GT4 WRS Week 171 : JGTC300 @ Tokyo Reverse

  • Thread starter Sphinx


Staff Emeritus
United Kingdom
:: GT4 WRS Week 171 ::



:: Tokyo Route 246 (Reverse) ::

Race Details:
  • Mode: Arcade Mode > Time Trial > City Courses
  • Track: Tokyo Route 246 (Reverse)
  • Make: Japan > RE Amemiya

Vehicle Specifics:
  • Power: (+20%) 382hp
  • Weight: (-10%) 990kg
  • Driving Aids: ANY
  • Top Speed: Any
  • Transmission: Any
  • Tyre Type: Racing - Hards

Week 171 Race Specifics:

Enjoy. :)

Week 172 Race Preview :

No idea at the moment

Standard Clean OLR Rules:
  • 2 wheels on (or vertically in line with) the track at all times
  • rumble/ripple strips are part of the track
  • no contact with walls or objects, visible or invisible
  • if you're not 100% sure that your lap is clean, then consider it dirty
  • no hybrids
  • no cheating of any kind
  • nothing that goes against the spirit of the rules
  • save your replay ('Save Ghost Replay' icon)

Thread rules:

The following info cannot be discussed in this thread (they can, however, be discussed on MSN or via other private conversation methods):
  • lap time
  • any information which can be used to infer lap time


All submissions must be sent by PM to me (Sphinx):
  • you can submit only once per race
  • please include in your submission PM your division, name and final lap time
  • deadline is Tuesday 05th August 9pm GMT
  • if you are unsure of the deadline try this site

Time verification:

Save your replay and keep it at least a full week after the time has been submitted:
  • all gold times each week will be required to submit a replay for verification
  • any submitted time is subject to a time verification request
  • when a time verification has been requested, the concerned racer must provide a replay before the next race deadline
  • failure to do so will result in the removal of the unverified submission from WRS results
  • video replays are not accepted, only .max, .xps or .sps files can be verified
  • Those who have .xps or .sps files, can they please convert them to .max before submission
Same race from week 94 except different tires. Interesting choice Jerry, I'll give it a go, should be fun to run again. 👍
Same race from week 94 except different tires. Interesting choice Jerry, I'll give it a go, should be fun to run again. 👍

As the thread title states it is also in reverse.
Have you two been running it in the normal direction?
I do believe its reverse and Sphinx forgot to include that in the post.
Sphinx did said that it's reverse check the thread title (GT4 WRS Week 171 : JGTC300 @ Tokyo Reverse <<<< ) ;)
Oops. I didn't see it in the title. :dopey: Actually, I did see it, but then saw the post and it wasn't there so I went on running forward for 10 laps. :D Had to tell George to change direction too... :sly:
:D enjoy Jake, but wt abt if i hit the wall a couple off times?? is it ok? :D
Awww. I had my hopes up it could be pick a car event and I'd get to use my beloved Autobacs MR-S.:dunce:
T1 39.590
T2 1'19.372

Tryin to improve :D

2nd run

T1 38.689
T2 1'18.588
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First splits


Question: Anybody seeing any weird times with this combo? I had a session record of 1'02 some how, hows that happen? I also saw a t2 time on

No problem Sphinx. Thanks to you we are racing.
Question: Anybody seeing any weird times with this combo? I had a session record of 1'02 some how, hows that happen? I also saw a t2 time on

01GTP, yes it happened to me!!!! while i was racing the ghost disappeared and i got a fastest lap of 1'!!!!! can't tell why except that my GT4 is a copy not the original...
First splits after breakfast. Nice combo Jerry, fun little beastie!!


Haven't had any weird stuff like 01GTP and Marooned have experienced.........yet!
01GTP, yes it happened to me!!!! while i was racing the ghost disappeared and i got a fastest lap of 1'!!!!! can't tell why except that my GT4 is a copy not the original...

It happened to me as well, and I remember this happening in a Tokyo endurance race. I think it has something to do with hitting the wall in just the right spot in that big left sweeping corner in the 2nd sector (Tokyo reverse).
Hi everyone :) !!
First splits:

T1: 37.401 (37.235)
T2: 1'15.477 (1'15.124)

Done with 280 gearing
New splits


Hey, gtbadboy its only a coat of paint between us for now. 👍
jmgyro, yes that's exactly where the ghost vanished :D

Anyways it's back to normal after i quit the session n started a new one....

no change for the splits, tryin to get .2xx less
jmgyro, yes that's exactly where the ghost vanished :D

Anyways it's back to normal after i quit the session n started a new one....

no change for the splits, tryin to get .2xx less
New splits


Hey, gtbadboy its only a coat of paint between us for now. 👍

Just like old times. :sly:


Have seen consistently better by 0.2-0.3 at T1, just cannot seem to figure out that second sector yet. But plenty of time, and I like these city tracks. ;)

BOARD Updated through my post. Have not put jmgyro on this board since his splits are still for forward.

Some nice splits from Zikwik and Le Stig. 👍
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Nothing new this a.m. Fishing was too good!! :)

I'm losing a little time at the top of the hill. That double left before T1 is costing me right now. I can't decided how to handle them at the moment. Like you say Kevin: still plenty of time eh? :dunce:

I'd like to see those three cars at the line. Looks pretty darn close if you ask me. :crazy: Onward!!