So I decided to revisit some posts of mine:
So here I am 6 years later and here's a more detailed description of some of the tracks I didn't really like:
Street Circuits:
Hong Kong: Felt it was just too tight. Its like they tried to make a Monaco out of it, but didn't succeed. It hardly had much elevation change and it was extremely difficult to be consistant around it.
Opera Paris: Its basically the perfect example of why I don't like most modern street courses in real life: Too many tight radius corners and only maybe a straight or two of open throttle. As I said before, the bumps are overly exaggerated.
Seoul: While it is not constricting like the other two are, its kind of uninteresting. The only challenge is the little tight corner coming to the front stretch. Just feels empty overall.
George V Paris: More or less, the very same reason I feel about Opera Paris, although the night makes it even more annoying.
Seattle: Yep, you're reading this correctly: Seattle is one that I now look at and don't like. I think its because ever since I've really gotten into racing and have begun to sort've factor in realistic elements from real tracks, its changed my feelings on it. I don't hate it per se but I'm no longer as high on it as I used to.
Real World Circuits:
Fuji Speedway 2005 (Both Configurations): Even now in GT6, I maintain my destain for the track. I just feel it doesn't flow like the 90s configuration did, too many tight corners.
Tsukuba: Didn't really care for it back then and I really am annoyed by it now. It just feels monogamous and repetitive, something that was really kicked up many notches with the endures in both GT4 and GT5.
As for tracks I used to hate:
Laguna Seca: That License test in GT3 is what really made me despise this track. Overtime though in many sim iterations and televised races, I've grown to actually like it. Its short and technical and I'm not really bored by it, it keeps me on my toes.
Nurburgring Nordscheliefe: Hated this track, mainly because I was just so easily frustraited and imitated by it. Now however, I love the hell out of it. The more faster or challenging the car, the bigger the rush is for me. I never get tired of it.
I maintain this, although now I'd like to add Nurburging to that as well