GT4 vs Forza [Let the battle begin]

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my point is i have been a GT fan from day one, but lost interest in the series after playing FORZA. FORZA may not be as pretty as GT4, but the gameplay,physics, AI, and online play makes FORZA far more superior. oh yea, the ability to customize your cars with body kits and designing your own paint scheme, and the DRIVATAR blows away the B-SPEC mode in GT4.

I can't comment too much on the Forza game, but I dont really care if the AI is bad in GT4 because I am always ahead of them, thanks to my good driving :) . The point of the game for me is to beat it. Plus its not like when you paint your car it will make it more airdynamic.
I've had an Xbox since shortly after launch and I also have several problems with it:
1. The huge size, weight, and the fact that it is a proven fire hazard.

Well it's hardly meant to be a portable unit tbh. My xbox hasn't set on fire...yet.

2. My Xbox has the Thompson Drive, the crappiest drive known to mankind.

Yup. Poor you :(

3. I have very large hands, but the controller that came with my Xbox 'may' have been useful for one thing....a boat anchor.

The S pads are a gazillion times better. The "duke" pads suck.

4. Very few software titles to suit my needs. I don't think that I've bought more than 5 games for this system and I only have two left: The Elder Scrolls III:Morrowind and PGR2. The only other halfway decent title was TOCA Race Driver 2, but that was a ridiculously short, easy, and buggy game that has since been sold.

Fair enough, but you should give Ninja Gaiden, KOTOR (1 and 2), Rallisport Challenge 2, Halo 1 and 2, Forza and FSW a go :). Most multiformat games like Burnout 3 etc are usually abit better on the xbox also. The xbox doesn't have as many games as the PS2 does, but it really does have some nice software too.

Sony definitely has the market cornered on quality software ever since Nintendo went all kiddie.

I'd say it's pretty neck and neck my self. Nintendo still make some cool games man!

The only thing that helped make PGR2 and TOCA RD2 playable at all on the Xbox was an adapter that I bought at Gamestop that allowed me to use the DualShock 2 Controller.

See my previous point.

After playing the GT4 Demo, GT4, and now Enthusia with the DFP, I will not play another racing game with a controller. Since there aren't any good force feedback wheels for the Xbox, I won't be wasting money on Forza.

It's hardly a waste, but fair enough. Can't say I've ever been bothered about the wheel issue, well not until they make one that actually feels like a proper one.
I played forza for my first time today after a 5 hour session with gt4 with my friend and my opinion is that gt4 definatly has superior physics provided you use the economy, comfort and road tyres. People say they are the same but they are widly diferent from each other to me The graphics-(very disapointed) the handling the style are all diferent but i still think its a real cool game i just fully done up the 240sx with a rb26 engine :scared: Its Crazey it goes nuts :dunce:
McLaren F1GTR
Zero, upload your CDs to the Hard Drive in a file.
Then go to Options, Audio, and select Soundtrack.

There you go.

I'm not stupid I know how to do that but whenever I finish a race with my 3 6 Mafia cd's playing the XBox says "Either your disc is damaged or dirty" message and it pisses me off.
I'm not stupid I know how to do that but whenever I finish a race with my 3 6 Mafia cd's playing the XBox says "Either your disc is damaged or dirty" message and it pisses me off.
Well excuse me for trying to help you when all you say is
" Forza sucks because you really cannot have custom soundtracks like they say you can"

Was I supposed to know that your cds were getting errors?

That problem I haven't encountered, so actually yes, you really can have custom soundtracks like they say you can. Your's is just getting an error.
I bought Forza a few weeks ago. I gotta say, it does have its neat features. Online, Car Customizability, custom soundtracks, and several others that GT4 doesn't have. But I've been playing Forza day in and day out, and I havent had any fun with it. For one, I can't get used to the controller, since I've been using the DFP ever since it came out. I just can't race with the controller. And I find the graphics to be a little bit better on GT4 in some cases, but thats not a big deal. The collision and physics all felt real, no complaints there, it's just that I didnt have any fun playing it, like I have with GT4. I'll say this though, if GT4 had what Forza has, then GT4 would be the ultimate. This is just my opinion though.
Well I do not recomend getting an XBOX just for this game, I am highly dissapointed.
- 2 player no replay.
- 2 player, cars will spawn when getting closer.
- Engine sounds are up to par, but i think they need to work on the turbo, supercharger sounds.
- Tracks suck balls.
- Graphics are good, but the colors sucks, giving GT4 the big edge.
- GT4 reflections kick major a$$.
- Not enough of engine modifications.
whats the big deal with being able to have your own music i could just pop a disk in the stereo turn it up and play. There my own music while i can still here the Sound effects of GT4 on the TV.
I for instance have all my consoles and my cd player connected to one reciever. And because of the fact it can only pass through one signal it isn't possible to listen to a cd and the gamesound at the same time.
I for instance have all my consoles and my cd player connected to one reciever. And because of the fact it can only pass through one signal it isn't possible to listen to a cd and the gamesound at the same time.

Mine (old, inexpensive Sony from 1992) on the other hand mixes input from two of the inputs (CD and Video) automatically. My computer is on the one, and TV on the other. So I just need to start up Winamp, although generally I mostly listen to the engine ... ;)
whats the big deal with being able to have your own music i could just pop a disk in the stereo turn it up and play. There my own music while i can still here the Sound effects of GT4 on the TV.
Because it's cool. You don't have to listen to crap someone else chose; it's all about what music you like. 👍
After putting in hours upon hours with Forza, both with the pad and with the Fanatec wheel, my vote is still for GT4. Despite being a GT fan (not fanboy...) since day 1, I was actually looking forward to another commendable console sim or at least a comparable driving experience. Forza's just not it. If it wasn't for the eclectic car selection, and relatively impressive AI, I'd put it behind TOCA 2. It's got the online play, and the damage, and the customization, yadda, yadda, yadda, but it feels "off".

The cars feel stiff and wooden, not intuitive, or connected to the pavement, for that matter. It's even more apparent in the replays; the cars hover above the tires and the suspension, totally unaffected. They don't pitch or yaw or lean under braking or cornering, at all.

Then there's the sound. I run a Dolby 5.1 system, and while it's not a 10,000 watt earth-moving setup it holds it's own and Forza sounds like crap. The car engines and tire squeals are there, but it sounds like their coming out of the same channel; or all five channels at the same time, like a racing soup or something. It's difficult to tell how close your opponent is or what side he's coming from.
After putting in hours upon hours with Forza, both with the pad and with the Fanatec wheel, my vote is still for GT4. Despite being a GT fan (not fanboy...) since day 1, I was actually looking forward to another commendable console sim or at least a comparable driving experience. Forza's just not it. If it wasn't for the eclectic car selection, and relatively impressive AI, I'd put it behind TOCA 2. It's got the online play, and the damage, and the customization, yadda, yadda, yadda, but it feels "off".

The cars feel stiff and wooden, not intuitive, or connected to the pavement, for that matter. It's even more apparent in the replays; the cars hover above the tires and the suspension, totally unaffected. They don't pitch or yaw or lean under braking or cornering, at all.

Then there's the sound. I run a Dolby 5.1 system, and while it's not a 10,000 watt earth-moving setup it holds it's own and Forza sounds like crap. The car engines and tire squeals are there, but it sounds like their coming out of the same channel; or all five channels at the same time, like a racing soup or something. It's difficult to tell how close your opponent is or what side he's coming from.

Yeah the lack of body roll is a big dissapointment to me, there is no sense of weight shift when braking and the cars do look like they are hovering from side to side in the replays when the car is moving across the track, still a not too bad 1st attempt, hopefully they will rectify these problems with forza2 on xbox360, engine sounds not too good neither but love the tyre squeel. One final grunt is the plasticky look of some of the cars, gt4 wins hands down on car models, I dont know why they bothered with the fancy coloured reflections, they run over the cars jerkily and probably contributed to the 30fps.
Well I'm running Forza through a 1000 watt 5.1 surround sound system and must admit the car sounds don't actually sound too bad. Wether that's down to my speakers I don't know.
I keep hearing how forza has better physics than GT4 but when I watch the game vids the cars on forza look twitchy and arcadish, and without a quality FF wheel I don't see how it can be better the vids just look silly to me.
I keep hearing how forza has better physics than GT4 but when I watch the game vids the cars on forza look twitchy and arcadish, and without a quality FF wheel I don't see how it can be better the vids just look silly to me.

Yes the steering is twitchy, Forza does not have the slowed down steering like GT4 does when you are using a controller. Forza's steering ratio is 1:1 on the thumbstick and because there is a small deadzone in the center, it makes the steering look and feel erratic. this can be compensated for by implementing the "rubberband trick" as many GT fans have been doing for years to make their steering motions more fluid and smooth.

although the steering may seem twitchy, you do get used to it and learn to be more delicate with your controls. (its still gonna be twitchy, mine look twitchy all the time) Forza has unbelievable tire and suspension dynamics, feels better than any other console racer than Ive ever played.
After putting in hours upon hours with Forza, ....
it feels "off".
I finally rented Forza and played with it a bit this past weekend, and I couldn't agree with you more. It's got more cars and tracks than the XBOX Magazine Demo that I bought in December, and that's the best that I can say about it, so I'll leave it at that.
Finally got round to buying forza ms and its was better than i was expecting, it really is not a bad game at all and i think the graphics are great.

The problems started after the ''honeymoon'' period lol. Forza is missing something, i cant figure out what, but theres deffinatly something missing.

Gran Turismo 4 keeps me coming back again and again, again and again but forza doesnt, the weird thing being, i dont really know why :confused:
GT4 100% all the way, photomode has me stuck 60% done, i think i'm starting to play more GT4 then COUNTER-STRIKE, it has somthen addictive to it but i don't know what. just like neutral gamer said. my neibor has Forza, and there huge XBOX fans, they call me almost every day, they can get anoughing i check it out, and all they have done is change the color of the car. thats one reason why i don't play forza, i don't wanna be like that. sonna wanna be amazed just because the car color is different. i know that sounds stupid but thats not me its aa Forza freek.
Well i't's a toss up between, your friends who create imaginative paintjobs with varying colors and designs and limitless possibilities.....


You who are stuck at 60% because you're so enthrawled with taking pictures.
GT4 100% all the way, photomode has me stuck 60% done, i think i'm starting to play more GT4 then COUNTER-STRIKE, it has somthen addictive to it but i don't know what. just like neutral gamer said. my neibor has Forza, and there huge XBOX fans, they call me almost every day, they can get anoughing i check it out, and all they have done is change the color of the car. thats one reason why i don't play forza, i don't wanna be like that. sonna wanna be amazed just because the car color is different. i know that sounds stupid but thats not me its aa Forza freek.

Changing the colour is not the only thing you can do.

Code, if I ever start working for M$ I'll personaly do my best to hire you at my office :).

Just K, in fact I pop by here after 2 months or so just to see what happend after the first release-bash and I'm more then glad to see that all of my points regarding Forza were correct.

Fire them out, all of them. :D
I had the chance to play Forza at my mate's place last week, and I was very impressed. The game is genuinely excellent. But so is GT4. I've got a PS2 and GT4, and Forza didn't do anything that would make me want to get an XBox and Forza.

In a comparison manner, I found Forza's sounds a lot better, the V8's were superb. Visuals were a little worse, I thought the vehicle models lacked a little sharp definition and were what I would describe as amorphous. I can only imagine this comes from having the bodyshell model being deformable. The tracks I saw were a bit barren too, but I didn't see them all by a long shot.

As for the physics, I'm not sure, as I was having to get to grips with controlling with triggers whilst holding what appeared to be a frisbee with buttons. Everything seemed similar to GT on a short play, brake, steer, throttle and such and the AI was a bit better than GT, but had a tendency to actually try to ram me off the road, where in GT they do it out of ignorance.

There were a few things that turned me off it. The inclusion of a few NFSU type things with graphics and such mainly. I have NFSU and I like it, but a serious racing game has no place for making your car look like a tart's handbag. For street racing where it's part of the culture, it's fine. But in GT or Forza, visual modifications should be limited to those which are brought in as a method to increase your speed or grip, wings, venturi tunnels, and even flared arches for wider wheel tracks are all racing based changes. Roof scoops on a front engined car are not.

I'd like to play it again to see if it has the special feeling that GT has which makes me want to play it after all this time. I still play GT1 now, would I want to play Forza 1 in 8 years time? And could I on the 3rd gen Xbox? I heard backwards compatability is going to be iffy.
