- 900
- Devon
My internet is down at home so i couldnt submit, doesnt realy matter i had a 4.16, didn't realy like the week. Congrats to all the stunning times!!
holl01interesting splits/lap times iceman, i find it hard to believe that u could be 1.2 seconds faster on a single lap, no matter how good ur secretive setup is, this time certainly needs verifying... when i initially had a go at it without the wing, my 3rd lap was around 1'20.5xx, peaking at a 1'20.3xx, and i thought my setup wasnt that bad. so as far as i am concerned, ur lap is invalid unless u pulled off a miracle. If i am mistaken, i apoligise in advance:tup:
holl01interesting splits/lap times iceman, i find it hard to believe that u could be 1.2 seconds faster on a single lap, no matter how good ur secretive setup is, this time certainly needs verifying... when i initially had a go at it without the wing, my 3rd lap was around 1'20.5xx, peaking at a 1'20.3xx, and i thought my setup wasnt that bad. so as far as i am concerned, ur lap is invalid unless u pulled off a miracle. If i am mistaken, i apoligise in advance:tup:
Casio^^^ Exactly.
While there is no rule that states you have to post your set-up and split times. It's just plain courtesy to do so.
Coolgeekz, I think the rest of us know that you well and truely beat us this week, fair and square.
CasioIt doesn't really worry me that he didn't post splits. Mainly because the splits were a pain in the arse to get. I didn't post any splits last week, I guess I'm against the very fabric of WRS too!
Small_FryzSo many racers have gotten fast quickly, how? From watching replays, reading tips, and using setups. If none of this happend, they would be much slower than they are now.
icemanshooter23How is qualifying a loophole?
SphinxSpeak for yourself mate.
Small_Fryzand nowhere in my post did i refer to myself.
Sphinxperhaps you should've
Small_FryzYeah jerry, everybody knows im nothing without my weekly replay from Dan and his setup.
SphinxDon't kill yourself over it mate. nearly everyone else here does that too.
icemanshooter23They are having fun, you just can't tell from the posts
SphinxI guess so, but only when it suits it seems.
I'm 99% sure I saw him online a least a couple of times in the week.KLR142He could've looked at the thread once, sat down and played for a while, then never came back and looked at the thread again.
nice then, yeah it would have been nice if u could post ur settings iceman, u didnt, and u look like a stingy little secretive, i might loose to someone if i post my settings for everyone to see, type guy. and i did say u 'look' like that, i know u from alot of various msn convo's and ur cool, just in future...Dr_Watsoni just watched the replay.
SS tires, correct HP, 35K miles on the clock, no wing, and totally clean.
looks like the secret weapon was using the Stability controller to remove all understeer.
He was able to take turn 1 and the big double apex sweeper at speeds that would have made my un-aided roll-caged scooby slide nose first into the wall.
good clean times from the iceman. 👍
MisterWearyBut, I don't expect people to do that. Finding out in the results about someone's lap is fine with me because firstly, it is just a game and secondly not everyone has the time and energy to post splits etc. So I applaud iceman's win and I have no problem with the qualifying thing, it was a very nice win man
CasioThe rest of us managed to follow the rules rather then exploit them.
icemanshooter23How can you guys be such hypocrites?
Last week fasj didn't post splits and eveyone was saying how it was ok and there's nothing that says you have to. And now suddenly 1 week later it's totally changed. I like how you guys immediately label me the bad guy. I've been nothing but friendly to everyone in the WRS and GTP since the GT3 WRS. How was I supposed to know we couldn't qualify? I raced this the Wednesday after it was posted and never came back to it, so I never really looked at the splits or discussion closely after that. Was I supposed to follow a rule set in race 20 weeks ago that I probably never even saw? I'm sorry if I'm supposed to look at races a third of a year old to find rules I supposedly am supposed to follow.
MisterWearyBTW How many pixels wide is that new avatar of yours Casio man 👍