vat_man, thanks for the thoughtful critique. If my post came over with an attitude, it was because I've been waiting so long, as have we all, that the disappointment was painful. I'd also been standing around in the shop for 2.5 hours, after an appointment finished earlier than expected.
I've been going through some of the License tests that I hadn't finished earlier. The handling improved slightly from the test with the Toyota Celica onwards. Which had surprisingly little understeer(for a frontwheel drive car), maybe it was the aerodynamics. And felt a bit more like previous games. But the cars I had got earlier, felt heavy and understeered. It was hard to even get a an Evo or Impreza to slide with the handbrake. Something I've never had any problems with before. You would think it would be even easier than usual in "Arcade" mode.
I normally turn the wheels left and right while I'm waiting for the countdown, even that seems sluggish.
I've enjoyed "driving" most of the cars in previous games, but some of these don't feel nice at all.(To me only?)
The longevity of this game will come from the License tests I think. Trying to overtake cars without touching or going off track is a challenge.
I still stand by what I've said previously. And if you can try it out before you buy, take advantage of it. .
Although it looks like I'm in quite a small minority my feeling of the game. You should be safe.
But don't say I didn't warn you.
I was surprised by the New York track, there being a lot of similar tracks in Project Gotham Racing. This track is brighter and more colourful than PGR. But if you have PGR, it will be very familier.