Brightness/Contrast blah blah blah may be changed" and then add "no other manipulation of any kind may be done to the game or picture, this includes cheats, chopping/shopping/photoshopping, and using any modifications to the game or console". I think everybody should have the same rules, espeically since the code was used on an external device, which not everyone has. Everybody that enters has a PS2 and a controller, but not everyone has a Gameshark (which is all the more manipulation). I think he can slide for this week, but from now on, we should set the rule i showed above.

/end $0.02
It WAS taken from the game,i'll give you that credit. But you still manipulated the game itself to make an attempt at winning. Had we been total retards, you may have won. Let me waste some of your time here....

See, everyone else in the PMC uses fair Photomode pictures. Manipulation overall is not how your supposed to win. To win, you have to have the skill to be able to make a perfect, realistic picture without adjusting much of anything. You don't have to photoshop your car to hell to get a good picture. I'd vote for a good, un photoshopped picture rather than an ungodly, photoshopped picture. Simply because getting a great, normal photo can be challenging (more than just going into photoshop and editing who knows what). I think the rule for next week (and every week after) should be that only "Brightness/Contrast blah blah blah may be changed" and then add "no other manipulation of any kind may be done to the game or picture, this includes cheats, chopping/shopping/photoshopping, and using any modifications to the game or console". I think everybody should have the same rules, espeically since the code was used on an external device, which not everyone has. Everybody that enters has a PS2 and a controller, but not everyone has a Gameshark (which is all the more manipulation). I think he can slide for this week, but from now on, we should set the rule i showed above.

/end $0.02

I DID NOT PHOTOSHOP. I don't know what it takes to photoshop a pic, and my pic took WORK to get it together. Don't even worry about those pics being in this competition as entries, I will change my final entry(maybe no entry). My truck competition submission luckily got a mention, and now the Mercs here who knows how they would've done.
To win, you have to have the skill to be able to make a perfect, realistic picture without adjusting much of anything. You don't have to photoshop your car to hell to get a good picture. I'd vote for a good, un photoshopped picture rather than an ungodly, photoshopped picture.

Well said dude, just for an example in the advance 2.0 comp which allows photoshoping i got a second place with 20 something votes, and i only croped and resized my picture (the triathlon pic)..... conposition is very impoertant.

Dropzone, manipulation is not everything, have a look at some of the other fantastic pictures in this weeks comp alone. great compesitions, some don't even have any photoshoping, which is allowed, yet they will still probably make the top 20 entires.
:drool: Give GTChamp some competition:lol::drool: No chance, it's gonna get my vote:eek:

Although Lando AWD unleashed his secret weapon:P;) Gotta think about this one....
Well i wasnt going to do one but what the heck here is mine.

Final Entry



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