GT4 WRS Week 127 : Colin McRae Memorial Race

  • Thread starter Sjaak


GTP_Race Admin
The Netherlands
:GT4 WRS WEEK 127:


Race Details:
  • Mode: Arcade Mode > Single Hotlap > Dirt & Snow
  • Track: Cathedral Rocks Trail 1 ( Forward )
  • Make: Japan > Subaru
  • Model: Impreza Rally Car '99
Vehicle Specifics:
  • Power: (0%) 300hp
  • Weight: (-10%) 1107kg
  • Top Speed: Any
  • Driving Aids: NA
  • Transmission: Any
  • Tyre Type: NA / Default Dirt DT
Week 127 Race Specifics:

No wall contacts whatsoever .. 100% clean please!

Standard Clean OLR Rules:
  • 2 wheels on (or vertically in line with) the track at all times
  • rumble/ripple strips are part of the track
  • no contact with walls or objects, visible or invisible
  • if you're not 100% sure that your lap is clean, then consider it dirty
  • no hybrids
  • no cheating of any kind
  • nothing that goes against the spirit of the rules
  • save your replay ('Save Ghost Replay' icon)
Thread rules:
The following info cannot be discussed in this thread (they can, however, be discussed on MSN or via other private conversation methods):
  • lap time
  • any information which can be used to infer lap time
All submissions must be sent by PM to me (sjaak68):
  • you can submit only once per race
  • please include in your submission PM your division, name and final lap time
  • deadline is Monday 1st October 6 pm GMT
  • if you are still unsure of the deadline try this site
Time verification:
Save your replay and keep it at least a full week after the time has been submitted:
  • fastest times each week will be required to submit a replay for verification
  • any submitted time is subject to a time verification request
  • when a time verification has been requested, the concerned racer must provide a replay before the next race deadline
  • failure to do so will result in the removal of the unverified submission from WRS results
  • video replays are not accepted, only .max, .xps or .sps files can be verified
Thanks to Mr P for testing and making this race.

Cheers Ron.:cheers:
Looks like it will be great fun. 👍
Rally is something I came to appreciate over time and maybe the PS2 will get some GT4 playtime this week just for this race. :cheers:
Thanks to Mr P for testing and making this race.

Cheers Ron.:cheers:

It was a pleasure mate :) this combo is dynamite and was not a chore in any way to test 👍

Lets hope even some of the non ralliers will at least throw a few laps down before they decide its a no go ;) as I think this combo is that enjoyable and easy to drive its enough to rekindle a spark of faith in GT4 as a rally engine :cool:

Good luck to all over the week and dont forget to remember Colin as you are galloping over the start line and give it your best as its all thats required .. as well as staying clean of course ;) I will put a good bit of effort into this for the great man himself ... R.I.P Colin you rule mate :cheers:

Well said Ron.

Even though i may not get around to submitting as usual, i will certainly turn the ps2 on now and dedicate 60 mins to a rally legend who brought me through so many smiling moments jumping the crests in australia in his games and watching his antics on tv.

Good call on the race, i knew GTP would come through with a fitting tribute.

Good luck all and R.I.P.:bowdown:Colin


Slow ones to start with, my wheel is still smokin though 👍
Much harder on the DFP than id like, hope it lasts the week.
Gearing 220
I had a session on this the other day so I already have a head start .. here's my best after the session I just ran now ..

17.066 / 43.501 / 1'13.938 ( auto 250 )

Loving this one :cheers:
I'll be back
Looks interesting, Ron and Sjaak :sly:

I can only give it a go on Wednesday, so I need to plan a long session then :dopey:
Half an hour of playing in the dirt and I'm down to a 1'19.5 with usage of some walls I imagine.

I agree it's a good race, but I sure as hell wish there was something that would tell me if I've touched a wall. Blah.

My first almost clean or possibly clean lap was a 1'22 something... You guys are freaking flying and sure to scare away some of the slowers... Maybe. :)
In GT4 rallying VEXD style there is one golden rule:

You must be slow to be fast.

Sometimes braking more to keep a tighter line will yield faster laptimes.

The combo is awesome, but holding the throttle on and steering the car allows it to run very wide in some turns.... there is a need to back off and slowly progress; to be faster.

I always remember the vid that ran on GT2 of the Tommi Makkinen on Tahiti Maze... where the throttle inputs were shown.... bouncing the gas pedal on long hairpins seems to help IMO.


Good luck all
Wow, you guys are rediculous. I need to take a few tips. I have my power setting at 0% like im supposed to and I cant manage anything less than a x'xx: anything!
i understand the need for a colin memorial race. good thinking there sjaak.
but i dont do rallyes in gt4 cos they are just
so good luck all and see you next week.
i'll be working on my new game save 'cos my old 96,4 one got corrupted and i messed up the backing up of it :grumpy:
excellent combo, a great tribute race indeed, gonna give it a go now (dfp only)
2 hour session using 220 managed to do no clean laps but had a good lap going, buggered it up near the end though, splits of 16.945 (845) 3x.224 and 1'13.248. back with some more later, DFP settings- weakest possible force feedback (mild and 60 percent reduced on dfp) and simulation steering (that adds to the weakness of the force feedback). gorgeous combo:D
T1: 19.038
T2: 47.353
T3: 1'21.363

Never was much cop at the rally sections but this lap is clean (I think). Quick question though - just before the start/finish line there is a load of runoff type area - is that allowed to be used?
Quick question though - just before the start/finish line there is a load of runoff type area - is that allowed to be used?

With rallying, everything is part of the track. Just don't hit the walls 👍
Wow, you guys are rediculous. I need to take a few tips. I have my power setting at 0% like im supposed to and I cant manage anything less than a xxx anything!

Sorry mate .. You are not allowed to post your final time in any form whatsoever .. I know you are new and its an easy mistake! just keep it in mind for future events 👍 splits only please :cheers:
I've got class today from 11am to about 12pm, then it's back home and by about 2pm I should be able to start running laps. Like Ron said, this combo (for me) is enough to get a non-rallier into racing GT4 again.
Can't wait to get started. :cheers:

Even if I'm running 1'20s where Ron is under 1'14 I'm still going to submit. That's the least I can do for the sake of P, Sjaak, and of course, the memory of Mr Mcrae. :bowdown:
Mr. P I owe an appology to the forum. I found where my mistake was. Sorry about that.

No probs mate it happens and we have all done it 👍
I have edited my quote which will let you edit your main post with the time on it and its all forgotten ;)
Ron. :cheers:
I like what I see here. It'll be a fun race and a tribute to the Greatest Rally driver. I'm definately gonna take part.
Top speed 220:

I can't believe there are guys already doing 1'13... :scared:👍
Well, started with a 1'25.9, worked my way down to a 1'22.0. 👍
Nothing special but I'm slowly getting to my goal (below 1'20).
Back later when I've beat my goal, until then,
Best clean so far:


Great combo guys. 👍👍
hey managed a clean lap with splits of 16.890 43.067 1'13.169

gonna try for a second barrier time later
well I can only muster 1'18s after 6 laps or so. Love this combo. :cheers:

clean splits:

LeaderBoard Updated 👍
Dayum mang! 👍 1'18s in 6 laps, while I can't do a clean 1'19 in a full half an hour... :crazy: Well done! I'll probably get back to this combo tomorrow night.
Lets see.

Rally: Check. 👍

Holiday: Check. 👍

Colin Memorial: Check. 👍

So what am I waiting for? My memory card to work, GT4 to work, and a brother who was just born :(

No worries, though. I'll try my best to drive this week
Figures that my favorite track for a rally is the week when I have obscene amount work to do. Not to mention the fact that I haven't picked up a playstation yet for my apartment... But if I can borrow one, I'll give it a shot!