GT4 Trivia Info

  • Thread starter Gamer_Kid

Should we have a GT4 trivia on this site.

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Great idea! Even using questions from outside GT4, or questions related to the cars in GT4 but not the actual game would increase the longevity of the thread.

You may find this difficult to keep up with, without a Premium Membership, as your inbox will only hold 50 messages at a time and it looks as though there's enough interest that you'll get swamped. If you upgrade to Premium, your inbox will hold 1500 messages so you won't have too much difficulty.
Something to consider. ;)
Considering that opendriver19a already revealed the answer I assume this first question is already cancelled? Not that it is a big deal, as even those few who did not know this answer could have looked it up in just a few mouse clicks.

For a slightly more challenging trivia question, see what kind of responses you get for the following:

  • What is the most expensive car that can only be acquired in used condition, and by using the depreciation formula in GT4, what would have been its original asking price if sold new in the game?

Please don't post your answers here! Either PM me, or if it is OK with Gamer_Kid, send in your submission to his email addy that he provided with your GTP Member Name.
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