GT4 WRS Weekly Leaderboard

  • Thread starter Tedehur
sorry for the double post but this is for leaderboard management.
in order to speed up the updating process i deleted wrs weeks 1 thru 99 from luxy's. the complete information is emailed to gingiba and crxnut, sits in my pc and is attached to this post for security.


  • wrs luxy leaderboard all
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it's done. the update process seems to be going at least twice as fast now. hope nobody minds, and if you need the info from past wrs weeks before week 100 you could pick up the attached zipfile and look for what you want.
Super duper double thanks for all your work and the updates as well.
you're welcome and thanks for letting me know how you feel about it. if noone responds it feels like i'm doing it for **** and might as well stop spending time on it but thru posts like yours i know some friends like what i do 👍 👍 👍
I just downloaded the file. this will be great for future reference. Thanks Steven...
leaderboard up to week 114



Well done on the update Steven! 👍

More names to compete against this time, and I've got second place in div3, Yay! :)
Just noticed a few errors in the leaderboard. Well two, both regarding me. The first one is that well, although I'm flattered, I'm not Division 1. The second is that only my time for week 113 is up and not 114. I don't know if this is an in-progress leaderboard, but figured I'd make note of those two things.
itll be fixed shortly mate
btw if you just come by and join us for a little racing more than just once every 10 weeks or so these things wont happen LOL
EDIT fixed it & updated together with week 115 results
itll be fixed shortly mate
btw if you just come by and join us for a little racing more than just once every 10 weeks or so these things wont happen LOL

Ohh true. But now that I've been out of school. I submitted 3 weeks in a row, and plan on making it 4 of 5. So I'm enjoying this whole no school work being able to race as much as I can.

So hopefully there won't be a need remove/add my name to the list, it'll stay up for a while.
Hey Guys,
I am new to the WRS, and I am impressed by the amount of work you guys are putting in maintaining the leaderboard. I have a question though. I am sure that there is a logic behind it, and may be it has been discussed, but I couldn't find it. Could you please tell me why in spite of having 3 different divisions, the percentages are sort of combined? It may not make too much of a difference in the top (may be 2) tiers, but it might make a lot of difference in the third tier. My point is that when you have three separate divisions, like in football etc., why compare the score of ManU with Doncaster? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of having separate divisions in the first place? Let them ride up the divisions and earn the comparison!!

As I said, I am new here and I don't mean any disrespect to anyone. Just curious and a suggestion... I hope to see my name somewhere on the board soon!!
it's simple. the %'s are all calculated based on the same figure and it doesn't make a diff if you're div1, 2 or 3. example: djbaker who has won div3 in the last update got a higher percentage than kelly from div2 who ended up at 7th spot in that week.
it's simple. the %'s are all calculated based on the same figure and it doesn't make a diff if you're div1, 2 or 3. example: djbaker who has won div3 in the last update got a higher percentage than kelly from div2 who ended up at 7th spot in that week.

right... but shouldn't it make a diff?!! It will look much cleaner I think if people are compared to other in *their* division, I think... Otherwise, what is the point of having three separate divisions? People can just be ranked in a single division, as it is right now.
my sweet pal jay will be taking over the leaderboard churns for a while. if he'd live around i'd come over and kiss him. reps for him if i can give them
Cheers Steven!
I'll get an update posted sometime in the next day or so. 👍
WRS Standings wk114-121 👍

Hi All, click the above link to see the 8 week standings a la MisterWeary. Colby has granted me permission to carry on the leaderboard he created.

Instead of posting images in this thread, I have saved the excel file as a web page. Please take note that the individual weeks, division splits, and combined pages have tabs at the bottom of the page.
great work jake 👍 cudos from me!

you might want to check the contents tho ... my name is missing from the div3 overview sheet while i participated in 5 out of 8 weeks. can i help to staighten out anything there?
my name is missing from the div3 overview sheet while i participated in 5 out of 8 weeks. can i help to staighten out anything there?

thanks for the heads up. 👍 It's all set now. If anyone else sees errors please let me know.
thanks for the heads up. 👍 It's all set now. If anyone else sees errors please let me know.

A couple things I just noticed. For week 1 you have me listed under division 1 (I'm division 2). And for the combined leader board, you only included my time from week 7, I also had a time from week 1 and 2. I think that was it, but great work on the board overall!
For week 1 you have me listed under division 1 (I'm division 2). And for the combined leader board, you only included my time from week 7, I also had a time from week 1 and 2.

Fixed it. For some reason your name was giving the script trouble. :dopey: Data entry at 4AM is probably not a good time for accuracy, either :sly:

It would be great if everyone on the board could double-check there own standings and let me know of inconsistencies. Also feel free to create a link to the board in your signatures.
dear new long-term leaderboard-updaterer,
please be aware that the xl-sheet is case-sensitive, so it'll see STLBarcelona as another member than STLbarcelona - just in case you hadnt found out by yourself.
dear new long-term leaderboard-updaterer,
please be aware that the xl-sheet is case-sensitive, so it'll see STLBarcelona as another member than STLbarcelona - just in case you hadnt found out by yourself.

I am having trouble using the Transfer Back option.... :ouch: I think I may have added new names and divisions incorrectly? Any help would be appreciated so I don't have to manually edit the mistakes. 👍

I know nothing about excel but I guess I need this function to be in every div cell:

=IF(E29="","",IF(COUNTIF('Division One'!$D$5:$D$204,E29)=1,1,IF(COUNTIF('Division Two'!$D$5:$D$204,E29)=1,2,IF(COUNTIF('Division Three'!$D$5:$D$204,E29)=1,3,9))))

As it is now when I type in a division number the cell no longer carries the function and wrecks the Transfer Back option.
Can't help with your problem, as Excel is new to me too. :indiff:

I just wanted to point out that I've been missed from weeks 1 & 4 (114 & 117)
Week 1 = 45.45%
Week 4 = 12.5%

Pretty sure they're right, 👍
Cheers Jake!